

Credit points


Campus offering

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Unit rationale, description and aim

Humanitarian assistance is intended to “save lives, alleviate suffering and maintain human dignity during and after man-made crises and disasters caused by natural hazards, as well as to prevent and strengthen preparedness for when such situations occur”. It is governed by the principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence. In 2016, it was estimated that over 164 million people living in 47 countries were in need of humanitarian assistance. Over a quarter of these people were in Yemen, Syria and Iraq. Situations requiring humanitarian assistance are frequently complex emergencies, in which disaster, conflict and refugee displacement occur simultaneously. Such complex emergencies have profound effects of health. This unit will enable students to gain an understanding of humanitarian principles, theory and definitions, as well as an appreciation of the history of humanitarianism and significant events that have shaped modern humanitarian efforts. Student will build their understanding of the global infrastructure for humanitarian assistance, such as international relief systems, roles and responsibilities of relevant actors (government and non-government) and the principles of international humanitarian law. Students will explore the health-related dimensions of humanitarian assistance, with emphasis on prevention and management of acute health risks during a humanitarian emergency. Students will conclude the unit by exploring other critical issues of humanitarian assistance, including relief operations, planning and needs assessment, disaster resilience and risk reduction, security issues, the humanitarian workforce, relationship to long-term development and emergent humanitarian needs. The aim of the unit is to give students a deep understanding of the continuing relevance of humanitarian assistance to public health.

Learning outcomes

To successfully complete this unit you will be able to demonstrate you have achieved the learning outcomes (LO) detailed in the below table.

Each outcome is informed by a number of graduate capabilities (GC) to ensure your work in this, and every unit, is part of a larger goal of graduating from ACU with the attributes of insight, empathy, imagination and impact.

Explore the graduate capabilities.

On successful completion of this unit, students should be able to:

LO1 - Demonstrate advanced knowledge of humanitarian principles, theory, definitions and law, as well as the history of humanitarianism (GA1, GA2, GA3, GA5)

LO2 - Compare and contrast health-related issues encountered in humanitarian assistance efforts (GA1, GA2, GA5)

LO3 - Evaluate the roles and responsibilities of various actors within the international humanitarian relief system (GA4, GA5, GA8)

LO4 -Critique current issues and debates in humanitarian assistance, particularly as they relate to health and humanitarian assistance in different contexts (GA4, GA6, GA8)

LO5 -Integrate public health methods and approaches with humanitarian crisis interventions, with an emphasis on supporting attainment of humanitarian objectives (GA1, GA2, GA5, GA6)

Graduate attributes

GA1 - Demonstrate respect for the dignity of each individual and for human diversity

GA2 - Recognise their responsibility to the common good, the environment and society

GA4 - Think critically and reflectively

GA5 - Demonstrate values, knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to the discipline and/or profession

GA6 - Solve problems in a variety of settings taking local and international perspectives into account

GA8 - Locate, organise, analyse, synthesise and evaluate information


Humanitarianism and humanitarian assistance

  • Humanitarian principles, theory, definitions and context
  • History of humanitarianism: significant events in the evolution of modern humanitarian assistance
  • Global humanitarian relief system; roles/responsibilities of key actors
  • Forms of humanitarian assistance: aid types, logistic and other support, security/military intervention


Legal frameworks for humanitarian assistance

  • Key international legal frameworks relevant to humanitarian action
  • Underpinning concepts: international law and treaties/conventions, customary law, obligations, incorporation into Australian domestic law
  • Associated legal frameworks, processes and situations: refugee law, human rights law, special protections and roles (e.g. peace-keeping), domestic migration law


Assistance and relief operations

  • Types, phases and contexts of humanitarian crises and responses
  • Relief, rehabilitation, reconstruction: overview of humanitarian crisis principles
  • Risk identification and needs assessment: use of evidence and field data to inform responses based on multiple factors (e.g. political, cultural, social, demographic, logistic, geographic, security)
  • Management and logistics of responses/interventions: collaboration, community aspects and recipient viewpoints and preferences
  • Program management in the humanitarian assistance context: special considerations
  • Health issues in humanitarian crises: types of hazards to health and their effects (e.g. natural, biological, technological, societal); disruption to health systems and services; health impacts of disruption to critical infrastructure (e.g. water); post-crisis exposure or vulnerability (e.g. infestation, population displacement)
  • Disaster resilience and risk reduction: long-term strategies for prevention of crises or reduction of risk


Current issues in humanitarian assistance

  • Humanitarianism as a profession: workforce issues, personal risk, safety and security issues for humanitarian workers; resilience and stress/trauma management for humanitarian workers
  • Confidence in humanitarian organisations: neutrality and impartiality; probity, fraud and disclosure; the humanitarian “industry” and costs of generating donation income
  • Emergent issues: slow-motion humanitarian crises (e.g. climate change and population displacement)
  • Politics of humanitarian assistance: national contributions to “foreign aid”, humanitarian aid as foreign policy, recipient “dependency” on humanitarian assistance
  • Humanitarian assistance and sustainable development: long-term approaches to reduce need for humanitarian assistance, or to meet ongoing need after a crisis (e.g. damage mitigation)

Learning and teaching strategy and rationale

PUBH641 is offered in both multi-mode and online mode. Multi-mode In multi-mode, this unit is delivered primarily via face-to-face sessions on campus. It comprises lectures and tutorials during the semester, using student-centred teaching and an active learning approach, to support students in the exploration of humanitarian assistance and health. Lectures are used to teach essential theory and concepts. This learning is then reinforced through facilitated tutorial activities involving reading, writing, discussion, and problem solving, which provides students with the opportunity to apply lecture content to particular public health contexts/scenarios and progressively develop their ability to apply the principles of humanitarian assistance to health. Online mode In online mode, students acquire essential theoretical knowledge in humanitarian assistance via a series of asynchronous online lessons which include recorded lecture content, online readings, online discussion forums and self-directed learning modules. Students are given the opportunity to attend facilitated synchronous online tutorial classes (virtual classroom via on online platform) to participate in the construction and synthesis of this knowledge with other students so as to develop higher level skills of analysis and application of law/policy in public health practice. The learning and teaching strategies of this unit are designed to allow students to meet the aims, learning outcomes of the unit, and graduate attributes of the University. Students will be expected to take responsibility for their learning and to engage actively with unit content and learning activities.

Assessment strategy and rationale

Please note assessment will be equitable for students undertaking either multi-mode or online mode. A range of assessment procedures will be used to meet the unit learning outcomes and develop graduate attributes consistent with University assessment requirements. In order to successfully complete this unit, students need to submit and pass three graded assessment tasks and obtain an aggregate mark of greater than 50%. PUBH641 assessment task 1 is a written task designed to enable students to acquire advanced knowledge of humanitarian principles, theory, definitions and law. Assessment task 2 is also a written task in which students evaluate the roles of actors, and critique current controversies of humanitarian assistance using a current humanitarian scenario. In assessment 3 students deepen their knowledge by critically analysing an evaluation of a humanitarian response. All assessment tasks will be submitted electronically.

Overview of assessments

Brief Description of Kind and Purpose of Assessment TasksWeightingLearning OutcomesGraduate Attributes

Assessment 1

Written task which will enable students to acquire advanced knowledge of humanitarian principles, theory, definitions and law


LO1, LO3, LO4, LO5

GA2, GA4, GA5, GA6, GA8  

Assessment 2

Written task

Short answer task which will enable students to evaluate the roles of actors, and critique current controversies of humanitarian assistance


LO1, LO2, LO3

GA1, GA2, GA3, GA4, GA5, GA8  

Assessment 3

Written task which will enable students to assimilate knowledge and deepen their understanding by writing a critical analysis of an evaluation of a humanitarian response.


LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5

GA1, GA2, GA3, GA4, GA5, GA6, GA8 

Representative texts and references

Barnett M & Weiss T (2008) (2nd edition). Humanitarianism in question: Power, politics and ethics. New York, Cornell: University Press.

Kennedy, D. (2004) The Dark Sides of Virtue: Reassessing International Humanitarianism. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press.

Munslow, B., & O'Dempsey, T. (2010). From War on Terror to War on Weather? Rethinking humanitarianism in a new era of chronic emergencies. Third World Quarterly, 31:8, 1223-1235, Retrieved from

Munslow, B., & O'Dempsey, T. (2010) Globalisation and Climate Change in Asia: the urban health impact, Third World Quarterly, 31:8, 1339-1356, Retrieved from

O'Keefe, M. (2010) Chronic Crises in the Arc of Insecurity: a case study of Karamoja, Third World Quarterly, 31:8, 1271-1295, DOI: 10.1080/01436597.2010.542968.

Pacific Humanitarian Team (2013) Emergency Preparedness & Response Plan (EPREP): A guide to inter-agency humanitarian action in the Pacific. OCHA Regional Office for the Pacific. Retrieved from

World Health Organisation (WHO).(2008) Managing WHO Humanitarian Response in the Field. Retrieved from

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