Unit rationale, description and aim
Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science students and graduates will fulfil roles where they need to apply and communicate discipline specific knowledge and skills with supervisors and clients drawn from broad demographics. An Exercise Scientist is most effective when they understand the individuality of these people and the sociocultural factors governing who they are and what their needs may be. Crucial to the development of these skills is the opportunity for exposure to individuals and groups whose experiences, values, culture and constraints are different to their own. Exercise Scientists also need to appreciate the meaningful impact that their practice can have on myriad national and international communities given the personal, social and health outcomes that can occur through sport and physical activity.
An exercise science community engagement (CE) experience is a transformational learning opportunity. It exposes students to new perspectives and helps build capacity within the student and their partner community. It challenges them to gain an expanded and enhanced understanding of their community and the people within it and drives the development of key qualities, such as empathy, which are critical to future exercise science practice. A CE experience also provides an opportunity for students to engage with the ACU Mission and identity, working with communities experiencing disadvantage and marginalisation, building on knowledge and understanding developed during the first core curriculum prerequisite unit. Therefore, the aim of this unit is to provide the foundational knowledge to prepare and plan for a CE experience, the opportunity to engage with a partner community and the capacity to critically reflect and learn from the experience.
Learning outcomes
To successfully complete this unit you will be able to demonstrate you have achieved the learning outcomes (LO) detailed in the below table.
Each outcome is informed by a number of graduate capabilities (GC) to ensure your work in this, and every unit, is part of a larger goal of graduating from ACU with the attributes of insight, empathy, imagination and impact.
Explore the graduate capabilities.
Explain the principles and focus of community enga...
Learning Outcome 01
Identify the impact of community engagement practi...
Learning Outcome 02
Analyse the sociological determinants impacting th...
Learning Outcome 03
Assess community engagement experience through ref...
Learning Outcome 04
Topics will include:
- What is community engagement and why is it important
- Principles of community engagement and how it relates to the ACU Mission
- Models of community engagement including Assets-based Community Development
- Empathy - what is it and why is it important
- The sociological determinants of health
- Health in marginalised and disadvantaged communities
- Sport for development and peace
- Community engagement through Exercise Science: Impact on oneself and partner communities
- Preparation for community engagement and reflective practice
- Organising and participating in 25 hours of community engagement activities.
Assessment strategy and rationale
Assessments are designed to elicit and support the learnings, which occur before, during and after community engagement experiences. The hurdle tasks and Assessment 1 have been designed to ensure that students engage with the unit content, and understand the ethical and legal frameworks surrounding community engagement experiences. Assessment 2 is designed for students to engage in pre and or peri reflection about their planned community engagement experience as well as apply knowledge about community assets acquired so far. Assessment 3 requires students to critically reflect on their community engagement experience in general and in the context of their previous reflections in Assessment 2.
To pass the unit, students must demonstrate achievement of every unit learning outcome, pass hurdle tasks, and obtain a minimum mark of 50% for the unit. Students will have unlimited attempts to achieve the ungraded hurdle task requirements until the due date.
Overview of assessments
Ungraded Hurdles Pre Engagment Experience requir...
Ungraded Hurdles
Pre Engagment Experience requirements
- Complete ACU Engagement Canvas module.
- Successfully apply for an approved Community Engagement Experience.
Assessment 1 Online Exam: Assess knowledge and...
Assessment 1
Online Exam:
Assess knowledge and ability to explain understanding of content delivered in weeks 1-4.
Assessment 2 Pre/Peri Experience Reflective Assi...
Assessment 2
Pre/Peri Experience Reflective Assignment and Asset Mapping:
A pre/peri reflective assessment of their community engagement experience including a community assets and needs audit.
Assessment 3 Post Community Engagement Experienc...
Assessment 3
Post Community Engagement Experience Critical Reflection:
Based on 25 hours of community engagement experience students will complete a structured critical reflection. Students will submit a signed timesheet (or approved equivalent) as an appendix to demonstrate completion of the required community engagment experience hours.
Learning and teaching strategy and rationale
This is a community engaged learning unit delivered in multi-mode with both face-to-face, online and community engagement experience components. It is designed to provide students with a transformative educational opportunity through access to the knowledge, resources and preparatory requirements necessary for understanding, planning, completing and critically reflecting on a new community engagement experience. Direct active learning through structured online modules and classroom activities facilitate these outcomes alongside the 25 hours of new community engagement experience with an approved ACU partner organisation. This strategy allows students to meet the aims, learning outcomes and graduate capabilities associated with the unit. Learning and teaching strategies will reflect respect for the individual as an independent learner. Students will be expected to take responsibility for their learning and to participate accordingly.