2022Credit points
10Campus offering
No unit offerings are currently available for this unit.Unit rationale, description and aim
It is essential that those who participate in Catholic education understand and appreciate the religious foundations upon which Catholic schools exist. In this unit, students explore the role of the teacher in a Catholic school in the light of the mission of the Church. The unit contributes to the development of classroom teachers, co-ordinators and middle leaders’ capacities to enhance a professional commitment to fostering a Catholic school identity. The unit studies the foundations of Catholic schools through the lenses of scripture, Christian leadership and faith formation of staff and/or students. Catholic school identity is examined considering the religious foundations of a Catholic school.
Learning outcomes
To successfully complete this unit you will be able to demonstrate you have achieved the learning outcomes (LO) detailed in the below table.
Each outcome is informed by a number of graduate capabilities (GC) to ensure your work in this, and every unit, is part of a larger goal of graduating from ACU with the attributes of insight, empathy, imagination and impact.
Explore the graduate capabilities.
On successful completion of this unit, students should be able to:
LO1 - Use a variety of resources to critically evaluate the nature and purpose of the Catholic school and role of the teacher within the context of the mission of the Catholic Church (GA1, GA4, GA10; APST Lead 2.1)
LO2 - Discuss the significance of key principles of Catholic social teaching and/or Scripture in relation to Catholic school identity (GA5, APST Lead 3.4)
LO3 - Explore faith and spiritual formation approaches for staff members and/or students in a Catholic school (GA1, GA5, APST 6.1)
LO4 - Examine approaches to Christian Leadership relevant to a Catholic school including faith leadership, servant leadership and transrelational leadership (GA1; APST Lead 7.4)
Graduate attributes
GA1 - Demonstrate respect for the dignity of each individual and for human diversity
GA4 - Think critically and reflectively
GA5 - Demonstrate values, knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to the discipline and/or profession
GA10 - Utilise information and communication and other relevant technologies effectively
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers - Lead
On successful completion of this unit, students should have gained evidence towards the following standards:
2.1 Lead initiatives within the school to evaluate and improve knowledge of content and teaching strategies and demonstrate exemplary teaching of subjects using effective, research-based learning and teaching programs. |
3.4 Model exemplary skills and lead colleagues in selecting, creating and evaluating resources, including ICT, for application by teachers within or beyond the school. |
6.1 Use comprehensive knowledge of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers to plan and lead the development of professional learning policies and programs that address the professional learning needs of colleagues and pre-service teachers. |
7.4 Take a leadership role in professional and community networks and support the involvement of colleagues in external learning opportunities. |
Topics will include:
- Contemporary perspectives of the nature and purpose of the Catholic school, the mission of the Church and the role of the teacher in a Catholic school.
- Key principles of Catholic social teaching and/or Scripture as foundation of Catholic school identity.
- Approaches to faith and spiritual formation for staff and/or students in Catholic schools.
- Models of Christian leadership for Catholic schools.
Learning and teaching strategy and rationale
The learning and teaching strategy in this unit is informed by various principles that are enunciated in the University’s Strategic Plan (2020 – 2023). In particular, the unit adopts a “student-centric approach that ensures every student has the opportunity and support they need to succeed and graduate at ACU” (Australian Catholic University, 2020, p. 7) (Priority 2.5).
EDRE642 is taught in numerous modes (i.e. face to face, intensive, online, mixed) and may consist of lectures and tutorials in the face-to-face mode, and videoconferencing in the multi-mode offerings. Student have the opportunity to participate in private research and cooperative learning through forums and reflective journals, leading to the completion of the required assessment tasks.
The Catholic school as a space within which Christian living can occur is examined by considering the importance of prayer and liturgy, faith formation of staff and pastoral care. Students are provided with opportunities to reflect upon the way in which leadership is exercised at various levels within a Catholic school by drawing upon insights pertaining to the religious foundations of Catholic schools. In considering the mission of the contemporary Catholic school, students have an opportunity to investigate perspectives pertaining to Catholic school identity.
Assessment strategy and rationale
The assessment tasks for this unit are designed for students to progressively demonstrate their achievement of each learning outcome. For this reason, a range of assessment procedures will be used to meet the unit learning outcomes and develop graduate attributes consistent with University assessment requirements. Such procedures may include, but are not limited to: essays, reports, examinations, student presentations or case studies. To pass this unit, students are required to submit all assessment tasks and achieve an aggregate mark of at least 50/100.
By drawing upon the Church documents and scholarly literature, Task 1 requires students to critically evaluate the role of the teacher in a Catholic school in the light of the mission of the Church (LO1). By doing this, students will have an opportunity to consider the significance of key principles of Catholic social teaching and/or Scripture in relation to Catholic school identity (LO2). Task 2 then requires students to examine models of Christian leadership (LO3) and its potential to fosters the faith and spiritual formation of staff members (LO4).
Overview of assessments
Brief Description of Kind and Purpose of Assessment Tasks | Weighting | Learning Outcomes | Graduate Attributes |
Assessment Task 1: Critical Evaluation Essay An essay that critically evaluates the role of a teacher in a Catholic school in enhancing a Catholic school identity. Or another appropriate assessment type to assess the relevant learning outcome. | 50% | LO1, LO2 | GA1, GA4, GA5, GA10 |
Assessment Task 2: Critical Report A critical report that evaluates and approach to Christian leadership and its potential to fosters the faith and spiritual formation of staff members. Or another appropriate assessment type to assess the relevant learning outcomes. | 50% | LO3, LO4 | GA1, GA5 |
Representative texts and references
Buchanan, M. T. & Gellel, A. M. (Eds.). (2019). Global perspectives on Catholic religious education in Schools Volume II: Learning and Leading in a Pluralist World. Netherlands: Springer Press.
Buchanan, M. T. & Gellel, A. M. (Eds.). (2015). Global perspectives on Catholic religious education in Schools. Netherlands: Springer Press.
Boselli, G. (2014). The spiritual meaning of the liturgy school of prayer, source of life. Liturgical Press.
Cloutier, D. (2015). Reading, praying, living Pope Francis's ‘Laudato sì’: A faith formation guide. Liturgical Press.
Congregation for Catholic Education. (2017). Educating to fraternal humanism: Building a “civilization of love” 50 years after Populorum progression. The Holy See.
D'Orsa, J., Neri, T., Neri, C., & Broken Bay Institute. (2013). Leading for mission: Integrating life, culture and faith in Catholic education. Vaughan Publishing.
Grace, G. (2016). Faith, mission and challenge in Catholic education: The selected works of Gerald Grace. Routledge.
Herrick, A., & McCullough, M. (2012). Catholic social teaching: Christian life in society. Teacher guide. St Mary’s Press.
Jones, D., & Barrie, S. (2015). Thinking Christian ethos: The meaning of Catholic education. Catholic Truth Society.
Kasper, W. (2015). The Catholic Church: Nature, reality and mission. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Murphy, F., & Narcisse, G. (2015). What makes a Christology Catholic? In the Oxford Handbook of Christology. Oxford University Press.
Sharkey P. (2015). Educator’s guide to Catholic identity. Vaughan Publishing.
Vatican Documents
Congregation for Catholic Education. (1977). The Catholic school. Society of Saint Paul.
Congregation for Catholic Education. (2007). Educating together in Catholic schools: A shared mission between consecrated persons and the lay faithful.
Congregation for Catholic Education. (2013), Educating to Inter-cultural Dialogue in Catholic Schools.
Congregation for Catholic Education. (2014). Educating today and tomorrow: A renewing passion.
Congregation for Catholic Education. (2017). Educating to fraternal humanism: Building a “civilization of love” 50 years after Populorum progression. The Holy See.
Congregation for the Clergy. (2020). Instruction: The pastoral conversion of the Parish community in the service of the evangelising mission of the Church.
Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization. (2020). Directory for Catechesis. St Pauls.
Pope Francis. (2013). Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium the joy of the gospel.
Appropriate Journals and Websites
British Journal of Religious Education
Journal of Religious Education
Religious Education