ACU Centre for Liturgy leads 60 Nigerians through online traini...
6 MarchLiturgy experts from Australian Catholic University (ACU) have concluded the first online training program offered exclusively to Catholics in Nigeria.
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Celebrating the Lectionary Year A is designed for schools and parishes as a catechetical resource that focuses on the Gospels of the Liturgical Year. It can be used as a supplement to Catholic school religious education programs, as a resource for Children's Liturgy of the Word in parishes, and during the process of preparing children for Christian initiation. Celebrating the Lectionary Year A includes sessions for every Sunday of the liturgical year (Advent, Christmas Time, Lent, Easter Time, and Ordinary Time), sessions for each day of the Sacred Paschal Triduum, and sessions for holydays, solemnities, and feasts, including Australian Feasts, Saints and Seasons.
Each 15-20 minute session is designed so that you can lead group discussions and engage in activities which require minimal preparation and make use of resources on hand. Sessions can easily be adapted to your group's specific needs and time constraints.
Each session includes:
Authors: Catherine G. Johnson, Mary Kathleen Kelley, SSJ, Maureen A. Kelly, Nora Malone, Christine Ondrla, James Philipps
Adaptations and Australian Content by: Clare Johnson
Watch the recording of Gospels for the Liturgical Year (Year A)
Celebrating the Lectionary Year B (Garratt: 2020) is the second volume of a rich resource of Lectionary-based catechesis designed especially for use in schools and parishes celebrating Children's Liturgy of the Word. Collaborating with authors from the USA, Prof Clare V. Johnson has prepared this text for use with students in years 5-8 in conjunction with the Year of Grace Calendar for 2021. Exploring the Gospel for Sundays, solemnities, feasts and holydays (according to the Australian Lectionary and liturgical calendar) through proclamation, reflection and engaging classroom activities, this attractive book will help young people to link each Gospel text with their Catholic faith and everyday lives.
Authors: Sr Ann Therese Chaput BVM, Christine Ondrla, James Philipps, Sr Ann Therese Chaput, Clare Johnson
Adaptations and Australian Content by: Clare Johnson
RRP $39.95
Watch the recording of Gospels for the Liturgical Year (Year B)
Celebrating the Lectionary Year C (Garratt: 2021) is the third volume of this valuable supplementary catechetical resource that helps bring the richness of the Lectionary and the liturgical year into the school or parish catechetical program. It can be used in Catholic school programs, during the process of preparing children for Christian initiation, or as a supplement to a traditional basal text for Catholic school or parish religious education programs.
Each session is easily adapted to meet specific needs and time constraints, with sessions designed so class discussions and activities can be led with minimal preparation and to make use of the resources on hand. Exploring the Gospel for Sundays, solemnities, feasts and holydays (according to the Australian Lectionary and liturgical calendar) through proclamation, reflection and engaging classroom activities, this attractive book will help young people to link each Gospel text with their Catholic faith and everyday lives.
Authors: Christine Ondrla and Clare Johnson
Adaptations and Australian Content by: Clare Johnson
RRP $39.95
Watch the recording of Gospels for the Liturgical Year (Year C)
For more information see: www.garrattpublishing.com.au
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