Webinar - Fulfilment in Healthcare: A Call to Meaning
Professor Mark Lazenby, Professor of Nursing and Philosophy, UCI.
With Nicole de Tullio, Director of Nursing at St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney.
In a time when burnout dominates conversations in nursing, Mark invites us to explore a powerful alternative-fulfillment. Drawing on deep philosophical insights, he uncovers how nurses navigate challenges to find meaning and purpose in their work. Fulfillment isn't about eliminating difficulties but embracing them with intention, transforming everyday care into something profound. This talk is a must for anyone seeking to reconnect with the heart of nursing, rediscover the wonder in their practice, and reaffirm the profession's transformative power - for patients, for nurses, and for the future of healthcare.
Date: Thursday 27 February
Time: 12 - 1:15pm
Contact: For more information or to register, please email plunkett@acu.edu.au.
For the event flyer, please click here.
Mark Lazenby, Professor of Nursing and Philosophy, is the Dean of the University of California (UCI), Irvine. An international expert in psychosocial cancer care, his research focuses on spiritual support for cancer patients from religious minorities. Having conducted studies in Botswana, Jordan, and the United States, his work offers a broad societal and religious perspective on the human side of cancer. His books with Oxford University Press have engaged a global audience in reflecting on nursing's role in a good society. Before UCI, he held academic leadership roles at the University of Connecticut and Yale University. In recognition of his international expertise in psychosocial-spiritual cancer care, Mark was awarded the honorary title of Adjunct Professor, until October 2027.
Dr Kate Jackson-Meyer (Harvard) and Dr Marija Kirjanenko (ACU) explore how constrained agency in healthcare can lead to burnout and poor mental health, while effective strategies to prevent and manage moral stress can dramatically improve wellbeing in healthcare institutions.
In this Plunkett Centre webinar, Assoc. Prof. Xavier Symons and Dr. Jim Franklin discuss the DDF's Dignitas Infinita as well as Jim's new book The Worth of Persons.
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