Browse publications from the Institute of Child Protection Studies. Find all recent journal articles, reports, submissions and practice papers, and publications dating back to when we were established in 2005.
Harris, L., Powell, M. A., Moore, T., Dickson, J., & Ghani, F. (2025). Young people who spend unauthorised time away from care: A scoping review, Children and Youth Services Review,
McPherson, L., Canosa, A., Gilligan, R., Moore, T., Gatwiri, K., Day, K., Mitchell, J., Graham, A., & Anderson, D. (2025). Young people's lived experience of relational practices in therapeutic residential care in Australia. Children and Youth Services Review, 108129.
Bessell, S., Moore, T., & Redmond, G. (2024). Wellbeing, participation and connection in the middle years of childhood. Medical Journal of Australia, 221(10), 23-S25.
Bessell, S., Moore, T., & Vicary, D. (2024). Building knowledge - Improving outcomes. Children Australia, 46(1), 3022.
Bryce, I., Collier, S., Harris, L., Higgins, D. & Toohey, J. (2024). Measuring accumulation: Constructing a tool for evaluating cumulative harm in children engaged with an intensive family support service. Child Abuse Review.
Canosa, A., McPherson, L., Gaitwiri, K., Moore, T, Gilligan, R., Graham, A (2024.) How is therapeutic residential care constructed within key policy documents? Australian Journal of Social Issues.
Fussey, E., Gerry, F., Herbert, B., Schaff, O., Havighurst, S., Higgins, D., & Rowland, A. G. (2024, April 17). Equal Protection from Assault in England and Northern Ireland: The Health, Education and Legal Case for legislative change to remove the "reasonable punishment" defence and to prohibit all physical punishment of children. London (UK): Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. [Online].
Gonzalez, C., Morawska, A., Higgins, D. J., & Haslam, D. M. (2024). Acceptability of corporal punishment and use of different parenting practices across high-income countries. Australian Journal of Social Issues.
Harris, L., Higgins, D. J., Willis, M., Lawrence, D., Meinck, F., Thomas, H. J., Malacova, E., Scott, J. G., & Haslam, D. M. (2024). Dimensions of child maltreatment in Australians with a history of out-of-home care. Child Maltreatment.
Harris, L. Higgins, D. J., Willis, M., Lawrence, D., Mathews, B., Thomas, H. J., Malacova, E., Pacella, R., Scott, J. G., Finkelhor, D., Meinck, F., Erskine, H. E., & Haslam, D. M. (2024). The prevalence and patterns of maltreatment, childhood adversity, and mental health disorders in an Australian out-of-home care sample. Child Maltreatment, 1-13.
Higgins, D. (2024). Child safety in a 'systems void': Addressing the gaps and overlaps between family law and child protection systems. In D. Tustin (Ed.), Psycho-legal concepts for parenting in child custody and child protection: Policy principles in Australia, Vol 1, Ch. 10.
Higgins, D. J., & Mathews, B. (2024). Research engagement and impact: The Australian Child Maltreatment Study and pathways to evidence-based policy and practice. Children Australia. 46(1), 3012.
Higgins, D. J., Herrenkohl, T. I., Lonne, B., & Scott, D. (2024). Advancing a prevention-oriented support system for the health and safety of children. Children and Youth Services Review, 107521.
Higgins, D. J., & Hunt, G. (2024). Child, parent, and contextual factors associated with child protection system involvement and child maltreatment in the family: A rapid evidence review. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 147. DOI:10.1002/ajs4.306
Higgins, D., Lawrence, D., Haslam, D., Mathews, B., Malacova, E., Erskine, H., Finkelhor, D., Pacella, R., Meinck, F., Thomas, H., & Scott, J. (2024). Prevalence of diverse genders and sexualities in Australia and associations with five forms of child maltreatment and multi-type maltreatment. Child maltreatment.
Hunt, G. R., Higgins, D. J., Willis, M. L., & Harris, L. (2023). Scoping Review of the Definitions Used to Describe and Understand Harmful Sexual Behaviors in Children and Young People. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.
Hunt, G. R, Mathews, B., Higgins, D. J., Finkelhor, D., Willis, M., Haslam, D. M., Lawrence, D., Meinck, F., Thomas, H. J., Malacova, E., Pacella, R., & Scott, J. G. (2024). The prevalence of child sexual abuse perpetrated by leaders or other adults in religious organizations in Australia. Child Abuse & Neglect, 147, 106946.
Hunt, G. R., Higgins, D. J., Willis, M. L., Mathews, B., Lawrence, D., Meinck, F., Pacella, R., Thomas, H. J., Scott, J. G., Erskine, H. E., Malacova, E., & Haslam, D. M. (2024). The Prevalence of Peer Sexual Harassment During Childhood in Australia. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 153.
Jankovic, C., Higgins, D. J., & Willis, M. (2024). The well-being of young adults: The implications of multi-type child maltreatment and the mediating role of betrayal trauma. Child Abuse & Neglect.
Mackey, P., Plath, D., Joosten, A., & Moore, T. (2024). Mothers' views about children's engagement in domestic violence research. Journal of Family Violence.
Madzoska, M., Lawrence, D., Higgins, D. J., Haslam, D., Mathews, B., Malacova, E., Dunne, M. P., Erskine, H., Pacella, R., Meinck, F., Thomas, H., & Scott, J. (2024). Child maltreatment, mental health disorders and health risk behaviors in people with diverse gender identities. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Marwitz, U., Higgins, D. J., & Whelan, T. (2024). "Kids are in the middle of it" - Child protection practitioners reflect on indicators of coercive control and situational couple violence.Children and Youth Services Review, 160.
Mathews, B., Finkelhor, D., Pacella, R., Scott, J. G., Higgins, D. J., Meinck, F., Erskine, H. E., Thomas, H. J., Lawrence, D., Malacova, E., Haslam, D. M. & Collin-Vézina,D. (2024). Child sexual abuse by different classes and types of perpetrator: Prevalence and trends from an Australian national survey, Child Abuse & Neglect, 147, 106562, ISSN 0145-2134,
Moore, T., & McArthur, M. (2024). 'We have a part to play': How children and young people want adults to engage them in the primary prevention of child abuse and maltreatment.Children Australia, 46(2), 3030.
Moore, T., Vicary, D., & Bessell, S. (2024). The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: Reflections on Australia's progress and challenges. Children Australia, 46(2), 3048.
O'Donnell, M., Burrow, S., Grose, M., Usher, R., Marriott, R.& Taplin, S. (2024). Child protection proceedings for infants: Analysis of court files to identify court outcomes and requirements for families in child protection safety plans. Children and Youth Services Review, 157, art. no. 107376. DOI:10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.107376
Rayment-McHugh, S., McKillop, N., Adams, D., Higgins, D. J., Russell, D. H. (2024). Context matters: Conceptualising and operationalising the contextual prevention of child sexual abuse. Child Abuse Review.
Russ, E., Morley, L., Higgins, D., Harries, M., & Lonne, B. (2025). "Suiting up": Preparing workforces to take on the mantle of preventing child maltreatment from a public health perspective,Children and Youth Services Review (168) 5, 108029,
Russell, D.H., Higgins, D. J., Harris, L., Rinaldi, A., Pound, M., & Zollner, H. (2024). The Safeguarding Capability of Adults in Catholic Church Ministries: A Global Perspective. Child Abuse & Neglect, 153, 106801, ISSN 0145-2134,
Russell, D. H., Trew, S., Dickson, J., Hunt, G., & Higgins, D. J. (2024). The risk and protective factors, response to disclosure, and interventions for sibling sexual abuse: A systematic review. Child Abuse & Neglect.
Russell, D. H., Trew, S., Harris, L., Dickson, J., Walsh, K., Higgins, D. J., & Smith, R. (2024). Engaging parents in child-focused child sexual abuse prevention education strategies: A systematic review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.
Trew, S. (2024). Close Relationships Despite the Challenges: Sibling Relationships and Autism.Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
Trew, S., & Russell, D. H. (2024). A Rapid Evidence Assessment on The Effectiveness of Interventions for Autistic Adolescents with Harmful Sexual Behaviors. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 0(0).
Trew, S. (2024). Made to feel different: Families perspectives on external responses to autism and the impacts on family well-being and relationships. National Autistic Society.
Child and Young People in Out of Home Care Issues Paper, submission to South Australia Economic and Finance Committee by Institute of Child Protection Studies (February 2023)
Family Law Amendment Bill 2023, submission to Family Law Reform, Attorney-General's Department by Institute of Child Protection Studies (February 2023)
Foley, K., Robinson, S., valentine, k., Burton, J., Marshall, A., Smith, R., & Moore, T. (2023). Connecting the dots [Practice framework]. ANROWS.
Gonzalez, C., Morawska, A., Higgins, D.J. & Haslam, D.M. (2023). Psychometric properties of the parenting belief scale in a multi-country sample of parents from high-income countries, Child Abuse & Neglect. Vol. 147, January 2024, 106565.
Haslam, D. M., Lawrence, D. M., Mathews, B., Higgins, D. J., Hunt, A., Scott, J. G., Dunne, M. P., Erskine, H. E., Thomas, H. J., Finkelhor, D. et al. The Australian Child Maltreatment Study (ACMS), a national survey of the prevalence of child maltreatment and its correlates: methodology. Medical Journal of Australia. DOI: 10.5694/mja2.51869
Haslam, D.M., Malacova, E., Higgins, D., Meinck, F., Mathews, B., Thomas, H., Finkelhor, D., Havighurst, S., Pacella, R., Erskine, H., Scott, J. G. & Lawrence, D. (2023). The prevalence of corporal punishment in Australia: Findings from a nationally representative survey, Australian Journal of Social Issues.
Haslam, D., Mathews B., Pacella, R., Scott, J.G., Finkelhor, D., Higgins, D.J., Meinck,.F, Erskine, H.E., Thomas, H.J., Lawrence, D., & Malacova, E. (2023). The prevalence and impact of child maltreatment in Australia: Findings from the Australian Child Maltreatment Study: Brief Report. Australian Child Maltreatment Study, Queensland University of Technology.
Havighurst, S., Mathews, B., Doyle, F. L., Haslam, D. M., Andriessen, K., Cubillor, C., Dawe, S., Hawes, D., Leung, C., Mazzucchelli, T. G., Morawska, A., Whittle, S., Chainey, C., & Higgins, D. J. (2023). Corporal punishment of children in Australia: The evidence-based case for legislative reform. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health.
Higgins, D., & Hunt, G. & Respect Victoria (2023). Child maltreatment: A snapshot summary. Melbourne: Respect Victoria.
Higgins, D. J., Mathews, B., Pacella. R., Scott, J., Finkelhor, D., Meinck, F., Erskine, H., Thomas, H., Lawrence, D., Haslam, D., Malacova, E., & Dunne, M. (2023). The prevalence and nature of multi-type child maltreatment in Australia. Medical Journal of Australia, 218 (6 Suppl): S19-S25, DOI: 10.5694/mja2.51868
Lawrence, D. M., Hunt, A., Mathews, B., Haslam, D. M., Malacova, E., Dunne, M. P., Erskine, H. E., Higgins, D. J., Finkelhor, D., Pacella, R., et al. The association between child maltreatment and health risk behaviours and conditions throughout life in the Australian Child Maltreatment Study. Medical Journal of Australia. DOI: 10.5694/mja2.51877
Lima, F., Taplin, S., Maclean, M., O'Donnell, M. (2023). Infants entering out-of-home care: Health, developmental needs and service provision. Child Abuse and Neglect, art. no. 106577. DOI: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2023.106577
O'Donnell, M., Lima, F., Maclean, M., Marriott, R., & Taplin, S. (2023). Infant and Pre-birth Involvement With Child Protection Across Australia. Child Maltreatment, 0(0).
Mathews, B., Meinck, F., Erskine, H. E., Tran, N., Thi Le. H. H., Kellard, K., Pacella, R. E., Scott, J. G, Finkelhor, D., Higgins, D. J., Thomas, H. J. & Haslam, D. (2023). Adaptation and validation of the Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire-R2 for a national study of child maltreatment in Australia. Child Abuse & Neglect 139:106093, DOI: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2023.106093
Mathews, B., Pacella, R., Scott, J. G., Finkelhor, D., Meinck, F., Higgins, D. J., Erskine, H., Thomas, H., Lawrence, D., Haslam, D. M., Malacova, E., & Dunne, M. P. (2023). The prevalence of child maltreatment in Australia: findings from a national survey. Medical Journal of Australia, 218 (6 Suppl): S13-S18, DOI: 10.5694/mja2.51873
Mathews, B., Papalia, N., Napier, S., Malacova, E., Lawrence, D., Higgins, D. J., Thomas, H., Erskine, H., Meinck, F., Haslam, D., Scott, J. G., Finkelhor, D., & Pacella, R. (2023). Child maltreatment and criminal justice system involvement in Australia: Findings from a national survey. Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice no. 681. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology.
Moore, T., & McArthur, M. (2022). Take notice, believe us and act! Exploring the safety of children and young people in government run organisations. Hobart: Tasmanian Commission of Inquiry into the Tasmanian Government's Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Institutional Settings.
Morgan, G., Butler, C., French, R., Creamer, T., Hillan, L., Ruggiero, E., Parsons, J., Prior, G., Idagi, L., Bruce, R., Twist, A., Gray, T., Hostalek, M., Gibson, J., Mitchell, B., Lea, T., Miller, C., Lemson, F., Bogdanek, S., … Cahill, A. (2023). You can't pour from an empty cup: Strengthening our service and systems responses for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people who experience domestic and family violence (Research report, 01/2023). ANROWS.
Morgan, G., Butler, C., French, R., Creamer, T., Hillan, L., Ruggiero, E., Parsons, J., Prior, G., Idagi, L., Bruce, R., Twist, A., Gray, T., Hostalek, M., Gibson, J., Mitchell, B., Lea, T., Miller, C., Lemson, F., Bogdanek, S., … Cahill, A. (2023). Healing our children and young people: A framework to address the impacts of domestic and family violence (Insights 01/2023). ANROWS.
Pacella, R., Nation, A., Mathews, B., Scott, J. G., Higgins, D. J., Haslam, D. M., Dunne, M. P., Finkelhor, D., Meinck, F., Erskine, H. E. et al. (2023). Child maltreatment and health service use: findings of the Australian Child Maltreatment Study, Medical Journal of Australia. DOI: 10.5694/mja2.51892 DOI: 10.5694/mja2.51877
Russell, R. H. & Higgins, D. J. (2023). Friends and safeguarding: Young people's views about safety and to whom they would share safety concerns. Child Abuse Review (32)3, Special Issue: Youthscapes: Friends and peers as avenues of support as well as harm. May/June 2023, e2825.
Scott, J. G., Malacova, E., Mathews, B., Haslam, D. M., Pacella, R., Higgins, D. J., Meinck, F., Dunne, M. P., Finkelhor, D., Erskine, H. E., et al. The association between child maltreatment and mental disorders in the Australian Child Maltreatment Study. Medical Journal of Australia. DOI: 10.5694/mja2.51870
Suomi, A., Bailey, M., Lucas, N., Dowling, N., & Delfabbro, P. (2023). "It's like you're not even there…": Gambling harm experienced by children of gambling parents. Children and Youth Services Review: 145.
Trew, S., Couch, J., Cox, J. & Cinque, V. (2023). "We Were Already in Lockdown": Exploring the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Australia-Mental Health, Social Isolation, Abandonment, and Financial Precarity,Health & Social Care in the Community, vol. 2023, Article ID 6650961, 10 pages, 2023.
Walsh, K., Pinnock, R., Smith, R., Higgins, D, & Mathews, B. (2023). Rapid review of approaches to community awareness and education for child sexual abuse and children's harmful sexual behaviour. National Centre for Action on Child Sexual Abuse Scoping Study Series.
Couch, J., Liddy, N. & McDougall, J. (2021). "Our voices aren't in lockdown" - refugee young people, challenges, and innovation during COVID 19, Journal of Applied Youth Studies.
Enhancing Online Privacy Bill: submission to the Australian Government on protecting children's data (December 2021)
Herrenkohl, T., Scott, D., Higgins, D., Klika, B., & Lonne, B. (2021). How COVID-19 is placing vulnerable children at risk and why we need a new approach to child welfare. Child Maltreatment.
Historical Forced Adoptions in Victoria: An inquiry by the Victorian Government from 2019-2021, witness statement by Professor Daryl Higgins
Higgins, D. (2021, March 22). Verbal evidence given to the Victorian Government's Inquiry into Responses to Historical Forced Adoptions in Victoria (with Australian Psychological Society). Transcript:
Higgins, D., McDougall, J., Trew, S., & Suomi, A. (2021). Experiences of people with mental ill-health involved in family court orchild protection processes: A rapid evidence review (PDF, 726KB). A report to the National Mental Health Commission. Melbourne: Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University. DOI: 10.24268/acu.8w64y
Institute of Child Protection Studies. (2021). 10 National Principles for Child Safe Organisations A guide for psychologists. Canberra: ACU Institute of Child Protection Studies.
Institute of Child Protection Studies (2021). Nowhere to go: Young people share their experiences of homelessness. Based on Noble-Carr, D., & Trew, S. (2018). "Nowhere to go": Investigating homelessness experiences of 12-15 years olds in the Australian Capital Territory. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University.
Mathews, B., MacMillan, H., Meinck, F., Finkelhor, D., Haslam, D., Tonmyr, L., Gonzalez, A., Afifi, T. O., Scott, J., Pacella, R. E., Higgins, D. J., Thomas, H., Collin-Vézina, D., & Walsh, K. (2021). The ethics of child maltreatment surveys in relation to participant distress: Implications of a review of social science evidence, ethical guidelines and law. Child Abuse & Neglect, 123, 105424.
Mathews, B., Pacella, R., Dunne, M., Scott, J., Finkelhor, D., Meinck, F., Higgins, D.J., Erskine, H., Thomas, H.J., Haslam, D., Tran, N., Le, H., Honey, N., Kellard, K., Lawrence, D. (2021). The Australian Child Maltreatment Study (ACMS): protocol for a national survey of the prevalence of child abuse and neglect, associated mental disorders and physical health problems, and burden of disease. BMJ Open. 2021 May 11;11(5):e047074. https://doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-047074. PMID: 33980529
Page, Z., & Higgins, D. (2021). Adult responses to concerning sexual behaviours of young people in specialist school settings. Canberra: ACU Institute of Child Protection Studies.
Raising the minimum age of criminal responsibility (ACT): submission to the ACT Government (August 2021)
Raising the minimum age of criminal responsibility (Tasmania): submission to the Tasmanian Government (November 2021)
Russell, D.H., & Higgins, D. J. (2021). Children and young people's safety: 2018-2020 Report. Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University.
Russell, D.H., & Higgins, D. J. (2021). Listening to children and young people's voices about safety in organisations. Australian Institute of Family Studies. Retrieved from
Suomi, A., Lucas, N., Dowling, N., Delfabbro, P. (2021). Gambling harm experienced by children of parents who gamble, Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation, Melbourne.
Suomi, A., Lucas, N., Dowling, N., & Delfabbro, P. (2021). Parental problem gambling and child wellbeing: Systematic review and synthesis of evidence, Addictive Behaviors,
Suomi, A., Bolton, A., & Pasalich, D. (2021). The Prevalence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Birth Parents in Child Protection Services: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Trauma, Violence, and Abuse.
Suomi, A., & Dowling, N. (2020). Lived experience of help-seeking in the presence of gambling related harms and coexisting mental health conditions. Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation, Melbourne.
Trew, S., Russell, D. H., & Higgins, D. (2020). Effective interventions to reduce suicidal thoughts and behaviours among children in contact with child protection and out-of-home care systems - a rapid evidence review. Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University.
Taplin, S., Lucas, N., Suomi, A., Humphreys, C., Kertesz, M. & McArthur, M. (2021). Parents' supervised contact visits with their children in care: Factors associated with cancellations. Children and Youth Services Review, Volume 127, 106127. doi:
Trew, S., Russell, D. H., Higgins, D. J., & Walsh, K. (2021). Effective delivery methods and teaching strategies for child sexual abuse prevention: A rapid evidence check. Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University. DOI: 10.26199/rdbq-xm46
Cahill, A., Stewart, J. & Higgins, D. (2020). Service system responses to children and young people in the statutory child protection system who have experienced or witnessed family violence. Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University
Child Safe Standards: ICPS submission ACT Government (February 2020)
Child Safe Standards: Higgins, D., Stewart, J., Cahill, A., McDougall, J., & Medvedeva, A. (2020). Catholic Safeguarding Australia: A national office for oversight and coordination of safeguarding and professional standards for the Catholic Church in Australia (A report to the Safeguarding Steering Committee of the Australian Episcopal Conference of the Roman Catholic Church and Catholic Religious Australia). Canberra: ACU Institute of Child Protection Studies.
Herrenkohl, T., Scott, D., Higgins, D., Klika, B., & Lonne, B. (2020). How COVID-19 is placing vulnerable children at risk and why we need a new approach to child welfare. Child Maltreatment.
Herrenkohl, T.I., Lonne, B., Higgins, D. & Scott, D. (2020). The Personal Security of Children Demands Bold System Reform. International Journal on Child Maltreatment.3, 9-17
Higgins, D., Stewart, J., Cahill, A., McDougall, J., & Medvedeva, A. (2020). Catholic Safeguarding Australia: A national office for oversight and coordination of safeguarding and professional standards for the Catholic Church in Australia (A report to the Safeguarding Steering Committee of the Australian Episcopal Conference of the Roman Catholic Church and Catholic Religious Australia). Canberra: ACU Institute of Child Protection Studies.
Moore, T., McArthur, M., Graham, A., Jenny Chalmers, Powell, M.A. & Taplin, S. (2020) Children and young people's decision-making in social research about sensitive issues, Children's Geographies, DOI: 10.1080/14733285.2020.1866749
Phoenix Australia (2020). Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Acute Stress Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Chapter 9, Specific Populations and Trauma Types: Victims of Intimate Partner Violence. Melbourne.
Review of Age of Criminal Responsibility: submission for Department of Justice (February 2020)
Richardson, D., Dugarova, E., Higgins, D., Hirao, K., Karamperidou, D., Mokomane, Z., Robila, M. (2020). Families, Family Policy and the Sustainable Development Goals, Innocenti Research Report, UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti, Florence
Russell, D.H., Anderson, J.R., Riggs, D.W., Ullman, J., & Higgins, D.J. (2020). Gender diversity and safety climate perceptions in schools and other youth-serving organisations, Children and Youth Services Review, Vol. 117, 105334.
Russell, D., & Higgins, D. (2020). Safeguarding capabilities in preventing child sexual abuse: A scale measuring knowledge, attitudes and skills applicable to all youth-serving sectors. Child Maltreatment, 25(2), 233-242.
Russell, D., Higgins, D. & Posso, A. (2020). Preventing child sexual abuse: A systematic review of interventions and their efficacy in developing countries. Child Abuse & Neglect, ISSN: 0145-2134, Vol: 102, Page: 104395.
Suomi, A., Lucas, N., McArthur, M., Humphreys, C., Dobbins, T., & Taplin, S. (2020). Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) to Support Parental Contact for Children in Out-of-Home Care. Child Abuse & Neglect.
Taplin, S., & Suomi, A. (2020). Main findings from the kContact trial of a contact intervention to support parents with children in out-of-home care. Canberra: ACU Institute of Child Protection Studies.
Towards A National Approach to Child Safety and Addressing Violence Against Children: ICPS submission to Australian Parliamentary Inquiry into Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence (July 2020)
Trew, S., Russell, D. H., & Higgins, D. (2020). Effective interventions to reduce suicidal thoughts and behaviours among children in contact with child protection and out-of-home care systems - a rapid evidence review. Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University.
Young Australians and the response to COVID-19: ICPS submission to the Australian Government Senate inquiry into the COVID-19 pandemic (May 2020)
ACU Institute of Child Protection Studies. (2018). Doing good business: A resource for researchers about conducting research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children about family violence. Melbourne: Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University.
Adoption Reform: Dispensing with Consent: ICPS submission for Community Services Directorate ACT, March 2019
Harwin, J., Broadhurst, K., Cooper, C., & Taplin, S. (2019). Tensions and contradictions in family court innovation with high risk parents: The place of family drug treatment courts in contemporary family justice. International Journal of Drug Policy, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2018.04.019
Lonne, B., Higgins, D., Herrenkohl, T., & Scott, D. (2019). Reconstructing the workforce within public health protective systems: Improving resilience, retention, service responsiveness and outcomes. Child Abuse & Neglect.
Lonne, B., Scott, D., Higgins, D., & Herrenkohl, T. (Eds.) (2019). Re-visioning public health approaches for protecting children. Child Maltreatment 9: Contemporary Issues in Research and Policy Series. Springer.
Moore, T., McArthur, M., & Death, J. (2019). Brutal Bullies and Protective Peers: How Young People Help or Hinder Each Other's Safety in Residential Care,Residential Treatment for Children & Youth. DOI: 10.1080/0886571X.2019.1682487
National Action Plan for Health of Children and Young People 202030: ICPS submission for Australian Government Department of Health, March 2019
National Public Register of Child Sex Offenders: ICPS submission for Australian Government Department of Home Affairs, January 2019
Noble-Carr, D., Moore, T., & McArthur, M. (2019). Children's experiences and needs in relation to domestic and family violence: Findings from a meta-synthesis. Child and Family Social Work, DOI: 10.1111/cfs.12645
O'Donnell, M., Taplin, S., & Marriott, R. (2019) Preventing another Stolen Generation in Australia: Crucial lessons from history are being ignored. Asia and the Pacific Policy Society, 29 May
Powell, M. A., Graham, A., McArthur, M., Moore, T., Chalmers, J., & Taplin, S. (2019). Children's participation in research on sensitive topics: addressing concerns of decision-makers. Children's Geographies, DOI: 10.1080/14733285.2019.1639623
Review of Government Service Provision: ICPS submission for Productivity Commission: What works - Protecting Children', March 2019
Review of the Victorian Child Safe Standards: ICPS submission for Victorian Government Department of Health and Human Services, February 2019
Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System: ICPS submission for Victorian Government, July 2019
Russell, D., Higgins, D., & Stewart, J. (2019). Safety survey data from Victorian youth-serving organisations: Survey data from workers, young people, and organisational leaders' self-reflections after implementing the Victorian Child Safe Standards. A report to the Victorian Government Department of Health and Human Services. Melbourne: Australian Catholic University - Institute of Child Protection Studies.
Russell, D., & Higgins, D. (2019). Safeguarding capabilities in preventing child sexual abuse: Exploratory factor analysis of a scale measuring safeguarding capabilities in youth-serving organizations workers. Child Maltreatment. DOI:
Taplin, S., Chalmers, J., Hoban, B., McArthur, M., Moore, T., & Graham, A. (2019). Children in Social Research: Do Higher Payments Encourage Participation in Riskier Studies?Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 14(2), 126-140. DOI:
Trew, S., Stewart, J., Thorpe, R., Tewson, A., & Higgins, D. (2019). Family Foundations Outcome Evaluation. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University.
Barker, J., Thorpe, R., & McArthur, M. (2018). Family Foundations Process Evaluation. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University
Inquiry into Local Adoption: ICPS submission for House of Representatives, Parliament of Australia, May 2018
McArthur, M., Winkworth, G. (2018). Give Them a Break: How Stigma Impacts on Younger Mothers Accessing Early and Supportive Help in Australia. The British Journal of Social Work, 48(5), 1277-1295. DOI:
Moore, T. (2017). Children and young people's views on institutional safety: It's not just because we're little. Child Abuse & Neglect, 74, 73-85. DOI:
Moore, T., McArthur, M., Death, J., Tilbury, C., & Roche, S. (2018). Sticking with us through it all: The importance of trustworthy relationships for children and young people in residential care. Children and Youth Services Review, 84, 68-75. DOI:
Noble-Carr, D., & Trew, S. (2018). "Nowhere to go": Investigating homelessness experiences of 12-15 year-olds in the Australian Capital Territory. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University.
Powell, M. A., McArthur, M., Chalmers, J., Graham, A., Moore, T., Spriggs, M., & Taplin, S. (2018). Sensitive topics in social research involving children. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 21(6), 647-660, DOI:
Pridmore, W., Levy, M. H., & McArthur, M., (2017). Slipping through the cracks: Examining the realities of a child-friendly prison system. Children and Youth Services Review, 83, 226-231. DOI:
Sanders, M., Higgins, D., & Ronald, P., (2018). A population approach to the prevention of child maltreatment: Rationale and implications for research, policy and practice. Family Matters, 100, 62-70. Available online:;dn=765584280626723;res=IELFSC
Saunders, V., & McArthur, M. (2018). Representing Children of Prisoners in the Public Domain: Comparing Children's Views and Policy Documents. Australian Social Work, DOI:
Woodman, E., Roche, S., McArthur, M., & Moore, T., (2018). Child protection practitioners: Including children in decision making. Child & Family Social Work, 23(3). DOI:
Roche, S. & Barker, J. (2017). Youth homelessness and its relationship with family conflict: Models for policy and practice. Melbourne: Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University, and Melbourne City Mission.
Higgins, D. (2017, September 12). Protecting children from abuse in organisations needs leadership and cultural change. Opinion piece for The Conversation.
Moore, T. (2017). Protection through participation: Involving children in child-safe organisations. CFCA Practice Paper, Child Family Community Australia. Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Moore, T., & McArthur, M. (2017). You Feel It in Your Body': How Australian children and young people think about and experience feeling and being safe. Children & Society, 31(3), 206-218.
Moore, T., McArthur, M., Death, J., Tilbury, C., & Roche, S. (2017). Young people's views on safety and preventing abuse and harm in residential care: "It's got to be better than home". Children and Youth Services Review.
Moore, T., McArthur, M., & Noble-Carr, D. (2017). More a marathon than a hurdle: Towards children's informed consent in a study on safety. Qualitative Research.
Moore, T., McArthur, M., & Roche, S. (2017). Safe and Sound: The safety concerns of young people in residential care. Issue 17, Research to Practice Series. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University.
Moore, T., McArthur, M., & Roche, S. (2017). Safe and Sound: Creating safe residential care services for children and young people. Issue 18, Research to Practice Series. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University.
Noble-Carr, D., & Woodman, E. (2017). Considering identity and meaning constructions for vulnerable young people. Journal of Adolescent Research.
Roche, S. (2017). Child protection and maltreatment in the Philippines: A systematic review of the literature. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies, 4(1), 104-128.
Roche, S., Barker, J., & McArthur, M. (2017). 'Performing' fathering while homeless: Utilising a critical social work perspective. The British Journal of Social Work.
Roche, S., & Noble-Carr, D. (2017). Agency and its Constraints among Biological Children of Foster Carers. Australian Social Work, 70(1), 66-77.
Richmond, G., & McArthur, M. (2017). Foster and kinship carer recruitment and retention: Encouraging and sustaining quality care to improve outcomes for children in care. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University.
Saunders, V. (2017). Children of prisoners - children's decision-making about contact. Child & Family Social Work, 22(S2), 63-72.
Saunders, V., & McArthur, M. (2017). Help-seeking needs and gaps for preventing child sexual abuse. Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University. Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, Sydney.
Saunders, V., Roche, S., McArthur, M., & Barry, E. (2017). Barriers to formal and informal supports for refugee families in Australia. Child Family Community Australia, 6 April.
Saunders, V., Roche, S., McArthur, M., & Barry, E. (2017). Improving formal service responses for refugee families in Australia. Child Family Community Australia, 12 April.
Taplin, S. (2017). Prenatal reporting to child protection: Characteristics and service responses in one Australian jurisdiction. Child Abuse & Neglect, 65, 68-76.
Thomson, L., McArthur, M., Barry, E. (2017). Recruiting and Retaining Foster Carers. Research to Practice Series, Issue 16. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Thomson, L., McArthur, M., & Camilleri, P. (2017). Is it 'fair'? Representation of children, young people and parents in an adversarial court system. Child and Family Social Work, 22(S2), 23-32.
Barker, J. (2016). A habitus of instability: youth homelessness and instability. Journal of Youth Studies, 19(5), 665-683.
Barker, J. (2016). Homelessness and the role of the family. In A. Furlong (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Youth and Young Adulthood. New York: Routledge.
Bullen, T., Taplin, S., McArthur, M., Humphreys, C. Kertesz, M. (2016). Interventions to improve supervised contact visits between children in out of home care and their parents: A systematic review. Child and Family Social Work.
Dawe, S., Taplin, S., & Mattick, R. (2016). Psychometric Investigation of the Brief Child Abuse Potential Inventory in Mothers on Opioid Substitution Therapy. Journal of Family Violence.
Islam, Mofizul M., McRae, I., Mazumdar, S., Taplin, S., & McKetin, R. (2016). Prescription opioid analgesics for pain management in Australia: twenty years of dispensing. Internal Medicine Journal, 46(8), 955-963.
McArthur, M., & Winkworth, G. (2016). What do we know about the social networks of single parents who do not use supportive services? Child and Family Social Work.
Moore, T., McArthur., M., Heerde, J., Roche, S., & O'Leary, P. (2016). Our safety counts: Children and young people's perceptions of safety and institutional responses to their safety concerns. Melbourne: Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University.
Moore, T., McArthur, M., Roche, S., Death, J., & Tilbury, C. (2016). Safe and sound: Exploring the safety of young people in residential care. Melbourne: Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University. Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, Sydney.
Moore, T., McArthur, M., Roche, S., Heerde, J., & Barry, E. (2016). Our Safety Counts: Key findings from the Australian Survey of Kids and Young People - Perceptions of interpersonal safety and characteristics of safe institutions. Research to Practice Series: Issue 13. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University.
Moore, T., McArthur, M., Roche, S., Heerde, J., & Barry, E. (2016). Our Safety Counts: Key findings from the Australian Survey of Kids and Young People - help-seeking and institutional responses to safety concerns. Research to Practice Series: Issue 13. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University.
Moore, T., Noble-Carr, D., & McArthur, M. (2016). Changing things for the better: The use of children and young people's reference groups in social research. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 19(2), 241-256.
Saunders, V., McArthur, M., Roche, S., & Barry, E. (2016). Supporting refugee families in Australia. Research to Practice Series: Issue 15. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University.
Thomson, L., Watt, E., & McArthur, M. (2016). Literature review: Foster carer attraction, recruitment, support and retention. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University.
Barker, J., & Thomson, L. (2015). Helpful relationships with service users: Linking social capital. Australian Social Work, 68(1), 130 - 145.
Barker, J., Thomson, L., & Barry, E. (2015). The Importance of a 'Human Connection': Helpful relationships with service users and linking social capital. Research to Practice Series, Issue 9. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Bullen, T., Rosenberg, J. P., Smith, B., & Maher, K. (2015). The Use of Emergency Medication Kits in Community Palliative Care An Exploratory Survey of Views of Current Practice in Australian Home-Based Palliative Care Services. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 32(6), 581-587.
Bullen, T., Taplin, S., & Barry, E. (2015). Supporting quality contact visits for children in out-of-home care. Research to Practice Series, Issue 10. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Bullen, T., Taplin, S., Kertesz, M., Humphreys, C & McArthur, M. (2015). Literature review on supervised contact between children in out-of-home care and their parents. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Flynn, C., & Saunders, V. (2015). Research with Children of Prisoners: Methodological Considerations for Bringing Youth in from the Margins. In S. Bastien & H. B. Holmarsdottir (Eds.), Youth 'At the Margins': Critical Perspectives and Experiences of Engaging Youth in Research Worldwide. Volume 4. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Heiniger, L., Butow, P., Coll, J., Bullen, T., Wilson, J., Baylock, B., Meiser, B., Price, M. (2015). Long-term outcomes of risk-reducing surgery in unaffected women at increased familial risk of breast and/or ovarian cancer. Familial Cancer, 14(1), 105-115.
Moore, T. (2015). Keeping them in mind. In G. Schweigher & G. Graf (Eds), The Well-Being of Children. De Gruyter Open.
Moore, T., McArthur, M., & Barry, E. (2015). Not Everything is Imaginary: Children's Conceptualisations of Interpersonal Safety. Research to Practice Series, Issue 11. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University.
Moore, T., McArthur, M., & Barry, E. (2015, 18 August). What do children and young people have to say about safety in institutions? [Opinion Article]. The Conversation.
Moore, T., McArthur, M., Noble-Carr, D., & Harcourt, D. (2015). Taking us seriously: children and young people talk about safety and institutional responses to their safety concerns. Melbourne: Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University.
Noble-Carr, D., Farnham, J., Dean, C., & Barry, E. (2015). Needs and Experiences of Biological Children of Foster Carers. Research to Practice Series, Issue 8, January. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Rainsford, S., Bullen, T. & Rosenberg, J.P. (2015). Challenges of recruiting hospice patients with advanced cancer to research: experience from a delirium screening study. Progress in Palliative Care, 23(1), 24-28.
Roche, S. (2015). The Salvaging of Identities among Homeless Men: Reflections for Social Work. Australian Social Work, 68(2), 228-243.
Rosenberg, J.P., Bullen, T., & Maher, K. (2015). Supporting family caregivers with palliative symptom management: a qualitative analysis of the provision of an emergency medication kit in the home setting. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 32(5), 484-489.
Saunders, V., McArthur, M,. & Moore, T. (2015). Not Seen and Not Heard: Ethical Considerations of Research with Children of Prisoners. Children of Prisoners, Special Issue of Law in Context, 32, 108 - 125.
Saunders, V., Roche, S., McArthur, M., Arney, F., & Ziaian, T. (2015). Refugee Communities Intercultural Dialogue: Building Relationships, Building Communities. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Taplin, S. (2015, 17 April). Adoption has a role in child protection, but it's no panacea [Opinion Article]. The Conversation.
Taplin, S., Bullen, T., McArthur, M., Humphreys, C., Kertesz, M., & Dobbins, T. (2015). kContact, an enhanced intervention for contact between children in out-of-home care and their parents: protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 15, 1134
Taplin, S., & Mattick, R.P. (2015).The nature and extent of child protection involvement amongst heroin-using mothers in treatment: high rates of reports, removals at birth and children in care. Drug & Alcohol Review, 34(1), 31 - 37.
Taplin, S., Richmond, G., McArthur, M. (2015). Identifying alcohol and other drug use during pregnancy: Outcomes for women, their partners and their children (PDF, 645KB). Canberra: Australian National Council on Drugs.
Barker, J. (2014). Alone together: The strategies of autonomy and relatedness in the lives of homeless youth. Journal of Youth Studies, 17(6), 763-777.
Barker, J., & Morrison, T. (2014). Supporting fathers who are homeless. Research to Practice Series, Issue 5, March. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Bullen, T., Maher, K., Rosenberg, J.P., & Smith, B. (2014). Establishing research in a palliative care clinical setting: Perceived barriers and implemented strategies. Applied Nursing Research, 27(1), 78-83.
Henriksson, C. (2014). Without him, I am not me: Siblings as co-writers of life stories. In I. Ljungqvist & P. Gerrevall (Eds.), Livet ar en berattelse: Vanbok till Hakan Jenner. Linnaeus University Press: Vaxjo.
McArthur, M. (2014, 29 October). Foster parents need more support to care for vulnerable children [Opinion Article]. The Conversation.
McArthur, M., & Faragher, R. (2014). Children in Families with Complex Needs. International Public Health Journal, 6(2), 199-211.
McArthur, M., & Faragher, R. (2014). Worries about children in families with complex needs. In R.L. Brown & R. Faragher (Eds.), Quality of Life and Intellectual Disability: Knowledge Application to other Social and Educational Challenges. Nova Publishers Australia.
McArthur, M., & Moore, T. (2014). Substance Abuse and Parenthood. The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior and Society, 2404 - 2404.
McArthur, M., & Thomson, B. (2014). Getting more bang for your buck: What works best in professional development in the child, youth and family workforce. Developing Practice, 39, July, 42 -55.
Moore, T., & Barry, E. (2014). Supporting Young Carers in Education. Research to Practice Series, Issue 6, June. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Moore, T., & McArthur, M. (2014). If only I, they, we had done things differently: Young people talk about school difficulties and crime. Children and Youth Services Review, 44, 249-255.
Moore, T., & Noble-Carr, D. (2014). Making Kids Central. Online article, Child Family Community Australia. Canberra: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Moore, T., Noble-Carr, D., & Barry, E. (2014). Child-Centred Practice. Research to Practice Series, Issue 7, September. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Noble-Carr, D., Barker, J., McArthur, M., & Woodman, E. (2014). Improving practice: The importance of connections in establishing positive identity and meaning in the lives of vulnerable young people. Children and Youth Services Review, 47(3), 389-396.
Noble-Carr, D., Farnham, J., & Dean, C. (2014). Needs and Experiences of Biological Children of Foster Carers: A Scoping Study. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Rainsford, S., Rosenberg, J., & Bullen, T. (2014). Delirium in Advanced Cancer: Screening for the Incidence on Admission to an Inpatient Hospice Unit. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 17(9), 1045-1048.
Taplin, S., & Mattick, R. (2014). Supervised contact visits: Results from a study of women in drug treatment services with children in care. Children and Youth Services Review, 39, 65-72.
Willis, M., & Tomison, A. (2014). Program evaluation in a cross-cultural context: Action research, program logic and youth justice in Thailand. Learning Communities: International Journal of Learning in Social Contexts. Special Issue: Evaluation. 14, 128-143.
Barker, J. (2013). Negative cultural capital and homeless young people. Journal of Youth Studies, 16(3), 358-374.
Barker, J., & Barry, E. (2013). 'The Big Man': Homeless Young People and Negative Cultural Capital. Parity, 26(10), 31-32.
Barker, J., & Barry, E. (2013, 26 November). Itching for a fight: The motives behind alcohol-fuelled violence [Opinion Article]. The Conversation.
Barker, J., Kolar, V., Mallett, S., & McArthur, M. (2013). What works for children experiencing homelessness and/or family/domestic violence? Part 1: Literature Synthesis. Melbourne: Hanover Welfare Services.
Barry, E., & Barker, J. (2013). Interventions and practice principles for supporting young people who are homeless. Research to Practice Series, Issue 1, March. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Camilleri, P., Thomson, L., & McArthur, M. (2013). Needs or deeds? Child protection and youth justice in the Australian Capital Territory. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 35(2), 193-206.
Camilleri, P., Thomson, L., & McArthur, M. (2013). The Children's Court in the Australian Capital Territory. In R. Sheehan & A. Borowski (Eds.), Australia's Children's Courts Today and Tomorrow, 7, 9-26: Springer Netherlands.
Kolar, V., Barker, J., Mallett, S., McArthur, M., & Nette, A. (2013). What works for children experiencing homelessness and/or family/domestic violence? An Abridged Report. Melbourne: Hanover Welfare Services.
McArthur, M., & Barry, E. (2013). Younger Mothers: Stigma and Support. Research to Practice Series, Issue 3, September. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
McArthur, M., Thomson, L., & Winkworth, G. (2013). Jumping through hoops - the cost of compliance on sole parents. Child & Family Social Work, 18(2), 159-167.
McArthur, M., & Winkworth, G. (2013). Powerful evidence: Changing policy and practice through research. Developing Practice: The Child, Youth and Family Work Journal, 35, 41-53.
McArthur, M. & Winkworth, G. (2013). The hopes and dreams of Australian young mothers in receipt of income support. Communities, Children and Families Australia, 7(1), 47-62.
Moore, T., McArthur, M., & Saunders, V. (2013). Young People Talk about Transitioning from Youth Detention to the Community: Making Good. Australian Social Work, 66(3), 328-343.
Noble-Carr, D., & Barry, E. (2013). Identity and meaning in the lives of vulnerable young people. Research to Practice Series, Issue 2, June. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Noble-Carr, D., Barker, J., & McArthur, M. (2013). Me, Myself and I: Identity and Meaning for Vulnerable Young People. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Richmond, G. (2013). Central Australia Cross Border Project. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Rowe, E., Akman, T., Smith, R., & Tomison, A. (2013). Organised crime and public sector corruption: A crime scripts analysis of tactical displacement risks. Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice, no. 444. Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra.
Saunders, V., & Barry, E. (2013). Children with Parents in Prison. Research to Practice Series, Issue 4, December. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Saunders, V., & McArthur, M. (2013). Children of Prisoners: Exploring the needs of children and young people who have a parent incarcerated in the ACT. Canberra: SHINE for Kids.
Saunders, V., & McArthur, M. (2013). Getting it right: Research with refugee background children. In K. De Gioia & P. Whiteman (Eds), Immigrant and Refugee Families (pp. 23-40). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Taplin, S., & Mattick, R. P. (2013). Mothers in methadone treatment and their involvement with the child protection system: A replication and extension study. Child Abuse & Neglect, 37(8), 500-510.
Thomson, L., McArthur, M. (2013). Detailed Evaluation Plan: Child, Youth and Family Services Program. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Williams, E., & Tomison, A. (2013). Monitoring and evaluating community-based interventions for children and families in the Asia-Pacific region. In R. Srivastava, R. Seth, J. Van Niekerk (Eds.), Child abuse and neglect: challenges and opportunities, 159-72. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers: New Delhi.
Barker, J. (2012). Social capital, homeless young people and the family. Journal of Youth Studies, 15(6), 730-743.
Barker, J., Humphries, P., McArthur, M., & Thomson, L. (2012). Literature Review: Effective interventions for young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Canberra: Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs.
Barker, J., Humphries, P., McArthur, M., & Thomson, L. (2012). Reconnect: Working with young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Canberra: Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs.
Butler, K., McArthur, M., Thomson, L., & Winkworth, G. (2012). Vulnerable Families' Use of Services: Getting What They Need. Australian Social Work, 65(4), 575-581.
McArthur, M., & Barry, E. (2012, 17 October). Taking the big stick to single parents is not the answer [Opinion Article]. The Conversation.
McArthur, M., & Thomson, L. (2012). National Analysis of Workforce Trends in Statutory Child Protection. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Saunders, V., McArthur, M., Moore, T., Inglis, A., & Golic, V. (2012). Getting it right: how best to engage refugee children and their parents in research about their Resettlement in Australia. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Thomson, L., McArthur, M., & Thomson, B. (2012). Supporting young people in education: Impact of changes to FTB A on young people and their families. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Australian Children's Commissioners and Guardians & Noble-Carr, D. (2011). What Australian kids say about their world. Australian Children's Commissioners and Guardians.
Barker, J., Kolar, V., Mallett, S., McArthur, M., Saunders, V. (2011). More Than Just Me: Supporting Fathers who are Homeless. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Camilleri, P., McArthur, M., & Thomson, L. (2011). ARC Discovery Grant Project: Challenges, possibilities and future directions: A national assessment of Australia's Children's Courts. ACT Report. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Layton, M., & McArthur, M. (2011). Healthy Home Healthy Me: Review of the Northside Community Services 2011 Severe Domestic Squalor and Hoarding Pilot Project. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
McArthur, M., Conroy, S., & Wilson, F. (2011). How Relevant is the Role of Values in Child Protection Practice? A national survey of Statutory Child Protection Staff 2009. Occasional Paper. Canberra: Regulatory Institutions Network, ANU.
McArthur, M., & Thomson, L. (2011). Families' views on a coordinated family support service. Family Matters, 89.
McArthur, M., Thomson, L., Woodward, M., Barker, J., Layton, M., & Winkworth, G. (2011). Evaluation of the Supporting Children After Separation Program and the Post Separation Cooperative Parenting Program. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Moore, T., & McArthur, M. (2011). "Good for Kids": Children who have been homeless talk about school. Australian Journal of Education, 55(2), 147-160.
Moore, T., McArthur, M., & Noble-Carr, D. (2011). Different but the same? Exploring the experiences of young people caring for a parent with an alcohol or other drug issue. Journal of Youth Studies, 14(2), 161-177.
Moore, T., McArthur, M., & Noble-Carr, D. (2011). Lessons learned from children who have experienced homelessness: What services need to know. Children and Society, 25(2), 115-126.
Moore, T., Saunders, V., & McArthur, M. (2011). Championing Choice - Lessons Learned from Children and Young People About Research and Their Involvement. Child Indicators Research, 4(2), 249-267.
Riley, J., & Thomson, L. (2011). Draft Evaluation Plan: First Point. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Winkworth, G., & White, M. (2011). Australia's Children 'Safe and Well'? Collaboration with purpose across Commonwealth Family Relationship and State Child Protection Systems. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 70(1), 1 - 113.
Butler, K., McArthur, M., Winkworth, G., Thomson, B., & Crowe, R. (2010). Experiences and Aspirations of Younger Mothers. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Butler, K., White, M., Winkworth, G., & McArthur, M. (2010). Evaluation Framework: ACT Early Childhood Schools Initiative. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
McArthur, M. (2010). Child Abuse and Neglect and their underlying causes require multiple lenses with which to fully understand them. Communities, Children and Families Australia, 5(2), 3-5.
McArthur, M., Butler, K., Grealy, C., & Olver, K. (2010). Supported Playgroups and Parent Groups (SPPI) Outcomes Evaluation. Urbis Social Policy Team. Victoria: Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
McArthur, M., Winkworth, G. (2010). Step by Step: Working Together to Increase the Safety and Life Chances of Children Whose Parents Misuse Substances. Communities, Children and Families Australia, 5(1), 46-59.
Moore, T., Noble-Carr, D., & McArthur, M. (2010). Who Cares? Young people with parents who use alcohol or other drugs talk about their experiences with services. Family Matters, 85.
Saunders, V., & Moore, T. (2010). Exploring the needs and supports of young adult carers living in the ACT. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Thomson, L., & McArthur, M. (2010). Foster Carer Experiences of Leaving Foster Care in the Australian Capital Territory. Communities, Children and Families Australia, 5(2), 48-59.
Thomson, L., McArthur, M., Butler, K., & Thomson, B. (2010). Integrated Family Support Project Outcome Evaluation. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Winkworth, G., McArthur, M., Layton, M., Thomson, L., & Wilson, F. (2010). Opportunities Lost - Why Some Parents of Young Children Are Not Well-Connected to the Service Systems Designed to Assist Them. Australian Social Work, 63(4).
Winkworth, G., McArthur, M., Layton, M., & Thomson, L. (2010). Someone to check in one me: Social capital, social support and vulnerable parents with very young children in the Australian Capital Territory. Child & Family Social Work, 15, 206-215.
Winkworth, G., & White, M. (2010). May Do, Should Do, Can Do: Collaboration between Commonwealth and State Service Systems for Vulnerable Children. Communities, Children and Families Australia, 5(1), 5-20.
Butler, K., McArthur, M., Winkworth, G., Saunders, V., Layton-Thompson, M., Conroy, S., Crowe, R., & Rollins, W. (2009). Getting what we need: Families' experiences of services. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Chesterton, P., & Butler, B. (2009). Evaluation of FaHCSIA Funded Clearinghouses. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Institute of Child Protection Studies. (2009). Separation and divorce: Researching with Children. Literature Review. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
McArthur, M., Conroy, S., & Butler, K. (2009). Connecting Canberra's Inner North - Final Evaluation of the North Canberra C4C Initiative. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Moore, T., McArthur, M., & Morrow, R. (2009). Attendance, Achievement and Participation: Young Carers' Experiences of School in Australia. The Australian Journal of Education, 53(1).
Saunders, V., Moore, T., Butler, K., McArthur, M., & Orr, B. (2009). ACT Youth Services Program: Future Directions. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Thomson, L., & McArthur, M. (2009). Who's in our family? An application of the theory of family boundary ambiguity to the experiences of former foster carers. Adoption and Fostering Journal, 33(1) 68-79.
Winkworth, G., & Butler, K. (2009). A report on the progress of 'Protecting Australia's Children' Panel - a project to increase collaboration between ACT Housing, ACT Child Protection Services and ACT Community Service Providers. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Winkworth, G., & Healy, C. (2009). Victorian Community Linkages Project: Increasing collaboration between State and Commonwealth service systems to improve the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable children in the Frankston-Mornington Peninsula and Wodonga. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Winkworth, G., Healy, C., Woodward, M., & Camilleri, P. (2009). Community capacity building: Learning from the 2003 bushfires. Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 24(2), 5-12.
Winkworth, G., & Layton-Thompson, M. (2009). Working in the Grey: Increasing Collaboration between services in Inner North Canberra - A Communities for Children Project. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Winkworth, G., & McArthur, M. (2009). A practice framework to guide screening and assessment in the Australia Family Relationship Centres and Advice Line. Child & Family Social Work,14(4), 410-419.
Butler, K. (2008). Mental Health Carers Peer Support Group Project Evaluation Report. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Camilleri, P., & McArthur, M. (2008). Suicidal behaviour in prisons: Learning from Australian and international experiences. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 31(4), 297-307.
Lifeline Canberra, & Institute of Child Protection Studies. (2008). First Responders - Emerging Suicide Helpers (FRESH) Evaluation Report. Canberra: Lifeline Canberra.
Moore, T., & McArthur, M. (2008). Time to care: Young carers and education. Professional Educator; 7(2), 34-39.
Moore, T., McArthur, M., & Noble-Carr, D. (2008). Down the hard road: young people and their experiences of homelessness as children. Parity, July.
Moore, T., McArthur, M., & Noble-Carr, D. (2008). Little Voices and Big Ideas: Lessons Learned from Children about Research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 7(2), 77-91.
Moore, T., McArthur, M., & Noble-Carr, D. (2008). Stuff you'd never think of: Children talk about homelessness and how they'd like to be supported. Family Matters, 78.
Moore, T., McArthur, M., & Noble-Carr, D. (2008). Taking Little Steps: Research with Children - a Case Study. In Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY) & NSW Commissioner for Children and Young People (NSWCCYP) (Eds.). Research with Children and Young People: A Compendium. Sydney: ARACY & NSWCCYP.
Moore, T., McArthur, M., & Noble-Carr, D. (2008). Too important to ignore: Children's views on homelessness. Parity, 21(8), 20-21.
Moore, T., Saunders, V., & McArthur, M. (2008). Lost in transition: Young people's transitions from custody to the community. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Noble-Carr, D., Moore, T., & McArthur, M. (2008). Who Cares? Experiences of young people living with a family member who has an alcohol or other drug issue. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Saunders, V., McArthur, M., Thomson, L., & Woodward, M. (2008). Relationships Australia Counselling Program Evaluation. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Thomson, L., Butler, K., & McArthur, M. (2008). Centacare STEPS Program Evaluation Framework. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Winkworth, G., & McArthur, M. (2008). Back to schools: human service workers increasing opportunities for early intervention and social inclusion from the school base. Children Australia, 33(4), 5-12.
Winkworth, G., & McArthur, M. (2008). Murray Darling Basin Initiative Focused Literature Review. Canberra: Australian Government.
Zubrzycki, J., Thomson, L., & Trevithick, P. (2008). International Recruitment in Child Protection: The experiences of workers in the Australian Capital Territory. Communities, Children and Families Australia, 3(2), 30-38.
Camilleri, P., Healy, C., Macdonald, E., Nicholls, S., Sykes, J., Winkworth, G., & Woodward, M. (2007). Recovering from the 2003 Canberra bushfire: A work in progress. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Healy, C., McArthur, M., Smith, G., & Winkworth, G. (2007). Evaluation Framework: Australian Government Disaster Assistance Package. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
McArthur, M., Bennett, B., & Saunders, V. (2007). What do Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families living in the ACT need in a family support program? Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
McArthur, M., & Evans, L. (2007). Student Support Services Evaluation Framework. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
McArthur, M., & Thompson, L. (2007). Evaluation Framework for 'A family-centred flexible intensive response model': Affirm. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Moore, T., Bennett, B., & McArthur, M. (2007). They've Gotta Listen: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Young People in Out Of Home Care. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Moore, T., & Layton, M. (2007). Kids Central Toolkit. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Moore, T., & McArthur, M. (2007). We're all in it together: Supporting young carers and their families in Australia. Health and Social Care in the Community, 15(6), 561-568.
Moore, T., & Morrow, R. (2007). Hopping off the Roundabout - Supporting Young Carers in Western Australia. Report of findings from the Young Carers Roundtable in 2007. WA: Carers WA.
Moore, T., Noble-Carr, D., McArthur, M. (2007). Finding Their Way Home: Children's Experiences of Homelessness. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Noble-Carr, D. (2007). Engaging Children in Research on Sensitive Issues. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Noble-Carr, D. (2007). The Experiences and Effects of Family Homelessness for Children. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Thomson, L., & McArthur, M. (2007). Experiences of Former Foster Carers. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Thomson, L., McArthur, M., Winkworth, G., Saunders, V., & Evans, L. (2007). Evaluation of 'Families Together' Program. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Winkworth, G. (2007). Disaster Recovery, a Review of the Literature. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Winkworth, G., & McArthur, M. (2007). Collaboration and Systems of Support for Vulnerable Children and Their Families: Improving the Interface between Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Interventions. Communities, Children and Families Australia, 3(1), 44-54.
Crowe, R., Coburn, K., McArthur, M., Moore, T., Saunders, V., Thomson, L., & Winkworth, G. (2006). Vulnerable Children and Risk in the ACT. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Institute of Child Protection Studies. (2006). Review of the Youth Support Workers in Schools Initiative. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
McArthur, M., Allen-Kelly, K., & Duggan, F. (2006). University-industry Partnerships - Keeping Child Protection Workers on the Job, Challenged and Happy. Communities, Children and Families Australia, 1(1), 24-32.
McArthur, M., & Winkworth, G. (2006). Family Group Conferencing. Scoping Paper. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
McArthur, M., Zubrzycki, J., Rochester, A., & Thomson, L. (2006). 'Dad, Where are we Going to Live Now?' Exploring Fathers' Experiences of Homelessness. Australian Social Work, 59(3), 288-300.
Moore, T., Morrow, R., McArthur, M., Noble-Carr, D., & Gray, J. (2006). Reading, Writing and Responsibility: Young Carers and Education. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Winkworth, G., Layton-Thompson, M., Noble-Carr, D., & McArthur, M. (2006). A report on the multidisciplinary approach to the delivery of student services: ACT Department of Education and Training. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Winkworth, G., & McArthur, M. (2006). Being 'child centred' in child protection. What does it mean? Children Australia, 31(4).
Winkworth, G., & McArthur, M. (2006). Framework for Screening, Assessment and Referrals in Family Relationship Centres and the Family Relationship Advice Line. Canberra: Australian Government.
Winkworth, G., & McArthur, M. (2006). Principles for Child-Centred Practice: Timely, developmentally appropriate, participatory and collaborative. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Institute of Child Protection Studies. (2005). Strengthening Families Partnership Approach in ACT Consultation. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Richmond, G., McArthur, M., & Winkworth, G. (2005). Workforce Planning in the ACT Care and Protection System. Issues Paper. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Saunders, V., McArthur, M., & Winkworth, G. (2005). Screening of People Working with Children and Young People. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Thomson, L., McArthur, M., & Winkworth, G. (2005). Good Practice for Placement Planning. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Thomson, L., McArthur, M., & Winkworth, G. (2005). What works in residential care? A review of the literature. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Woodward, M., McArthur, M., & Winkworth, G. (2005). Evaluation of the Schools as Communities Program in the ACT. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
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