Credit points
140 - 160
Minimum duration
2 years full-time
Approved locations
- Melbourne
- North Sydney
EFTSL value of units : All 10cp units in this course have an EFTSL value of 0.125. Units with a credit point (cp) value of a multiple of 10 have corresponding EFTSL values.
Admission requirements
To be eligible for admission to the course, an applicant must have completed the following prerequisites:
A. ACU’s Bachelor of Nutrition Science which includes completion of the ACU units NUTR404 Advanced Culinary Nutrition Science and NUTR405 Foods for Special Diets, AND one of the following:
i. a grade point average (GPA) of at least 4.6 on the ACU 7 point scale; or
ii. evidence of relevant industry experience for at least one year post-Bachelor graduation.
B. A Bachelor degree in Nutrition (or equivalent) which includes the equivalent of one full-time half year of study (4 study units or equivalent) in:
i. Chemistry followed by Biochemistry; and
ii. Human Biology and Human Physiology; and
iii. Food and Human Nutrition Science, which must include foundation nutrition, nutrition through the lifespan, food science, and the role of diet in the development and management of chronic disease;
AND one of the following:
a. a grade point average (GPA) of at least 4.6 on the ACU 7 point scale; or
b. evidence of relevant industry experience for at least one year post-Bachelor graduation.
Disclaimer: The course entry requirements above are for 2022 Admission.
Completion requirements
Students admitted under Admission Requirement A:
2.1 Pathway 1 (140 cp)
To qualify for the Master of Dietetic Practice, a student must complete 140 cp from the Schedule of Unit Offerings, consisting of:
a. 80 cp from Specified Units (Part A)
b. 50 cp from Professional Practice Units (Part C)
c. 10 cp from International/Community engagement Placement Units (Part D)
Students admitted under Admission Requirement B:
2.2 Pathway 2 (160 cp)
To qualify for the Master of Dietetic Practice, a student must complete 160 cp from the Schedule of Unit Offerings, consisting of:
a. 80 cp from Specified Units (Part A)
b. 20 cp from Culinary Nutrition Units (Part B)
c. 50 cp from Professional Practice Units (Part C)
d. 10 cp from International/Community engagement Placement Units (Part D)
Exit points
A student who has completed 20 cp of Culinary Nutrition Units and 20 cp of Specified Units from the Schedule of Unit Offerings may exit with the Graduate Certificate in Culinary Nutrition Science
Progression requirements
Students are required to follow the pattern of unit enrolment set out in the relevant Course Enrolment Guide, unless otherwise approved by the Course Coordinator. In all aspects of progress through the course, students will be advised by the Course Coordinator
Part A : Specified Units
Complete exactly 80 credit points from the following:
Code | Title | Credit Points | Notes |
NUTR501 | Contemporary Dietetic Practice Theory and Application | 10 | |
NUTR502 | Dietetic Practice with Individuals | 10 | |
NUTR503 | Dietetic Practice with Groups | 10 | |
NUTR505 | Research in Food Nutrition and Dietetics 1 | 10 | |
NUTR601 | Entrepreneurial Dietetic Practice | 10 | |
NUTR602 | Research in Food, Nutrition and Dietetics 2 | 10 | |
NUTR605 | Dietetic Practice and Management | 10 | |
NUTR606 | Dietetic Practice through Advocacy and Policy | 10 |
Part B : Culinary Nutrition Units
Complete exactly 20 credit points from the following:
Code | Title | Credit Points | Notes |
NUTR500 | Advanced Culinary Nutrition Science in Practice | 10 | |
NUTR504 | Foods for Special Diets in Practice | 10 |
Part C : Professional Practice Units
Complete exactly 50 credit points from the following:
Code | Title | Credit Points | Notes |
NUTR600 | Individual Case Management Theory and Placement | 10 | |
NUTR604 | Practice Placement 2 | 10 | |
NUTR607 | Practice Placement 3 | 10 | |
NUTR608 | Practice Placement 4 | 20 |
Part D : International/Community engagement Placement Units
Complete exactly 10 credit points from the following:
Code | Title | Credit Points | Notes |
NUTR603 | Engaging with Communities | 10 |