MTLC books:
Engaging Maths: 21 more favourite lessons
(Doug Clarke, Anne Roche and Matt Sexton)
Our MTLC Director, Matt Sexton joins Doug Clarke and Anne Roche in this next edition of ‘Engaging Maths’. Matt, Doug, and Anne present a new series of lessons in this book along with several new features including an extended Introduction, added sections on Possible Assessment Strategies and Going Further, as well as Advice for School Mathematics Leaders/Numeracy Coordinators. In this new book for primary and lower secondary teachers, they share 21 more favourite lessons - ones that they love teaching which they hope you will love teaching, too!
Please order and pay online here
Mathematics Assessment for Learning: Rich Tasks and Work Samples Book
(Ann Downton, Rose Knight, Doug Clarke & Gerard Lewis)
A book for teachers seeking to inform their teaching by the use of tasks which can help to identify what their students know and can do in mathematics. A great strength of this resource is that it not only presents appropriate tasks, but discusses these in the context of real student work samples (across a broad range of grade levels and demonstrated understandings) and possible assessment rubrics.
Please order and pay online here
Engaging Maths: 25 favourite lessons
(Doug Clarke and Anne Roche)
Doug Clarke and Anne Roche enjoy creating lessons and working alongside teachers and students to make mathematics engaging, relevant and worthwhile. In this book for primary teachers, they share 25 of their favourite lessons - ones that they love teaching.
For orders please visit The Mathematical Association of Victoria