ACU has zero tolerance for fraud and corruption. And we expect our staff, our students and those we do business with to act in line with our principles and values.

There’s no place for misconduct

Dishonest behaviour has no place at ACU. Read about our approach to misconduct and learn how to make a complaint. 

Fraud is defined in the Commonwealth Fraud Control Framework as: “Dishonestly obtaining a benefit or causing a loss by deception or other means.”

Corruption is defined in the Australian Standard 8001-2008 – Fraud and Corruption Control as: “Dishonest activity in which a director, executive, manager, employee or contractor of an entity acts contrary to the interest of the entity and abuses their position of trust in order to achieve some personal gain or advantage for themselves for another person or entity.”

We have a Fraud and Corruption Control Framework (FCCF) detailing strategies for the prevention, detection and response to fraud and corruption at ACU.

The FCCF is supported by five Fraud and Corruption Registers that keep the Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) informed of all reported fraud and corruption matters.

For more information on fraud and corruption control responsibilities of our staff, view section 6 of the FCCF.

ACU’s policies allow for complaints about workplace matters to be made informally, formally or anonymously. But where there is a reasonable belief that fraud or corruption has occurred, a complaint should be made in accordance with our Protected Disclosure Procedure.

Make a complaint by contacting the KPMG FairCall whistleblowing reporting service:

Alternatively, you can complain directly by contacting an Eligible Recipient. View section 2 of the Protected Disclosure Policy to learn who is an Eligible Recipient.

Yes. We protect whistleblowers in accordance with legislative requirements. Anyone wishing to be afforded legal protection when making a disclosure must follow ACU’s Protected Disclosures Policy and Protected Disclosures Procedure.

To make a general enquiry about these policy and procedures:

Our university takes several steps to guard against fraud and corruption:

  • ACU’s Fraud and Corruption Control Plan, which complements the FCCF, schedules various activities to be undertaken by responsible officers throughout the year. Activities include, but are not limited to, updating fraud and corruption registers, undertaking self-assurance assessments and attestations, reviewing delegated authorities, and performing a wide range of financial control checks and balances.
  • We engage third-party independent internal and external auditors to conduct regular periodic reviews of processes, controls and policy effectiveness.
  • We provide regular reports to executive management, our Audit and Risk Committee and, where relevant, our Academic Board, to ensure transparency and clarity of all related risks.
  • Our Risk Team includes a Senior Compliance and Integrity Officer who focuses specifically on fraud and corruption control. ACU also maintains positions within its faculties and research portfolios which directly oversee matters of academic and research integrity.

Academic integrity

Acting with academic integrity is at the heart of ACU's mission and values. And everyone in our community is responsible for doing the right thing, whether that's doing your own work, providing credit for others' contributions, or reporting something that's wrong or makes you feel uncomfortable.

Academic Integrity

Student Academic Integrity and Misconduct

Research ethics, integrity and compliance

At ACU, our research ethics, integrity and compliance frameworks ensure that research is conducted responsibly, ethically, and in compliance with all relevant codes, guidelines and legislation.

Learn more

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