Unit rationale, description and aim
The wellbeing of young people has come under increasing strain in recent years due to a range of issues such as the Global Pandemic and proliferation of social media use and risk-taking behaviour Understanding the enablers and barriers to students' well-being is critical to inform the selection of whole-school approaches to well-being.
In this unit, students will explore the multi-dimensional definitions and concepts of 'wellbeing' and key theoretical perspectives as well as philosophical underpinnings, including principles of Catholic Social Teaching, that are shaping research, policy development and practice in wellbeing. They will analyse key international, national and local policies and practice frameworks relevant to enabling the wellbeing of children and young people and identify critical issues within our communities that are currently having an impact on the wellbeing of children. Students will also explore strength-based approaches, cognitive, behavioural and social strategies to foster student wellbeing and build resilience and support networks. They will have opportunities to design an initial action plan to address and identified critical issue at the 'whole school' or 'whole-of-context' level.
The aim of this unit is to support students in developing the required foundation knowledge, understanding and skills they need to promote the wellbeing of students in schools.
Learning outcomes
To successfully complete this unit you will be able to demonstrate you have achieved the learning outcomes (LO) detailed in the below table.
Each outcome is informed by a number of graduate capabilities (GC) to ensure your work in this, and every unit, is part of a larger goal of graduating from ACU with the attributes of insight, empathy, imagination and impact.
Explore the graduate capabilities.
Articulate the complex and multi-dimensional conce...
Learning Outcome 01
Analyse key theoretical perspectives as well as ph...
Learning Outcome 02
Review the critical role of educators and allied p...
Learning Outcome 03
Critically analyse key international, national and...
Learning Outcome 04
Design initial action plans, informed by local pol...
Learning Outcome 05
Topics will include:
- 1a. multi-dimensional definitions and concepts of wellbeing
- 1b. Wellbeing as a global and local concern
- 2a. Principles of Catholic Social Teaching and the role of educators and allied professionals as change agents for social justice, inclusive practices and wellbeing
- 3a. International, national and local policies relevant to the wellbeing of children and young people
- 3b. Local practice frameworks and approaches to enhancing wellbeing and learning engagement focusing on leadership, inclusion, support, student voice and partnerships
- 3c. Current critical issues within the community that impact on the wellbeing and learning engagement of students
- 4a. Strengths-based approaches, cognitive, behavioural and social strategies to foster student well-being and build resilience and support networks
- 4b. Establishing collaborative networks and designing initial action plans to address issues of concern at a “whole-school” or “whole-of-context” level
Assessment strategy and rationale
The assessment tasks for this unit are designed for students to demonstrate achievement of each of the learning outcomes. In addition, the tasks represent an opportunity to align with the individual needs of students and their professional contexts. The assessment tasks are cumulative in their requirements, demonstrating how the complexities that surround student wellbeing and how policy and practice frameworks are designed to foster wellbeing. There are two assessment tasks designed as bite-size, achievable and palatable tasks. The assessment strategy used allows students to demonstrate their knowledge related to perspectives on wellbeing in a creative and practical manner.
The assessment strategy is designed for students to acquire specific student wellbeing knowledge and apply their skills to their individual circumstance. In addition, the tasks seek to address specific needs, requirements and circumstances of individual participants in their professional educational contexts.
In order to successfully complete this unit, postgraduate students need to complete and submit two graded assessment tasks. The first task involves an analysis of policy frameworks related to wellbeing and engagement for learning which will be presented using multi-media. The second task is a review of literature focus on priority issues in their professional context.
In order to pass this unit, students are required to submit both assessment tasks, achieve a Pass grade in Assessment Task 2, and gain an overall Pass result equivalent to 50% or more for the unit.
Overview of assessments
Assessment Task 1: Multi-media presentation of po...
Assessment Task 1: Multi-media presentation of policy frameworks
This task requires students to compare the common elements of international, national and local policies and practice frameworks guiding student wellbeing. Findings from a critical analysis of policy frameworks will be presented using a multi-media presentation for professional learning as negotiated with the Lecturer-in-Charge (LIC).
Assessment Task 2: Review of the Literature T...
Assessment Task 2: Review of the Literature
This task requires students to identify a priority issue impacting on student wellbeing in their present professional context. Use the literature to inform the development of strategies and school policies in relation to strategies to explore social and collegial relationships (i.e. Mentoring, buddy systems, afterschool programs, pastoral care/classes). Also consider the issue in relation to the principles of Catholic Social Teaching as well as current policy priorities and present a summary of the policies and practices commonly recommended in the literature for addressing the identified priority issue.
Learning and teaching strategy and rationale
Engagement for learning is the key driver in the delivery of this curriculum. This unit is supported by a Learning Management System (LMS) site, and the use of the LMS will be integral to the unit in exploring concepts and testing understandings and propositions. Approaches used may include lectures, engagement with the literature, self-directed learning, critical reflection against relevant professional standards, case studies, dialogue and interrogation of concepts, theories and practices, and the application of learning to current professional contexts. The aim is to design a reflective and reflexive learning space for participants to consider and discuss the importance of student wellbeing and the relevance of teachers’ wellbeing and teaching practice
This is a 10-credit point unit and has been designed to ensure that the time needed to complete the required volume of learning to the requisite standard is approximately 150 hours in total across the semester.
Mode of delivery: This unit will be offered in one or more of modes of delivery described below, chosen with the aim of providing flexible delivery of academic content.
- On Campus: Most learning activities or classes are delivered at a scheduled time, on campus, to enable in-person interactions. Activities will appear in a student’s timetable.
- Intensive: In an intensive mode, students require face-to-face attendance on weekends, or any block of time determined by the school. Students will have face-to-face interactions with lecturer(s) to further their achievement of the learning outcomes. This unit is structured with required upfront preparation before workshops. The online learning platforms used in this unit provide multiple forms of preparatory and practice opportunities for students to prepare and revise.
- Multi-mode: Learning activities are delivered through a planned mix of online and in-person classes, which may include full-day sessions and/or placements, to enable interaction. Activities that require attendance will appear in a student’s timetable.
- Online unscheduled: Learning activities are accessible anytime, anywhere. These units are normally delivered fully online and will not appear in a student’s timetable.
- Online scheduled: All learning activities are held online, at scheduled times, and will require some attendance to enable online interaction. Activities will appear in a student’s timetable.
On successful completion of this unit, students should have gained evidence towards the following standards:
On successful completion of this unit, students should have gained evidence towards the following standards: