Unit rationale, description and aim
At a time of increased linguistic diversity in schools, the roles and responsibilities of a TESOL (Teaching English as a Second or Other Language) educator are critical in providing high-quality education for every student, particularly those students learning English as an Additional Language and/or Dialect (EAL/D), in line with relevant legislation, policies and Professional Standards. In this professional experience unit, within the TESOL specialisation of Master of Education and Graduate Certificate of Education, ACU students will engage in classroom-based and whole school community collaborative approaches involving EAL/D students in supportive culturally and linguistically responsive learning environments. This unit will include professional experiences working with mentors in planning, implementing, assessing and evaluating students’ learning needs and progress in relation to relevant curriculum goals. ACU students will work with their mentors to integrate language strategies and knowledges with content area learning, underpinned by research-informed, evidence-based practice and data-driven decision-making. The roles of the TESOL teacher in successful culturally and linguistically responsive practice will be examined. This unit is designed to support ACU students to apply their understandings of second language learning theories developed in other TESOL units, and the basics of functional linguistics in the design and justification of contextualised teaching and learning experiences which develop EAL/D learner proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, writing and viewing in English.
Learning outcomes
To successfully complete this unit you will be able to demonstrate you have achieved the learning outcomes (LO) detailed in the below table.
Each outcome is informed by a number of graduate capabilities (GC) to ensure your work in this, and every unit, is part of a larger goal of graduating from ACU with the attributes of insight, empathy, imagination and impact.
Explore the graduate capabilities.
Demonstrate culturally and linguistically responsi...
Learning Outcome 01
Critically reflect on aspects of the teacher’s rol...
Learning Outcome 02
Design culturally and linguistically responsive ac...
Learning Outcome 03
Topics will include:
- Contextual understanding of EAL/D learners and their learning contexts
- Theories for teaching and learning of English as an Additional Language including principles of scaffolding and semiotic mediation
- Making links between theory and evidence-based pedagogic practice through high challenge/ high support practices for developing oracy, reading and writing
- Using metalanguage and teachers’ Disciplinary Semiotic Knowledge (DSK) for assessment and programming
- Evaluating programmes and teaching
Assessment strategy and rationale
The assessment tasks are used to meet the unit learning outcomes and develop graduate attributes and professional standards and criteria consistent with University assessment requirements.
In order to successfully complete this unit, students need to complete and submit two graded assessment tasks and meet Hurdle Task’s requirements. The assessment strategy used allows students to progressively develop their specialised knowledge, understanding and analytical skills to the level of sophistication where they can demonstrate effective culturally and linguistically responsive teaching practices in specific contexts.
Overview of assessments
Hurdle Task Professional Experience Professiona...
Hurdle Task
Professional Experience
Professional Experience requirements include compilation of evidence as required.
Compilation of evidence will include:
- structured observation and analysis of culturally and linguistically responsive school and classroom contexts and programs
- critical reflection on own culturally and linguistically responsive practices of teaching and assessment
- feedback from supervising teacher/s and university staff
- e-Portfolio collection of artefacts and reflections should provide evidence of relevant culturally and linguistically responsive teaching resources
- examples of collaborative multidisciplinary team work and engaging with a range of stakeholders; in attainment of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers: Graduate, to be included in the e-Portfolio <
A pass or fail grade will be awarded for completion of the professional experience days
Assessment Task 1: Unit of Work Design of a Unit...
Assessment Task 1: Unit of Work
Design of a Unit of Work in a Curriculum Area that integrates Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Pedagogy.
Students are required to adapt a unit of work in a curriculum area to include explicit support for literacy, specifically reading, writing, viewing within a culturally and linguistically responsive pedagogy, including a rationale that applies theory to their practice.
(2,000 words)
Assessment Task 2: Critical reflection on the Pro...
Assessment Task 2: Critical reflection on the Professional Experience
Students are required to provide a critical reflection essay on their learning from the Professional Experience and development of their e-Portfolio. Students must also provide evidence of research-based analysis on a critical review of recent academic and professional literature.
(2,000 words)
Hurdle Task: Child Safe online module Online mu...
Hurdle Task: Child Safe online module
Online multiple-choice or short answer questions in 4 sub-modules. Students will need to attain a mark of 75% or more in each sub-module before progressing to the next sub-module.
The hurdle task requires satisfactory completion of a supervised TESOL Professional Experience.
Learning and teaching strategy and rationale
This is a 10-credit point unit which is offered in multi-mode and will be supported by a Canvas site. Engagement for learning is the key driver in the delivery of this curriculum. The unit will facilitate active participation in pedagogical approaches that demonstrate alignment of teaching, learning and assessment and may incorporate a combination of strategies including individual and group work, activity-based workshops, formal presentations, online activities, and other activities such as reading, reflection, discussion, webinars, podcasts and videos.
This is a 22-day professional experience in educational settings with EAL/D children and young people, under the supervision of a mentor.
On successful completion of this unit, pre-service teachers should be able to: