The ACU Centre for Liturgy, in conjunction with ACU's Faculty of Theology and Philosophy, periodically provides opportunities for musicians, liturgists, clergy, teachers, pastoral associates, parishioners, members of Liturgy Committees and Commissions to participate as Professional Learners in academic units in the study of liturgy. Teachers who wish to apply for professional development accreditation hours for attendance at these may request a certificate of attendance to support this.

Professional Learning Opportunities 2025

Professional Learning Opportunity: THLS502 Liturgical Music - July 7 - 10 (Online via Zoom)

Music is an integral part of the Church's liturgy - a living art form that voices the Church's prayer and theology in an unsurpassable way. This unit explores the nature of liturgical music, its history, theology, and practice.

With a focus on the Catholic Church's official teaching on music from Vatican II onward, this unit investigates theological principles and contextual issues to be considered when choosing appropriate music for liturgical use. After providing a general introduction to the Catholic Church's definition, documentation and practice of liturgical music, this unit studies the functions, forms, and roles of music in the liturgy today. It identifies what constitutes suitable liturgical music and explores how to choose fitting music for different liturgical moments, purposes, and genres of liturgical texts, and how to evaluate what makes music effective in liturgy as a powerful means for bonding an assembly in its worship of God.

Download the flyer here

Musicians, liturgists, clergy, teachers, pastoral associates, parishioners and all who have an interest in Catholic Liturgical Music are welcome to register for this professional learning seminar (not for academic credit with no assessments) which is also being offered as a postgraduate unit (for academic credit or audit). This rich face-to-face learning opportunity will provide you with access to your choice of 12 learning hours drawn from Professor Johnson's lectures and special sessions with guest presenters. Additional hours may also be selected beyond the minimum.

Download the Session descriptions here

The cost of the Professional Learning Seminar (12 contact hours over 8 sessions in total) is $750 per person.

Those registering as professional learners will choose 8 out of 16 unit-sessions on offer, with no assessment obligations. If you wish to attend more than 8 sessions, a fee of $90 applies for each additional session. (You may wish to seek sponsorship from your parish or school to share the cost.)

Closing date for professional learning registrations is June 26.

Register here as Professional Learner

Upon request, the ACU Centre for Liturgy can provide a certificate of attendance for teachers and others participating in this seminar as part of their ongoing professional learning requirements. Teachers participating as professional learners can submit an application for Professional Development hours in accordance with individual State or Territory requirements.

THLS502 is also being offered as a postgraduate unit, for academic credit or audit. (N.B. The closing date for enrolment as a postgraduate student or auditor is June 15, 2025)

For more information about enrolling as a student, download the flyer here.

Enquiries: or 02 9701 4751

Training and professional development for Catholic educators

We provide schools and Catholic education offices with targeted professional development sessions and workshops tailored to address the needs of primary and secondary school teachers, religious education leaders, and worshiping communities.

Clare School Presentation

Topics include:

  1. Liturgy and liturgical principles
  2. The sacramentality of religious leadership
  3. Celebrating masses with young children: top ten hints
  4. Celebrating non-sacramental liturgies in school communities
  5. Exploring the Directory for Masses with Children and the Eucharistic Prayers for Masses with Children
  6. How to celebrate well in Catholic schools
  7. Engaging youth in liturgical celebrations
  8. Liturgical music for primary schools
  9. Sacraments of initiation
  10. Sacraments of healing.

Pastoral training and formation sessions on these and other topics can also be tailored to meet specific school community needs.

"The time just flew past. Very relevant and challenging conversations. Great to allow staff to explore their concerns. Many, many thanks for an outstandingly useful day! Will long be remembered and used to enhance practice in our school."
Carolyn Parsell
Principal, St. Joachim’s Primary School, Lidcombe NSW

Professional development for clergy

We provide specialised professional development sessions for clergy, such as:

  • Introducing new translations of ritual books: orders of confirmation and matrimony
  • Updating and upskilling: the art of presiding at worship
  • The art and craft of preaching

Liturgical consultations

Through direct consultation with a local parish community, we can undertake a comprehensive liturgical or liturgical music audit of your parish's worship practices in order to provide specific advice on how to improve the quality of your liturgical celebrations.

Information about fees

ACU Centre for Liturgy charges fees for its programs and services, operating on a not-for-profit basis consistent with ACU's constitution. We are committed to providing our services at a reasonable rate.

Download Information About Fees (PDF, 357KB)

"I enjoyed sharing in Clare's obvious enthusiasm and knowledge for the topic. I found having an understanding of the church teaching extremely helpful."
Fr James
Armidale: Clergy and Principals' Assembly

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