Why study at ACU

Graduate with a qualification employers want from a university ranked in the top 2% of universities worldwide and the top 50 of Generation Y universities. Why choose us? Because it's about you.

Our IT programs have achieved 1st place in Australia for:
Skills development
Learner engagement
Teaching quality

Scholarships in Business & IT

ACU offers a range of scholarships specifically for international students. Contact us to learn more - you could be eligible for one or more scholarships to fund your studies.

Making our mark

Top 50 young universities
Top 2 % of all universities worldwide
94 % of our research is considered equal to or above world standard.
Top 7 in Australia for overall undergraduate employment.

Start your journey here

Complete the form below to gain access to our international guide and get personalized information about your study options at ACU.

Gain a competitive edge

Preparing you for your career in Business and IT is our focus. With us, you'll benefit from our Future Ready program, Global Virtual Classrooms, workshop-style classes, and community engagement/internships. We've designed our degrees to ensure you gain experience, build networks, and graduate with the skills and CV to pursue your dream career.

Meet our students

Student profile photo of Kevin Santamaria Bustos

Kevin Santamaria Bustos

From international student to marketing coordinator

"Australia allowed me to study and gain professional experience at the same time, which was one of the first - and probably the best - reasons why I chose to study here," says Kevin, who hails from Colombia.
ACU quickly emerged as his university of choice, thanks largely to the Bachelor of Commerce with a major in marketing, a world-class degree in a country full of high-calibre qualifications."

Student profile photo of Aye Phyu Thant and a big blue rat or mouse

Aye Phyu Thant

IT student Aye has built a new life at ACU

"ACU makes me feel at home and supported. You study with small groups of people and the environment is very warm and friendly. In IT, there are fewer international students than domestic students, but that doesn't matter. I have two or three close friends who are domestic students. I feel comfortable in Australia now. I feel like I've adapted really well."