Unit rationale, description and aim
Students in this professional practice unit complete a 10 week, 1 day per week placement to develop advanced occupational therapy skills in a specific clinical or professional area of practice. The placement runs in conjunction with the unit ‘Advanced Occupational Therapy Practice (Honours) (OTHY409(H))’. Students will engage in an advanced occupational therapy practice project. Students will engage in an advanced occupational therapy practice project. Project management skills will be developed and applied to a project which contributes to the occupation-focused, person-centred, evidence-based practice of a host agency. Students will draw on and apply attitudes, skills and knowledge acquired over the course of the Bachelor of Occupational Therapy. Students will require advanced skills in the following areas: organisation and time management, written and verbal communication, collaboration, teamwork, searching and synthesising evidence, and professional reasoning.
The aim of this professional practice unit is for students to develop life-long learning skills and to apply advanced skills and knowledge to practice in responding to a real-life professional practice issue.
Learning outcomes
To successfully complete this unit you will be able to demonstrate you have achieved the learning outcomes (LO) detailed in the below table.
Each outcome is informed by a number of graduate capabilities (GC) to ensure your work in this, and every unit, is part of a larger goal of graduating from ACU with the attributes of insight, empathy, imagination and impact.
Explore the graduate capabilities.
Demonstrate professional behaviours, initiative an...
Learning Outcome 01
Engage, and be adaptive, in diverse communication ...
Learning Outcome 02
Demonstrate advanced skills in planning, developin...
Learning Outcome 03
Topics will include:
Preparation for advanced professional practice education
- Goal setting and learning contract
- Project management knowledge and skills
Enhancing skills in occupational therapy practice implementation
- Application of evidence-based practice
- Utilising professional reasoning skills
- Utilising reflective practice
- Evaluation and outcome measurement
Professional behaviours and ethical practices
Assessment strategy and rationale
Assessment procedures have been selected which meet the unit learning outcomes and assess graduate attributes consistent with University assessment requirements. Assessment tasks reflect attributes which are required in professional practice. The SPEF-R2 is used to inform students, professional practice educators and academics about student progress in meeting attributes required for practice. The project plan provides the vehicle for developing project management skills, negotiation, prioritisation and evaluation of outcomes. The oral presentation, deliverables and handover summary report demonstrates the capacity to synthesise material of relevance to professional practice and report back to stakeholders. To pass this unit, students must demonstrate achievement of every unit learning outcome and pass hurdle tasks. Students are offered one attempt to achieve a pass on the SPEF-R2 and two attempts to achieve a pass on each of the other hurdle tasks.
Overview of assessments
Hurdle: Preparation and submission of a Proj...
Hurdle: Preparation and submission of a Project Management Plan
Hurdle: Submission of SPEF-R2 and Timesheet via C...
Hurdle: Submission of SPEF-R2 and Timesheet via CANVAS as evidence of having passed the placement and met the requirements for placement hours (as signed by placement supervisor or authorised agent).
Hurdle: Oral presentation and handover summary re...
Hurdle: Oral presentation and handover summary report as signed off by placement supervisor. Submit a written handover summary report outlining the project aims, processes, outcomes and impact for occupational therapy and deliver an oral presentation of the content to the placement agency.
Hurdle: Pass grade on the Student Practice Evalua...
Hurdle: Pass grade on the Student Practice Evaluation Form – Revised (SPEF-R2) for domains 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7 as determined by Lecturer in Charge and Practice Educator in order to meet AHPRA registration requirements at the end of program of study
Learning and teaching strategy and rationale
Professional Practice Education 4 provides students with (80 hours) of professional practice experience. The placement runs in conjunction with the unit OTHY409(H) ‘Advanced Occupational Therapy Practice Honours’. This professional practice experience is a project placement. Most students will work in pairs to complete a project nominated by the professional practice agency in response to an identified need. The professional practice experiences in this unit are supplemented by on-campus learning activities which may include workshops, tutorials, group discussions, meetings with tutors and self-directed learning activities in small groups. Students will apply aspects of evidence-based practice, such as searching for, locating and appraising evidence focused by a clinical question in PICO format. Students will also be introduced to concepts and practices of project management. They will assimilate this knowledge with theory, knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired over the Bachelor of Occupational Therapy and apply it in a real-world professional environment.
Australian Occupational Therapy Competency Standards (AOTCS) 2018
In connection to the learning outcomes, Australian occupational therapy competency standards (AOTCS) 2018 developed within this unit are:
Relating to
An occupational therapist practises in an ethical, safe, lawful and accountable manner, supporting client health and wellbeing through occupation and consideration of the person and their environment.
An occupational therapist:
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Complies with the Occupational Therapy Board of Australia’s standards, guidelines and Code of conduct
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Adheres to legislation relevant to practice
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Maintains professional boundaries in all client and professional relationships
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
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Recognises and manages conflicts of interest in all client and professional relationships
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Practises in a culturally responsive and culturally safe manner, with particular respect to culturally diverse client groups
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Incorporates and responds to historical, political, cultural, societal, environmental and economic factors influencing health, wellbeing and occupations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Collaborates and consults ethically and responsibly for effective client-centred and interprofessional practice
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
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Adheres to all work health and safety, and quality requirements for practice
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
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Identifies and manages the influence of her/his values and culture on practice
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
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Practises within limits of her/his own level of competence and expertise
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Maintains professional competence and adapts to change in practice contexts
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Identifies and uses relevant professional and operational support and supervision
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
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Manages resources, time and workload accountably and effectively
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
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Recognises and manages her/his own physical and mental health for safe, professional practice
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
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Addresses issues of occupational justice in practice
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
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Contributes to education and professional practice development of peers and students, and
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Recognises and manages any inherent power imbalance in relationships with clients.
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Knowledge and learning
An occupational therapist’s knowledge, skills and behaviours in practice are informed by relevant and contemporary theory, practice knowledge and evidence, and are maintained and developed by ongoing professional development and learning.
An occupational therapist:
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Applies current and evidence-informed knowledge of occupational therapy and other appropriate and relevant theory in practice
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Applies theory and frameworks of occupation to professional practice and decision-making
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Identifies and applies best available evidence in professional practice and decision-making
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Understands and responds to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health philosophies, leadership, research and practices
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Maintains current knowledge for cultural responsiveness to all groups in the practice setting
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Maintains and improves currency of knowledge, skills and new evidence for practice by adhering to the requirements for continuing professional development
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Implements a specific learning and development plan when moving to a new area of practice or returning to practice
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
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Reflects on practice to inform current and future reasoning and decision-making and the integration of theory and evidence into practice
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
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Maintains knowledge of relevant resources and technologies, and
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
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Maintains digital literacy for practice.
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Occupational therapy process and practice
An occupational therapist’s practice acknowledges the relationship between health, wellbeing and human occupation, and their practice is client-centred for individuals, groups, communities and populations.
An occupational therapist:
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Addresses occupational performance and participation of clients, identifying the enablers and barriers to engagement
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Performs appropriate information gathering and assessment when identifying a client’s status and functioning, strengths, occupational performance and goals
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Collaborates with the client and relevant others to determine the priorities and occupational therapy goals
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Develops a plan with the client and relevant others to meet identified occupational therapy goals
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Selects and implements culturally responsive and safe practice strategies to suit the occupational therapy goals and environment of the client
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Seeks to understand and incorporate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ experiences of health, wellbeing and occupations encompassing cultural connections
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
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Reflects on practice to inform and communicate professional reasoning and decision-making
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
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Identifies and uses practice guidelines and protocols suitable to the practice setting or work environment
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
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Implements an effective and accountable process for delegation, referral and handover
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
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Reviews, evaluates and modifies plans, goals and interventions with the client and relevant others to enhance or achieve client outcomes
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Evaluates client and service outcomes to inform future practice
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Uses effective collaborative, multidisciplinary and interprofessional approaches for decision-making and planning
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Uses appropriate assistive technology, devices and/or environmental modifications to achieve client occupational performance outcomes, and
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Contributes to quality improvement and service development.
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Occupational therapists practise with open, responsive and appropriate communication to maximise the occupational performance and engagement of clients and relevant others.
An occupational therapist:
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Communicates openly, respectfully and effectively
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Adapts written, verbal and non-verbal communication appropriate to the client and practice context
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Works ethically with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and organisations to understand and incorporate relevant cultural protocols and communication strategies, with the aim of working to support self-governance in communities
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Uses culturally responsive, safe and relevant communication tools and strategies
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Complies with legal and procedural requirements for the responsible and accurate documentation, sharing and storage of professional information and records of practice
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Maintains contemporaneous, accurate and complete records of practice
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Obtains informed consent for practice and information-sharing from the client or legal guardian
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Maintains collaborative professional relationships with clients, health professionals and relevant others
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Uses effective communication skills to initiate and end relationships with clients and relevant others
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Relating to
Seeks and responds to feedback, modifying communication and/or practice accordingly, and
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO3
Representative texts and references
- Brisbane
- Melbourne
- North Sydney