Children Australia journal Issue 2 out now

The journal Children Australia provides a forum for children, young people, practitioners, policymakers and researchers to find new ways of responding to contemporary challenges for children, young people and families

Published by the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare, Children Australia is guided by the Institute's Deputy Director, Associate Professor Tim Moore with Co-Editors In Chief:

  • Professor Sharon Bessell, Australian National University and
  • Adjunct Professor Dave Vicary, Good Shepherd and Monash University.

The publishing team has put together papers that cover a wide range of issues relevant for people working in child welfare and protection. Topics cover children's rights (co-authored by our Deputy Director Tim Moore), coercive control (based on PhD research by Dr Ulrike Marwitz who was supervised by Professor Daryl Higgins), legislation for transgender youth, cumulative harm, practice standards for community services, child and family rights in out-of-home care, and more. Here are the links to all the articles, reports and commentary.

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: Reflections on Australia's progress and challenges, editorial by T. Moore, D. Vicary, S. Bessell.

Revisiting cumulative harm: Reflecting on new research insights, legislative developments and coronial evidence as a road map for next steps, review by I. Bryce.

Developing Minimum Practice Standards for specialist and community support services responding to child sexual abuse, a focus on research methods and reporting by A. J. Paton, V. Parsons, K. Adamson, C. Pitts, L. Bromfield, G. Horch.

Coercive control and situational couple violence in families with child protection involvement: A case-file analysis, original research by U. Marwitz, D. J. Higgins, T. Whelan.

The politics of invisibility: Why transgender youth deserve better legislation, a reflection based on expertise by experience by T. Boltman

Actioning children's rights in out-of-home care in NSW: A focus on the right of family connection, a commentary by S. A. Forrester, P. Byers.

Procedural justice and the impact of court and other decision-making processes on children and families in the child protection system. a commentary by J. Cashmore.

'We have a part to play': How children and young people want adults to engage them in the primary prevention of child abuse and maltreatment, original research by T. Moore and M. McArthur.

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