Unit rationale, description and aim
War and conflict, alongside work towards peace, have shaped the course of modern history. Historians are routinely called upon to provide historical analysis of the world-changing impact of both times of war and peace.
In this unit students will explore aspects of the social and cultural histories of war and peace. Histories of armed conflict, peacemaking and efforts to avert or restrain war will be studied, as will the legacies and commemoration practices connected to war, peace and demands for restorative justice. Students will work with different types of primary and secondary sources to investigate the experiences of groups and people whose lives and communities have been shaped by war and conflict. Applying the methods of social and cultural historians and case studies from different historical and regional settings students will interpret and reflect on related ethical and historical debates to real-world situations in war and peace.
The aim of this unit is to develop a student's capacity to provide sound historical analysis of major shifts in patterns of armed conflict; of efforts to glorify, avoid, restrain or oppose armed conflict; and attempts to produce peace and justice in the aftermath of war.
Campus offering
No unit offerings are currently available for this unit.Learning outcomes
To successfully complete this unit you will be able to demonstrate you have achieved the learning outcomes (LO) detailed in the below table.
Each outcome is informed by a number of graduate capabilities (GC) to ensure your work in this, and every unit, is part of a larger goal of graduating from ACU with the attributes of insight, empathy, imagination and impact.
Explore the graduate capabilities.
Discuss key historical patterns and changing eleme...
Learning Outcome 01
Communicate clearly in written and/or oral form, i...
Learning Outcome 02
Locate, use and appropriately reference a variety ...
Learning Outcome 03
Apply critical reading skills to your understandin...
Learning Outcome 04
Interpret and reflect on key ethical and historica...
Learning Outcome 05
Topics examine themes and case studies concerning the relationship between war and peace in different historical and regional contexts since the nineteenth century.
These themes include:
Social, cultural, political and ethical dimensions of various conflicts over time.
Specific topics considered here may include:
· the causes of war
· different forms of warfare
· gendered experiences of war
· the home front in experiences of war
· acts of genocide in histories of conflict
Campaigns for peace, efforts to restrain war and efforts to achieve justice and reconciliation in its aftermath.
Specific topics considered here may include:
· memorialisation and public memories of war;
· the concept of treaties and conventions aimed to end or constrain war;
· disarmament campaigns and anti-war protests; calls for reparation or apologies from war criminals;
· place of gender, religion and cultural identities in campaigns for peace and justice.
Active history theory and techniques
· Advanced techniques in locating and using primary and secondary sources
· Historical approaches to research and analysis used by social and cultural historians
· Examination of categories of analysis, including the concepts of war and peace
Assessment strategy and rationale
Before attempting advanced-level research essays or summative analysis later in the unit, students need to have a strong foundational knowledge of how to locate, read and analyse primary and secondary sources on key elements of the history of war and peace. The investigative task therefore develops students’ capacity to work with and interpret evidence in primary and secondary sources. The task may take the form of: active research tasks that require students to find and use primary and secondary sources; or, digital search techniques for online archives and/or digital newspaper databases; or, "hands on" historical methods such as recording or using existing oral history or using material objects. The investigative task assesses learning outcomes 1 to 3.
Students then build on the techniques and knowledge demonstrated in the investigative task to find, synthesise and critically discuss evidence related to war and peace in an independent research task. This may take the form of a research essay or a debate on a key historical topic. The research task assesses learning outcomes 1 to 4.
The summative task assesses how well students are able to draw together knowledge and skills developed in the unit to provide sound historical analysis of major shifts in patterns of armed conflict; and attempts to produce peace and justice in the aftermath of war. The summative task assesses learning outcomes 2 to 5.
Overview of assessments
Investigative Task: The key purpose of this assig...
Investigative Task: The key purpose of this assignment is for students to develop skills in working with primary sources and locating and using high-quality secondary sources in order to investigate a topic relevant to the history of war and peace. Skills honed during this assignment will help prepare students for the research task.
Research Task: The key purpose of this assignment...
Research Task: The key purpose of this assignment is for students to demonstrate research, writing and analytical skills to produce an evidence-based argument that demonstrates critical reading skills and an awareness of ethical and/or historical debates on a topic relating to the unit content.
Summative Task: The key purpose of this task is t...
Summative Task: The key purpose of this task is to test how well students have understood changing patterns of war and peace and reflect on key ethical and historical debates related to real-world situations.
The lecturer may designate this task to be in the form of short answer responses, test/s, take-home exam, exam, reflective essay/poster or simulation exercise.
Learning and teaching strategy and rationale
This unit embraces active learning by taking the form of a face-to-face class containing activities through which students will:
1) gain a deep understanding of the content covered in the unit.
The active learning activities in this unit include reading, writing, discussion and problem-solving aimed at promoting analysis and synthesis of class content, paying particular attention to the dynamics of historical and ethical debate about relevant topics. Students will also use case studies to assist them in this process, exploring how what they have learned applies to real world situations.
2) develop and hone skills fundamental to the discipline of history, including the development of methods for working with and interpreting primary sources; the ability to identify relevant and high-quality secondary sources and incorporate them into their own research and analysis; the ability to process extensive amounts of historical information and identify what is most relevant and valuable; and to communicate their findings in a style appropriate to their audience; and is written in their own words (does not use AI to generate text).
This unit has been designed to ensure that the time needed to complete the required volume of learning to the requisite standard is approximately 150 hours in total across the semester. To achieve a passing standard in this unit, students will find it helpful to engage in the full range of learning activities and assessments utilised in this unit, as described in the learning and teaching strategy and the assessment strategy. The learning and teaching and assessment strategies include a range of approaches to support your learning such as lectures, tutorials, reading, reflection, discussion, film screenings, skills workshops, and assignments etc.