Mission, identity and values

Great leadership starts with self-knowledge. As a Catholic university, we’re guided by our clear mission, strong sense of identity and firm set of values. All three influence the decisions we make as an institute of higher education, and guide our staff and students in their day-to-day lives.

We know who we are. That’s how we can help you understand yourself and the world around you.

The evidence is on our campuses

ACU's mission statement and values

Everything we do is led by our mission and our values. They make us the institution we are, and our staff and students put them into practice every day.

Our mission statement

Within the Catholic intellectual tradition and acting in Truth and Love, Australian Catholic University is committed to the pursuit of knowledge, the dignity of the human person and the common good.

Understand our mission statement

Our values

Our university is founded on a long history of commitment to our core values of truth, academic excellence and service. But there are other important values that enhance the ACU experience for students and staff, including equity, diversity, accessibility, wellbeing and sustainability.

Discover our values

Our history

ACU’s history in Australia stretches back long before our opening in 1991. The seeds for a Catholic university in Australia were planted when our patron Saint Mary Mackillop was born in 1842.

ACU Catholicism on campus

Catholic intellectual tradition

The Catholic intellectual tradition stretches back 2000 years and informs our search for truth in the dialogue between faith and reason.

Our tradition

Catholicism and faith on campus

Our Catholic identity extends to a supportive campus life. Whatever your beliefs, we invite you to explore, develop and challenge your own spirituality and faith.

Expand your faith

Campus ministry

Our campus ministry provides opportunities for students and staff to deepen their experience of faith and use their gifts and talents in service to the world while engaging in an authentic Catholic university experience.

Meet our team

The Core Curriculum

Our Core Curriculum is the embodiment of our Catholic mission and values, and will challenge you to see the world from different perspectives.

Explore the Core

What if I’m not Catholic?

You don’t need to be Catholic to study with us. Our mission and values are relevant to all, so whether you have a particular faith or none, you’re welcome here at ACU.

View our stance

Vision 2033

Vision 2033 sets out our high-level goals and targets designed to keep our mission, values and vision at the centre of what we do.

Read the plan

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Why study at ACU

Expand your knowledge and improve the lives of others while gaining a top qualification. Learn why studying with us will enrich your life.

Our difference

Catholic partners

Explore the range of courses we offer the Catholic sector across areas such as leadership, ministry, philosophy, theology, ethics, governance and management.

Explore our courses

Embracing diversity

We commit to diversity and social inclusion in our employment practices. Join a workforce that is welcoming and engaging.

Work at ACU

Identity and Mission

Responding to Catholic intellectual and spiritual traditions, the Directorate of Identity and Mission works with staff and students to help them live the mission and values of ACU in their lives.

Meet the team

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