Welcome Dr Emma Hussey

Emma Hussey, Research Associate

We are pleased to announce a new staff member, Dr Emma Hussey. Emma has joined us in our ACT offices as a Research Associate. She has a fascinating record of research in digital criminology, digilantism, online performance of self, and social media spaces.

Emma has also researched masculinity, particularly performances of masculinity that featured in her Honours and PhD projects. Her PhD thesis was titled "Passion became my purpose": Performances of self by "paedophile hunters" online. Emma also completed a Bachelor of Justice.

Her current project with us involves an evaluation of the Domestic and Family Violence Pilot for Community Services Directorate in the ACT. This project will implement a co-designed practice model to strengthen intake for the Safe &Together practice in the ACT. The project is a collaboration with Child and Youth and Families staff, and involves consultations with stakeholders, and a review of the current policy and practice environment.

In the past, Emma worked largely at Queensland University of Technology, tutoring, conducting research, guest lecturing and constructing courses. Her roles there included Quality Equivalence Advisor, Senior Research Assistant and sessional academic. She has also worked at the Australian National Audit Office, Griffith University and the University of the Sunshine Coast.

Emma is passionate about inclusion and equity – her interest in these issues are fuelled by her experiences as a female researcher and as a mother to an autistic child. Beyond academic pursuits, Emma has a deep love for literature, theatre and philosophy.

We are looking forward to Emma’s contribution to research on safeguarding children.

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