Eye-opening Open Day art
08 August 2017
ShareMelbourne has long been known as the street art capital of Australia and ACU is adding to that canvas with a whopping 28-metre-long and 2.5-metre-high mural at Knox Place in Melbourne Central.
It was hand painted by a team of talented artists from Apparition Media over five days in late July and will be on display until ACU’s Melbourne Campus Open Day on Sunday August 13.
The mural features ACU graduates who are redefining success. Beyond income or possessions, these alumni find success in empowerment. Empowering themselves and others to make a real impact.
ACU is the university for people who march to the beat of a different drum – a beat that comes from within.
People who want to make a positive impact through their career of choice are encouraged to come along to Open Day and learn more about:
- ACU’s courses in education and arts, business, law, theology, philosophy, and health sciences – such as nursing and midwifery, paramedicine, exercise science, social work, public health, psychology and counselling
- ACU’s connections with industry providing great access for students undertaking workplace experience and for graduates looking for employment
- University life
- Scholarships and financial support
- Overseas study options
- Different ways of securing a place in courses of choice
- Winning $5,000 for an ACU study trip to Rome.
ACU has Open Day activities at the following campuses:
115 Victoria Parade, Fitzroy
Sunday 13 August 2017
10am – 4pm
223 Antill Street, Watson
Saturday 26 August 2017
9am – 4pm
1200 Mair Street, Ballarat
Sunday 27 August 2017
10am – 3pm
40 Edward Street, North Sydney
Saturday 2 September 2017
8.30am – 2.30pm
25A Barker Road, Strathfield
Saturday 9 September 2017
8.30am – 2.30pm
To plan Open Day and to discover more about courses, student life, accommodation and international study opportunities, visit openday.acu.edu.au.
Join the conversation on social media on Facebook, @ACUMedia on Twitter, @acuimages on Instagram, and using #ACUOpenDay.