Unit rationale, description and aim
By 2050, rapid urbanisation worldwide will lead to nearly 70% of world population living in urban areas. Understanding the key drivers and consequences of urbanisation in coming years is crucial to the implementation of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
In this unit, students will investigate the dynamic and rapidly changing urban and social fabric of cities and the processes that influence these changes. In particular, students will examine how changes in the urban environment reflect relationships between people and places, how and why people choose to live in cities, and how these choices are constrained by wider economic and cultural forces. Students will discuss contemporary changes in housing, employment, transport, retail, sustainability, ethnicity, and community in cities, with a particularly focus on urban inequality and social justice in cities as critical issues. The important and often interconnected roles of government and private sectors in shaping urban forms and communities will be critically examined in the context of ongoing debates around public and private spaces and infrastructure. This unit features a strong focus on geographical skills development relevant to urban geography and planning, with hands-on learning activities focused on urban mapping, remote citizen statistic collection and observation, and the access and use of urban community data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics and local and state government bodies. Students will learn to apply decision-making processes used contemporary urban environmental management, including Scenario Planning, to an urban research project of their own design.
The aim of this unit is to enable students to develop an understanding of different urban processes and forms, to develop key geographical skills that can be applied to understanding how and why cities are changing, and how ethical concepts and policy approaches may be applied to ensure sustainable urban development and outcomes. Students from all backgrounds are welcome to enrol in this unit, though students would usually be in their third year, and previous study in Geography, Sociology, or Politics is strongly recommended.
Campus offering
No unit offerings are currently available for this unit.Learning outcomes
To successfully complete this unit you will be able to demonstrate you have achieved the learning outcomes (LO) detailed in the below table.
Each outcome is informed by a number of graduate capabilities (GC) to ensure your work in this, and every unit, is part of a larger goal of graduating from ACU with the attributes of insight, empathy, imagination and impact.
Explore the graduate capabilities.
Identify and evaluate key concepts and theoretical...
Learning Outcome 01
Demonstrate knowledge and a critical understanding...
Learning Outcome 02
Organise, critically evaluate, and present knowled...
Learning Outcome 03
Discuss social justice issues that exist in urban ...
Learning Outcome 04
Reflect on your own experiences of cities and cont...
Learning Outcome 05
Topics will include:
- Cities as Indigenous places
- Rapid urbanisation and mega cities
- Public versus private space and infrastructure
- Urban economic transformations
- Urban greening, ecology and environmental justice
- Creative cities and night-time economies
- Urban governance and policy
- Sustainable urbanization and urban resilience
- Climate-friendly, ‘smart’ cities and urban decarbonisation
- Gentrification, housing markets and policy, homelessness
- Urbanisation, suburbanisation, and inequalities across cities
- Decision making approaches for urban environments, including scenario planning
- Privacy, safety and government and industry urban surveillance
Assessment strategy and rationale
A range of assessment procedures will be used to meet the unit learning outcomes and develop graduate attributes consistent with University assessment requirements. The assessment strategy allows students to engage in a variety of tasks, each aligned to their own learning outcomes.
The first assessment is an annotated bibliography, focused on key readings discussed in tutorials, and also urban geography scholarship relevant to a local urban place. The annotated bibliography serves to prepare students for this unit’s research project. using and interpreting information on cities and urban communities. The second assessment task is a reflective journal throughout the semester which charts learning and professional development in the unit, their research development, and also their own understanding of their own experiences and connections with cities. In the third assessment, students will draw on key geographical skills in geospatial, text analysis, and field work developed in previous geography, environment and society units to analyses a contested urban space. This is a substantial piece of academic research which will culminate as individual student poster presentations at a student-led conference at the end of semester.
Overview of assessments
Annotated Bibliography: Students will undertake ...
Annotated Bibliography: Students will undertake an annotated bibliography focused on (1) key readings discussed in tutorials, and (2) published research on a local urban place (in preparation for assessment 2)
Reflective journal: Students will complete an on...
Reflective journal: Students will complete an online-based reflective journal throughout semester focused on their learning and professional development as a geographer in the unit, and also reflecting on ‘doing’ urban research and their findings
Research Task: This task requires students to un...
Research Task: This task requires students to undertake research on a local urban problem using appropriate geographic skills, and apply a process of scenario planning to develop several decision scenarios, with your findings presented as a professional academic poster presentation
Learning and teaching strategy and rationale
This unit will use both face-to-face and/or multimedia forms of instruction, and field-based teaching. The in-class lecture component is used to convey new material and offer students the chance to engage and ask questions in person. The tutorial portion of the course is to be used as a resource to offer students the opportunity to put their knowledge learned in lectures to use and gain hands-on experience and learn and practice Geographical skills.
This is a 10-credit point unit and has been designed to ensure that the time needed to complete the required volume of learning to the requisite standard is approximately 150 hours in total across the semester. To achieve a passing standard in this unit, students will find it helpful to engage in the full range of learning activities and assessments utilised in this unit, as described in the learning and teaching strategy and the assessment strategy. The learning and teaching and assessment strategies include a range of approaches to support your learning such as reading, reflection, discussion, webinars, podcasts, video etc.