What makes a positive difference

school-principal-at-desk-300x199 This project aims to investigate the effect of State Education Departments’ policy interventions designed to improve school principals’ flagging well-being. Increasing competition, accountability, and public scrutiny make principals stressed, and since their influence on students is second only to teachers, this threatens Australia’s socioeconomic outcomes.

This project will map policy interventions to changes in principals’ motivation and well-being, and share information about the most productive and cost-effective interventions with key stakeholders across Australia. This research could reverse the declining well-being of Australia’s school leaders.

Team Leader

Professor Herb Marsh


Professor Herb Marsh, Associate Professor Philip Riley, Professor Richard Ryan, Dr Theresa Dicke, Professor Robert Vallerand, Dr Philip Parker, and Dr Paul W Atkins

Start Date

1 July 2016

End Date

30 June 2019

Funding Body

ARC Linkage Grant, Australian Primary Principals Incorporated, NSW Secondary Principals’ Council Incorporated, Teachers Health Fund, Catholic Church Insurance Limited, AHISA Limited


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