ACU's governing document is our constitution. This document provides a framework that enables the Senate, and those authorised on the Senate's behalf, to create statutes, regulations and policies that build on and give detail to the constitution's foundations.

Understanding the framework

Ours is a complex institution, and there are a number of checks and balances in place to ensure that ACU functions well - and continues to do so into the future.


The University was established as Australian Catholic University Limited (Corporation), a public company limited by guarantee. The University is recognised by three State Acts of Parliament: Australian Catholic University Act 1990 (NSW), Australian Catholic University (Victoria) Act 1991 (Vic) and Australian Catholic University (Queensland) Act 2007 (Qld). The main objective of the Corporation is to conduct ACU as a Catholic university. Within this charter, the University is open to persons of all religious beliefs and persuasions, and is fundamentally committed to the pursuit of truth through academic inquiry.

ACU is registered as a charitable organisation and meets the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission status requirements through our pursuit of advancing education.

Our constitution

The governing document that provides a framework for the University is our constitution.

Learn more about the Corporation and read our constitution


Our statutes regulate how ACU is internally organised, managed and administered. They cover areas such as admission to degrees, campus student associations, and elections to the Senate, Academic Board and faculty boards. The Senate has the power to make or change these statutes.

Find out more about our statutes


Created by the Senate, regulations support our constitution and statutes, and describe in greater detail certain University processes.

Read our regulations governing honorary degrees

Policies and procedures

Policies establish the key principles and provisions that govern ACU's decision-making processes. They are official position statements of the University, and they are often accompanied by associated procedures or guidelines that explain how the policy is to be implemented.

Explore our library of policies and procedures

Delegations of Authority Policy and Register

This important policy allows the Senate and Vice-Chancellor and President to authorise particular officers, committees of Senate, and bodies of the University to carry out their functions.

Review the Delegations of Authority Policy and Register

Privacy Policy

In the course of doing business, ACU collects personal information about staff, students and other individuals we have dealings with. It is a requirement that we manage this information appropriately, in line with our privacy obligations under the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988, the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and ACU's own internal policies and procedures.

Access our Privacy Hub to learn more

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