Unit rationale, description and aim
Biomedical science students require sound knowledge of therapeutic agents to enable them to work in the pharmaceutical industry, medical technology field, health information areas or as a springboard for graduate programs.
In this elective unit, students will explore the drug development cycle, molecule discovery to release to the market. Students will gain a broad understanding of the processes and decision making steps in the development of new drugs, investigating regulatory and legal requirements and constraints. The unit will introduce the principles of clinical trailing, from development of the protocol, conduct of the trial and reporting of results. The unit will take a Quality Use of Medicines approach, examining the roles and responsibilities of key players in each phase of development, making reference to the National Medicines Policy. The aim of this unit is to provide students with an understanding of the drug development cycle within the context of the National Medicines Policy.
Learning outcomes
To successfully complete this unit you will be able to demonstrate you have achieved the learning outcomes (LO) detailed in the below table.
Each outcome is informed by a number of graduate capabilities (GC) to ensure your work in this, and every unit, is part of a larger goal of graduating from ACU with the attributes of insight, empathy, imagination and impact.
Explore the graduate capabilities.
Appraise and critique the time, drivers and cost i...
Learning Outcome 01
Compare how active ingredients can be isolated fro...
Learning Outcome 02
Describe differences between research grade and cl...
Learning Outcome 03
Critique the difficulties involved in the interpre...
Learning Outcome 04
Interpret basic information from clinical trials a...
Learning Outcome 05
Compare and contrast the regulatory controls and r...
Learning Outcome 06
Topics will include:
- Natural products as pharmaceuticals (plant alkaloids, antibiotics from fungal/bacterial culture) – historical discoveries with plants, e.g. digitalis from foxglove.
- Isolation of an active ingredient from bacterial/fungal culture (biofermentors for antibiotics) or plant tissue culture (e.g. plant alkaloid such as the antimalarial artemisinin).
- Modification of existing structures to produce more effective compounds or to provide temporary solutions to drug resistance (e.g. from quinine to chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, amodiaquine).
- Biostructure-based drug design (peptides, organic compounds, antibodies) for: Enzymes, Receptors, Ion Channels
- Transporters (carrier molecules)
- Drug modification to improve bioequivalence, solubility, half-life and delivery (e.g. bovine insulin to recombinant proteins and antibodies).
- Pre-trial validation (tissue culture and animal studies)
- Clinical trial phases (1-3) and management (TGA registration (CTX or CTN) and Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR)).
Protocol development, pharmacokinetics, ethics, risk assessment, drug interactions, considerations for drugs used for prophylaxis versus treatment
- Regulation of the manufacture of therapeutic goods (GMP) Research grade to clinical grade to scale up processes
Differences between manufacture of prescription versus complementary medicines
- Roles of key partners in licencing, monitoring drug safety and pharmacovigilance
Lifecycle approach to development and regulation (reporting, product recalls and alerts, unforeseen events) – 6 steps to registration of product in Australia, patents and intellectual property protection
- Maximising therapeutic value: use of approved product for other indications (other applications), earlier interventional use, combination therapies, further formulations and changes to delivery
Assessment strategy and rationale
The assessment strategy used allows students to progressively develop their knowledge of drug development from discovery to registration, manufacture legislation to allow production of the final product. The first assessment task is a mid-semester test which will primarily provide students with feedback on their knowledge of the various processes involved in drug discovery in preparation for the subsequent assessments. The second assessment task is a written assessment where students evaluate a new drug seeking registration with the regulatory for inclusion on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG). This authentic assessment task allows students to apply their knowledge of pharmacology to a real situation. The final assessment task is the end-of-semester examination which will assess integration and application key concepts covered in this unit.
Overview of assessments
In-class test The in-class test is designed test...
In-class test
The in-class test is designed test enhances students understanding of when a certain process be used effectively in drug discovery.
Written Assessment The written assessment r...
Written Assessment
The written assessment requires Enables students to analyse data submitted by a pharmaceutical company to the regulator (Therapeutic Goods Administration) for consideration for registration on the Australian Registry for Therapeutic Goods.
End-of-semester examination The end-of-seme...
End-of-semester examination
The end-of-semester examination requires students to use critical thinking skills to demonstrate their knowledge of drug development.
Learning and teaching strategy and rationale
This unit uses an active approach with on-campus lectures and workshop classes that are supported by online activities. Lectures allow teachers to convey necessary information so that students can gain an overall understanding and make connections between different components. Lectures will also provide opportunities for students to check their understanding and ask questions. Workshop classes will consolidate student learning in a supported environment. In workshop classes students will work collaboratively and engage in activities such as reading, writing, discussion, or problem solving to promote analysis, synthesis and evaluation of class content. Case studies will also be used so that students can explore how what they have learned applies to real world situations.