Unit rationale, description and aim

All students should graduate with an understanding of how their discipline contributes to the dignity of the human person and the common good. Awareness of societal structure and attitudes are essential to this understanding, and this awareness is impossible to attain without engaging with the community and learning within a community setting.

As the third Core Curriculum unit, HLSC301 builds on previous learning outcomes by exploring the principles of pursuing justice, acting with humility, building connections, and developing understanding in the context of community. It provides an opportunity for students to undertake work in a community setting, where they can explore the role and complexities of an organisation in supporting community. This community involvement provides a vehicle for self-development and reflective practice in the student, and will help them understand how their discipline contributes to society. The values of partnership, diversity, equity, equality, mutual respect, empathy, and commitment are emphasised. The transformative experiences provided by this unit empower students to better implement these values and prepare them for successful interactions with their community upon completion of their degree. This unit aims to enhance awareness of the importance of self-determination and capacity building for healthy communities.

2025 10

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  • Semester 2Multi-mode
  • Term Mode
  • Semester 2Multi-mode
  • Term Mode
  • Semester 2Multi-mode
  • Term Mode
  • Semester 1Online Scheduled


UNCC100 Self and Community: Exploring the Anatomy of Modern Society OR PHCC102 Being Human OR PHCC104 Ethics and the Good Life

Learning outcomes

To successfully complete this unit you will be able to demonstrate you have achieved the learning outcomes (LO) detailed in the below table.

Each outcome is informed by a number of graduate capabilities (GC) to ensure your work in this, and every unit, is part of a larger goal of graduating from ACU with the attributes of insight, empathy, imagination and impact.

Explore the graduate capabilities.

Explain the principles and focus of community enga...

Learning Outcome 01

Explain the principles and focus of community engagement including contemporary models and links to ACU Mission and Catholic Social Thought.
Relevant Graduate Capabilities: GC3, GC6

Discuss the mission, aims, objectives and function...

Learning Outcome 02

Discuss the mission, aims, objectives and functions of different types of public sector and non-profit organisations that support student placement and build capacity in the community.
Relevant Graduate Capabilities: GC3, GC4, GC6

Discuss societal and cultural factors that can imp...

Learning Outcome 03

Discuss societal and cultural factors that can impact on the roles and functions of volunteers within a public sector or non-profit organisation.
Relevant Graduate Capabilities: GC3, GC4, GC5, GC6

Reflect critically on how ethical and professional...

Learning Outcome 04

Reflect critically on how ethical and professional perspectives inform decision making and create empathy in a volunteer setting
Relevant Graduate Capabilities: GC2, GC3, GC4, GC6, GC7

Reflect critically on self- transformation that ha...

Learning Outcome 05

Reflect critically on self- transformation that has occurred during community engagement
Relevant Graduate Capabilities: GC2, GC3, GC4, GC6, GC7


Topics will include:

Principles of community engagement and how these relate to the ACU Mission

· Respect for human dignity

· Mutuality and reciprocity

· Forging partnerships for transformation

Community engagement locally, nationally, and internationally

Engaging with public-sector, private-sector, and non-profit community organisations

Empathy: What is it and why is it important? 

Sociological determinants of health 

Health in marginalised and disadvantaged communities 

Applications of the principles of community engagement to Biomedical Science 

Preparation and participation in community engagement activities 

Transformation, self-reflection and applying reflective practice 

Assessment strategy and rationale

Assessments in this unit are designed for students to develop theoretical and practical knowledge of community engagement.

The Hurdle Tasks and the Community Engagement Quiz have been designed to ensure that students engage with the unit content and understand the ethical and legal frameworks surrounding community engagement experiences. These tasks assists students to recognise relevant societal pressures affecting communities, and helps students prepare for their hours of direct-service community engagement. 

For the Fieldwork Report, students track the progress of their community engagement experience and report on the function of the host organisation, the organisation's role in community, and their own contribution to the host organisation. This assists students to initiate reflective practice on community engagement experiences and apply knowledge about community assets acquired earlier in the unit.

For the Reflective Piece, students apply reflective learning theory from workshops to critically reflect on their collective experiences during their community placement, and in the context of previous reflections made in assessment 2. Assessment outputs can then be used reflectively by students as they transition into the workforce post-University. 

To pass the unit, students must demonstrate achievement of every unit learning outcome, pass hurdle tasks, and obtain a minimum mark of 50% for the unit. Students will have unlimited attempts to achieve the ungraded hurdle task requirements until the completion of the unit. 

Overview of assessments

Community Engagement Experience Requirements Compl...

Community Engagement Experience Requirements

  • Complete ACU Engagement Canvas module
  • Successfully apply for an approved community engagement experience
  • Submission of a Community Engagement Experience Logbook, signed by the approved supervisor and evidencing a minimum of 25 direct-service (or equivalent) hours

0% (ungraded, hurdle)

Learning Outcomes LO1
Graduate Capabilities GC3, GC6

Community Engagement Quiz Enables students to dem...

Community Engagement Quiz

Enables students to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of community engagement concepts delivered early in the unit. 



Learning Outcomes LO1, LO2, LO3
Graduate Capabilities GC3, GC4, GC5, GC6

Fieldwork Report Students will reflect on their i...

Fieldwork Report

Students will reflect on their initial community engagement experience, including providing descriptions of community assets, workplace interactions and organisation values.



Learning Outcomes LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4
Graduate Capabilities GC2, GC3, GC4, GC6, GC7

Reflective Piece Students will critically reflect...

Reflective Piece

Students will critically reflect on activities and experiences undertaken during their community engagement experience, including comprehensive self-reflection to guide ongoing self-development, pursuit of social justice and the dignity of the human person. 



Learning Outcomes LO1, LO2, LO4, LO5
Graduate Capabilities GC2, GC3, GC4, GC6, GC7

Learning and teaching strategy and rationale

This unit combines classroom learning with learning in a community setting. A theoretical understanding of health-related issues in society can be gained by engaging with research and classroom learning. However, understanding the importance of discipline knowledge for the functioning of communities is best attained through learning in the community.

Workshops prepare students for their community experience. Literature research, peer discussions, and self-directed work create an explicit awareness of personal transformation, support learning for assessments, and deepen learning during placements.

Each student completes a minimum of 25 hours of community engagement, where students are approved by the LIC to engage directly with a community organisation (direct-service), or an equivalent community-driven project. Students are provided the opportunity to engage and grow relationships within community-based settings, and gain insight into the challenges and resilience of individuals and groups.

Representative texts and references

Representative texts and references

Jordaan, M., & Mennega, N. (2022). Community partners’ experiences of higher education service-learning in a community engagement module. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 14(1), 394–408. https://doi.org/10.1108/JARHE-09-2020-0327  

Hicks Peterson, T. (2018). Student development and social justice critical learning, radical healing, and community engagement. Springer International Publishing: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.

Macías-Gómez-Estern, B., Árias-Sánchez, S. , Marco-Macarro, M. J., Cabillas-Romero, M. R., & Martínez-Lozano, V. (2019). Does service learning make a difference? Comparing students’ valuations in service learning and non-service-learning teaching of psychology. Studies in Higher Education, 1–11. doi:10.1080/03075079.2019.1675622

Mackay, H. (2013). Good life: what makes a life worth living? Pan MacMillan.

Mtawa, N. N. (2019). Human development and community engagement through service-learning: the capability approach and public good in education. Springer International Publishing: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.

Parlier, T. R., Rocconi, L. M., Skolits, G., & Davidson, C. T. (2020). The effect of learning community participation on community college students’ perceptions of learning gains and engagement. Community College Journal of Research and Practice. https://doi.org/10.1080/10668926.2020.1852983

Credit points

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