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These procedures are governed by the Recognition of Prior Learning Policy.

2.1 Applications for entry/admission that involve consideration of RPL to meet entry requirements should be submitted in accordance with standard processes applicable to that particular course and mode of entry.

3.1 Applicants for credit:

  1. may contact AskACU for information on the application process and the restrictions on recognising prior learning and credit; and/or
  2. should consult the ACU handbook to identify any units that are equivalent to their prior learning for which they may be eligible for credit.

3.2 An applicant for credit may also seek academic advice from the Course Coordinator to identify where claims for credit might be made. They may only seek assistance once they have documented their prior learning in full, including the identification of their prior learning or competency outcomes.

3.3 An international student applying for RPL at admission:

  1. should apply directly to Global Engagement at the time of application;
  2. decisions concerning international student applications will normally be made prior to the student’s first enrolment at ACU. 

3.4 Applications for RPL for credit purposes lodged after admission by students must:

  1. be submitted using the online Application for Credit for Prior Learning form;
  2. identify the previous learning for which credit is sought; 
  3. identify the corresponding ACU unit(s); and
  4. include supporting evidence in accordance with section 4.

3.5 Applications for RPL for credit purposes should be submitted:

  1. as soon as a course offer is received; and
  2. at least 4 weeks before the commencement of any study period if the outcome of the decision is to be notified before commencement of that study period; or
  3. no later than two weeks prior to the census date in the first study period of the student’s enrolment in the course.

4.1 An application must be accompanied by supporting documentation which includes evidence which clearly identifies the applicant’s previous learning, indicating the knowledge, skills and experience acquired and the time at which they were acquired.

4.2 For formal learning, the following evidence must be provided:

  1. for units completed at ACU, the unit code, unit name and year completed detailed on the application form;
  2. clear copies of official academic transcripts and unit results, together with an official explanation of the grading system used; and
  3. where the credit is not based on an approved credit precedent (including pathway agreements), the appropriate sections from the official unit outlines including learning outcomes, topics, unit workload (e.g. contact hours) and assessment for the year in which the unit was passed; and
  4. where applicable that the unit(s) fully or partially meet the requirements of a program of study leading to registration or accreditation in Australia.

4.3 For non-formal learning, the following evidence must be provided:

  1. a statement that individually addresses each learning outcome for every unit for which credit is sought; and
  2. a clear copy of an official statement of satisfactory completion of the study offered by a professional body, enterprise, or other provider; and
  3. a statement of the objectives, learning outcomes, content of the course and of any assessment completed; and
  4. details of the contact hours of the course; and
  5. information on the course presenter/s and their qualifications.

4.4 For informal learning, the following evidence must be provided:

  1. a statement that individually addresses each learning outcome for every unit for which credit is sought; and
  2. the contact details of two professional referees;
    and one or more of the following
  3. a detailed curriculum vitae; and/or
  4. certificates, reports, testimonials or affidavits relating to the applicant’s learning, skill or competency; and/or
  5. supporting statements from employers; and/or
  6. if the applicant has been self-employed, evidence of the nature of the business and the period during which the applicant has been engaged in the business; and/or
  7. examples of the applicant’s work drawn from the workplace, social, community or other settings in which the applicant applies their learning, skill or competency; and/or
  8. reflective papers, journals, portfolio or a statement that relate/s the applicant’s prior learning to the learning or competency outcomes for which recognition is sought.

5.1 Direct Admissions will apply any relevant credit where an approved credit precedent (including pathway agreements and transfers) exists.

5.2 Global Engagement will apply credit at point of offer for international applicants where:

  1. there is an approved credit precedent (including pathway agreements); or 
  2. where no credit precedent (including pathway agreements) exists, with the approval of the Course Coordinator.

5.3 School administration may apply credit as a result of a course transfer in the following circumstances:

  1. from a double degree program to a component single degree of that program or vice-versa; and
  2. between a designated suite of courses, or courses within a qualification pathway.

5.4 Where credit is applied as a result of a course transfer under section 5.3, School administration must:

  1. apply credit in accordance with the course rules of the current program; and
  2. only grant specified credit for the completion of the same unit, or a unit identified as equivalent; and
  3. where academic judgement is required obtain approval from the Course Coordinator.

5.5 The Credit Team may process credit applications in the following circumstances:

  1. credits for student cohorts pre-approved by the relevant course coordinator; or
  2. where a precedent, or pathway agreement, exists and delegation has been granted to the Credit Team by the School to approve applications.

5.6 Any variation from an approved credit precedent (including pathway agreements) will be sent to the relevant Course Coordinator for decision.

6.1 School administrators or the Credit Team will verify that the student has provided appropriate documentation in support of their application.

6.2 The assessment of RPL for credit lodged after admission will be undertaken in the credit management system by the Course Coordinator who will:

  1. verify any units claimed to have been completed at ACU on the student system; and 
  2. undertake an assessment of the application based on the information provided in regard to the specific professional requirements and learning and competency outcomes needed for credit to be granted for the particular unit or course in accordance with sections 6.4 and 6.5.

6.3 The Credit Team will advise Global Engagement of the outcome of the applications of international students.

6.4 The assessment of an application for credit based on formal learning should assess the comparability between the learning outcomes and discipline content already achieved and the learning outcomes and discipline content required by the unit(s) for which credit is sought by taking account of the following factors:

  1. the AQF level of the study;
  2. the objectives of the particular unit(s) and the methods adopted to achieve those objectives;
  3. the equivalent full time study (EFTSL) value of the unit(s);
  4. the complexity and depth of the unit material;
  5. the methods of assessment in the unit(s); and
  6. the currency of the learning.

6.5 The assessment of an application for credit based on non-formal and informal learning  should assess the comparability between the learning outcomes already achieved and the learning outcomes required by the unit(s) for which credit is sought by taking account of the following factors:

  1. the context of the learning, e.g. workplace experience, training experience or life experience; 
  2. the applicant’s knowledge, skills and experience;
  3. the currency of the learning; and
  4. the applicant’s ability to apply their learning.

6.6 The assessment of any application for credit on the basis of RPL will normally be finalised within 10 working days following the receipt of a complete application.

6.7 The Course Coordinator may invite the applicant for interview and may seek further information about any aspect of the application and supporting documentary evidence.

6.8 An applicant may be required to undertake an oral, written or practical assessment to determine the achievement of the learning or competency outcomes.  Such an assessment:

  1. should assess the applicant on a case study topic either agreed to by the applicant, or based on the applicant’s background; and
  2. may have a scope greater than a normal final examination for the subject if aspects of the content of that subject are assessed by methods other than the final examination.

6.9 Any application for credit which is based on learning outside the time limit for credit specified in the Academic Regulations must be approved by the Executive Dean.

7.1 The Credit Team will:

  1. advise the applicant in writing of the decision and the appeal processes where relevant; and 
  2. record the grade in the student system in accordance with the Academic Regulations.

7.2 Applications for credit submitted by a student and the supporting documentation will be retained on the credit management system and will be disposed of according to the University's Retention and Disposal Schedule.

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