

Credit points


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Unit rationale, description and aim

A knowledge of mental health, illness and wellbeing is considered essential for social work practice across a wide range of health and welfare settings. This unit provides students with foundational knowledge of contemporary concepts in mental health, illness and wellbeing, acknowledging that these concepts are ubiquitous to all social work service settings, but have particular significance in mental health service systems. The aim of this unit is provide students with the opportunity to explore and critically analyse practice approaches relevant to the field of mental health and wellbeing, preparing graduates for person centred, evidence based social work practice. 

Learning outcomes

To successfully complete this unit you will be able to demonstrate you have achieved the learning outcomes (LO) detailed in the below table.

Each outcome is informed by a number of graduate capabilities (GC) to ensure your work in this, and every unit, is part of a larger goal of graduating from ACU with the attributes of insight, empathy, imagination and impact.

Explore the graduate capabilities.

On successful completion of this unit, students should be able to:

LO1 - Analyse the role of social movements in mental health for promoting consumer rights, relating selected theories to the development of policies, programs and services in mental health practice (GA1, GA4, GA5)

LO2 - Differentiate the roles and responsibilities of social workers in mental health practice, analysing ethical issues and critically reflecting on ethical dilemmas in mental health practice (GA3, GA4, GA5, GA9)

LO3 - Interpret and apply research skills to explore the evidence base for social work assessment and to develop appropriate evidence based intervention plans (GA1, GA4, GA5, GA6)

LO4 - Apply relevant assessment and intervention skills for mental health practice with individuals, families, groups and communities with diverse backgrounds, experiences and identities (GA1, GA4, GA5, GA6)

Graduate attributes

GA1 - demonstrate respect for the dignity of each individual and for human diversity 

GA3 - apply ethical perspectives in informed decision making

GA4 - think critically and reflectively 

GA5 - demonstrate values, knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to the discipline and/or profession 

GA6 - solve problems in a variety of settings taking local and international perspectives into account

GA9 - demonstrate effective communication in oral and written English language and visual media 

AASW Practice Standards

This Unit has been mapped to the ACU Graduate Attributes and the ASWEAS Profession-Specific Graduate Attributes. The following table sets out the broad relationship between the Learning Outcomes, Graduate Attributes and the ASWEAS Profession-Specific Graduate Attributes provided in the Australian Social Work Education and Accreditation Standards:  

GA1 - Demonstrate sense of identity as a professional social worker

GA2 - Demonstrate sound understanding of and commitment to social work values and ethics to guide professional practice

GA3 - Apply social work knowledge and interventions to respond effectively in meeting the needs of individuals, groups and communities in diverse settings, client groups and geographic locations

GA4 - Apply knowledge of human behaviour and society, as well as the social, cultural, political, legal, economic and global contexts of practice to respond effectively within a human rights and social justice framework

GA5 - Review, critically analyse and synthesise knowledge and values and a reflective thinking skills to inform professional judgement and practice

GA6 - Apply research knowledge and skills to understand, evaluate and use research to inform practice and to develop, execute and disseminate research informed by practice.

GA7 - Demonstrate effective communication and interpersonal skills

GA8 - Work with diversity and demonstrate respect for cultural difference

ASWEAS Profession-Specific Graduate Attributes

This Unit has been mapped to the ACU Graduate Attributes and the ASWEAS Profession-Specific Graduate Attributes. The following table sets out the broad relationship between the Learning Outcomes, Graduate Attributes and the ASWEAS Profession-Specific Graduate Attributes provided in the Australian Social Work Education and Accreditation Standards:  

Standard/Attributes/CriteriaLearning Outcomes

4.1 Understand higher level systemic influences on people with respect to an area of practice.  

4.4 Understand and articulate how and when theories, knowledge bases and knowledge sources inform practice 


1.1 Practice in accordance with the Code of Ethics (2010).  

1.2 Manage ethical dilemmas and issues arising in practice. 

2.2 Behave in a professional manner and be accountable for all actions and decisions.  

4.4 Understand and articulate how and when theories, knowledge bases and knowledge sources inform practice.  

5.3 Use a range of social work methods and techniques appropriate to area of practice. 

5.4 Apply critical and reflective thinking to practice 


 4.3 Understand the role of research and evaluation in obtaining and generating new knowledge for practice4.4 Understand and articulate how and when theories, knowledge bases and knowledge sources inform practice  


3.1 Work respectfully and inclusively with cultural difference and diversity.  

3.2 Respect, strive to understand and promote the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their cultures.  

5.3 Use a range of social work methods and techniques appropriate to area of practice. 



Topics will include: 

Understandings of mental health and well being 

  • conceptions of mental health 
  • historical narratives of mental illness 
  • cultural perspectives on wellbeing and illness 
  • social determinants of well being 
  • national and state mental health policy and legislation 
  • critical analysis of current policies and implications for practice 

Diagnosis, classification systems and treatment modalities 

  • ‘low’ and ‘high’ prevalence disorders such as schizophrenia, depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, personality disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder 
  • cognitive behaviour therapy 
  • dialectical behaviour therapy 

The lived experience of mental health  

  • stigma 
  • powerlessness 
  • marginality and disadvantage 
  • recovery 

Socio-political influences on mental health and wellbeing 

  • age 
  • gender 
  • ethnicity 
  • socioeconomic status 
  • geographical location 

Mental health and wellbeing in specific populations 

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples 
  • Culturally and linguistically diverse people 
  • migrants and refugees 
  • young people 
  • older people 

Contemporary approaches to mental health care 

  • recovery 
  • working in partnership with consumers and families 
  • prevention and early intervention 

Social work with people with mental health problems 

  • evidence based practice 
  • recovery and relapse 
  • consumer rights and perspectives  
  • trauma informed approaches 

Skills and values in assessment 

  • social work assessment (bio-psycho-social) 
  • assessing risk 
  • reflection on personal and professional values 
  • ethical dilemmas in practice 

Social work interventions 

  • recovery orientated approaches 
  • crisis intervention  
  • case management  
  • family work 

Service provision 

  • Multi, inter and transdisciplinary teamwork 
  • Mental health care system in Australia 
  • e-mental health and telehealth  
  • Lived Experience workforce 

Learning and teaching strategy and rationale

This unit involves 150 hours of learning with a combination of online material and interactive workshops. 

This unit will be offered in mixed mode, using a blended approach of online material and intensive workshops. Online material will include weekly mini-lecture recordings exploring each concept or topic as well as synchronous and non-synchronous online activities. Online material will provide students with foundational knowledge about mental health, wellbeing and mental illness, exploring contemporary approaches to social work practice in diverse mental health and wellbeing contexts. Three intensive sessions of six hours each, offered across the teaching semester will provide students collaborative learning opportunities, with a focus on case-based learning and practice of relevant skills, Students will also complete their Hurdle Task Presentation during one of the intensive workshops.  

Assessment strategy and rationale

The unit has one hurdle task and three assessable tasks, designed to test different learning outcomes for the unit. There is a focus on engaging with the research literature, and applying knowledge in practice situations.  

The hurdle task is a student presentation to be delivered in class time, on a topic chosen by the student. This allows students a wide range of choice and a capacity to share ideas and knowledge from the broader mental health research literature. In the past some students have chosen to focus on their own “lived experience”, or chosen a topic because of its relevance to themselves or family member. 

The first assessment task asks students to outline social work approaches to contemporary mental health practice in Australia. This task is designed as a formative assessment, providing early feedback on student’s understanding of relevant mental health concepts.  

The second assessment task asks students to demonstrate their capacity to gather and organise information into a standardized assessment framework. This tests their skills in observation, analysis, and professional writing. Students are then required to connect their assessment with theoretical concepts in mental health, particularly recovery theory. 

The third assessment piece is an examination. The exam is in two parts with Part A covering basic content knowledge, and Part B covering the application of content and concepts to two case studies. 

Overview of assessments

Brief Description of Kind and Purpose of Assessment TasksWeightingLearning OutcomesGraduate Attributes

Brief Individual presentation: Opportunity to explore a specific area of mental health and wellbeing and develop presentation skills.  

Hurdle Task 

LO1, LO2

GA4, GA5, GA6, GA9 

Written Task: Articulation of social work approaches to mental health practice. 


LO1,LO2, LO3

GA1, GA6, GA9 

Case study analysis: Identify and develop the key social work skills necessary for conducting social work mental health assessments and interventions with individuals and families. 


LO1,LO2, LO3, LO4

GA1, GA3, GA4, GA5, GA6, GA9 

Examination: To assess students’ knowledge of core concepts of the unit and ability to apply to case studies.   


LO2, LO3, LO4

GA3, GA4, GA5, GA6, GA9 

Representative texts and references

Bland, R., Renouf, N., Tullgren, A. (2020), Social work practice in mental health. Crows Nest, Australia: Allen & Unwin. 

Dudgeon,P.,Milroy,M. & Walker,R. (eds) (2014), Working Together: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health and Wellbeing Principles and Practice (2nd ed), Australian Government Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Canberra.   

Gilbert, P. (2010), Social Work and Mental Health – the value of everything (2nd ed), Russell House, UK. 

Golightley, M. (2011), Social Work and Mental Health (4th ed), Learning Matters, UK./ 

Karban, K. (2011), Social Work and Mental Health, Polity, UK 

Meadows, G., Farhall, J., Fossey, E., Grigg, M., McDermott, F., & Singh, B. (Eds.) (2012) Mental Health in Australia: Collaborative community practice (3rd ed.), South Melbourne: Oxford University Press. Chapter 1. 

Proctor, N., Hamer, H., McGarry, D., Wilson, R. & Froggatt, T. (2014), Mental Health – A Person Centred Approach, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne. 

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