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ACU this year is Shining a Light on Respect for Respect at Uni week with various activities to encourage important conversations and highlight respect, equality, and inclusion in our campus communities and online spaces. Staff and students on each campus can join in to create a lantern installation and receive a torch keyring or a Safety Support Network branded keep cup with a QR code to access support.

The Safeguarding and Student Safety team are committed to creating safe environments free from disrespect, and each of us plays a vital role in preventing and addressing sexual harassment, sexual assault, and gender-based violence.

What's Happening?

Join us on your local campus for stimulating discussions and activities to Shine a Light on Respect.


Tuesday 18 March

11:30am - 1:30pm



Tuesday 18 March

9:30am - 11am

Ground Floor


Wednesday 19 March

11am - 1pm

Main Lawn


Thursday 20 March

4pm - 5:30pm

SSA Student Lounge


Tuesday 18 March

Wednesday 19 March

11:30am - 1:30pm


Mary Glowrey Ground Floor

The Track

North Sydney

Wednesday 19 March

11am - 1pm

James Carroll Courtyard


Wednesday 19 March

11am - 1pm


If you are a student or staff member and want to volunteer your time to support the Safeguarding and Student Safety team to run these events, please email respectandsafety@acu.edu.au.

Promote it on Socials!

Let's band together to make Respect @ Uni Week 2025 a success! Your involvement is key as we collaborate to foster a culture of respect and safety on our campuses. Please help share your experience on socials by using the hashtag #respectatuni. We look forward to seeing you around campus.

For any questions about the event, please email the Safeguarding and Student Safety Team at respectandsafety@acu.edu.au.

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