Unit rationale, description and aim
With a high percentage of graduates entering the profession as a sole trader, it is imperative that students possess the skills to take them forward and assist them in building a professional practice. An awareness of the Code of Conduct and how it relates to an ethical practice will include knowledge and application of both financial obligations and those obligations that must be met when providing migration advice. Taking into account other regulatory requirements, students should develop the practical skills required to establish and manage a professional migration practice within the parameters of the Office of Migration Agents Registration Authority (OMARA) Code and Conduct and the Department of Home Affairs' Occupational Competency Standards.
Learning outcomes
To successfully complete this unit you will be able to demonstrate you have achieved the learning outcomes (LO) detailed in the below table.
Each outcome is informed by a number of graduate capabilities (GC) to ensure your work in this, and every unit, is part of a larger goal of graduating from ACU with the attributes of insight, empathy, imagination and impact.
Explore the graduate capabilities.
Communicate professionally with a diverse range of...
Learning Outcome 01
Demonstrate knowledge of migration agents’ obligat...
Learning Outcome 02
Apply the Code of Conduct and professional behavio...
Learning Outcome 03
Undertake a self-audit of their practice and busin...
Learning Outcome 04
- Overview of an Ethical Migration Practice
- Ethics
- The business of Business
- Fees and Charges
- Record keeping and Management
- Financial duties
- Termination of Services
- Multi-cultural Communication
Assessment strategy and rationale
This graduate course is the prescribed qualification for registration with OMARA to provide migration advice. On completion of all units, students who wish to apply for registration will also sit an independent capstone examination regulated by OMARA.
The assessment tasks for this unit are designed to demonstrate achievement of each of the learning outcomes listed. Occupational Competency Standards have been produced by Department of Home Affairs and have guided our assessment as the underpinning knowledge and skills required by a migration law practitioner.
To pass the unit, students must achieve at least 50% of the total marks, including all three assessment items.
Overview of assessments
Assessment task 1: Engagement in designated onlin...
Assessment task 1: Engagement in designated online activities
Details: reflective journal and engagement in designated online activities. This assessment involves participation in weekly discussion forum activities and a reflective submission.
Purpose: this task contributes specifically to the development of students’ understanding of unit material.
Format: weekly forum participation and written reflection.
Assessment task 2: Advice to Client Details: th...
Assessment task 2: Advice to Client
Details: this assessment requires students to demonstrate their ability to identify and interpret relevant Migration legislation, basic aspects of the visa system and migration policy.
Purpose: assist students contextualise their learning and use theoretical knowledge in a practical and real-life situation. This task requires students to critically analyse an element of Australian Migration Law and provide conclusions informed by legislation and policy.
Format: written assessment.
Assessment task 3: Oral Presentation Details: th...
Assessment task 3: Oral Presentation
Details: this assessment requires students to demonstrate their ability to identify and interpret relevant Migration legislation, basic aspects of the visa system and migration policy.
Purpose: assist students contextualise their learning and use theoretical knowledge in a practical and real-life situation. This task requires students to critically analyse an element of Australian Migration Law and provide conclusions informed by legislation and policy.
Format: Oral Presentation
Learning and teaching strategy and rationale
This is the seventh unit in the Graduate Diploma in Australian Migration Law and Practice. It is the prescribed qualification for initial registration with OMARA as per s289A of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth).
Our strategy is to encourage students to actively engage with unit content and their peers. Up to 80% of graduates will be in practice as sole practitioners. It is envisaged that developing a community of practice within each unit of learning will encourage students to maintain connections with peers into their professional careers.
This subject will be delivered in online mode only. We have taken an online learning approach to provide accessibility and flexibility to our post graduate students and a student focused approach that increases depth of learning and engagement through actively utilising Canvas.