Research community

Our interdisciplinary research community exemplifies our commitment to the pursuit of knowledge, the dignity of the human person and the common good.


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Health is an ACU research priority

Institutes and centres

Discover our institutes and centres and learn about their work to solve the critical challenges we face in the world today.

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Research candidates

Meet our research candidates and discover how they are creating impact through empathy with contemporary research.

Meet our research candidates

Research leadership

Meet the team advancing ACU's reputation as a leading research institution with close links to industry, community and government.

Meet the ODVCRE

Graduate Research School

The Graduate Research School supports our candidates and cultivates the enriching graduate research experience at ACU.

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ACU Research Supervisors

Industry and Innovation

The Industry and Innovation team are dedicated to facilitating and nurturing industry collaborations.

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Research services

Our research services teams support our researchers throughout all stages of the research process.

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Meet My Books


Our campus libraries are powerful tools for research, offering access to quality resources, information and training.

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Facilities and capabilities

ACU is home to state-of-the-art research facilities and advanced learning spaces that could take your research to the next level.

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Join our research community


Study a research degree at ACU

A research degree is your opportunity to deeply investigate a topic that interests you and develop skills that open up new possibilities for your career and future.

Explore graduate research

Collaborate with us

As an enterprising university, ACU delivers value to partners through collaborative, sustainable and mutually beneficial partnerships that deliver impact driven research and innovation.

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