Unit rationale, description and aim
Tertiary educators and (L&T) professionals (such as Academic Skills Advisers, Librarians, Placement supervisors etc) are responsible for supporting learning by creating intellectually stimulating, engaging, safe and responsive experiences, using all modes of delivery. They do this in a way that advances the goals of an institution in accordance with its policies and legislation. To do this effectively, educators and L&T professionals need to combine the knowledge of learning and teaching foundations and concepts with skills of critical reflection and reasoning and be able to draw on the scholarship of learning and teaching in higher education. Therefore, this microcredential aims to support students to reflect on their professional setting and practice as a teacher and L&T professional informed by reflective practice, and scholarly learning and teaching concepts. Other considerations include the needs and circumstances of learners, institutional mission and policies, and other governance requirements in the higher education sector.
Learning outcomes
To successfully complete this unit you will be able to demonstrate you have achieved the learning outcomes (LO) detailed in the below table.
Each outcome is informed by a number of graduate capabilities (GC) to ensure your work in this, and every unit, is part of a larger goal of graduating from ACU with the attributes of insight, empathy, imagination and impact.
Explore the graduate capabilities.
Use adult learning and teaching concepts and theor...
Learning Outcome 01
Apply scholarly learning and teaching concepts and...
Learning Outcome 02
Topics include:
- Reflective practice of teachers and L&T professionals
- the nature of adult learning
- theoretical and ethical perspectives on adult learning and teaching in higher education
- the diverse needs of adult learners
- principles of Catholic Social Thought
- working with university policies and procedures and strategic priorities for learning and teaching
- governance and regulatory requirements in the higher education sector
- applying the scholarship of learning and teaching
Assessment strategy and rationale
The assessment strategy in this microcredential consists of one formative assessment task and one summative assessment task. The tasks provide a developmental sequence that supports the stated unit rationale and description and ensures the learning outcomes are assessed in a scaffolded learning sequence.
The first assessment task is a formative assessment which supports student reflection on their teaching or upon their learning and teaching professional practice. It is essential preparation for the summative assessment. This task assesses learning outcome number 1.
The second task is a summative assessment which comprises an activity that extends the reflection of the students’ practice undertaken in the first task, in a way that allows the student to apply their understanding of learning and teaching foundations and critiquing their practice. This task relates mostly to the achievement of learning outcome number 2, but builds on learning outcome 1, and assesses both.
This microcredential is graded. In order to pass this microcredential, students are required to demonstrate a passing standard (or better) for the summative assessment task.
Overview of assessments
Assessment Task 1: Formative assessment &nbs...
Assessment Task 1: Formative assessment
Students will reflect on their learning and teaching practice using a reflective practice model.
For feedback
Assessment Task 2: Summative assessment &nbs...
Assessment Task 2: Summative assessment
Students apply a scholarly reflection model and educational theories and concepts to their teaching or learning and teaching professional practice and context.
Learning and teaching strategy and rationale
The intended audience for this microcredential is higher education academics and learning and teaching (L&T) professionals (such as Academic Skills Advisors, Librarians, Placement Supervisors etc.) whose geographical location is widespread, all of whom are qualified with at least one higher education degree. These academics and professionals have expertise that collectively spans the full range of disciplines taught by a university. This microcredential respects the range of experience in this cohort and responds in a manner that assists reflection on academic or L&T professional practice, informed by teaching foundations, the needs and circumstances of their students, institutional mission and policies, and other governance requirements in the higher education sector.
This microcredential is delivered asynchronously, capitalising on the maturity and capability of the students, providing equitable access to a full provision of learning experiences within which a community of scholars can be developed. It is structured as a progressive, constructive, developmental sequence that supports learning in a scaffolded learning trajectory.