2021Credit points
10Campus offering
No unit offerings are currently available for this unit.Prerequisites
LEGL101 Introduction to Business Law: Legal Frameworks for Businesses , LEGL201 Company Law: Directors and Corporate Regulation
Teaching organisation
Twelve week semester or equivalent in intensive block mode or online.Unit rationale, description and aim
Australian Financial Markets and Services Law examines the current law and regulation confronting financial markets and financial service providers in Australia. Students undertaking this unit will consider and examine the relevant legal issues relating to the regulation of financial markets, financial products, banks, brokers, financial intermediaries and financial service providers. Students will also consider the special role of national regulators including: the Australian Prudential and Regulatory Authority, Commonwealth Treasury, the Reserve Bank of Australia, the Australian Securities Exchange and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. The unit introduces students to the basic principles of Australian financial markets, the different types of financial products and financial services that are currently available to investors and consumers Students will gain an understanding of the overall economic importance of financial markets and financial services industry in Australia. The role of national regulators in maintaining and promoting safe and secure financial markets will also be examined.