Unit rationale, description and aim
This unit speaks directly to the Course Learning Outcomes of reflecting critically on the ethical and procedural problems and challenges that inform decision-making that concerns the dignity, culture, values, beliefs, and rights of people who come into contact or work with the criminal justice sector. It also engages the Course Learning Outcome of explaining philosophical and legal principles informing the criminal justice sector. Through contributing directly to these Course Learning Outcomes, this unit will also contribute to the over-arching Course Learning Outcome of helping students to understand and confidently navigate, and help students prepare for working in, the criminal justice system. Establishing, maintaining, and enhancing respect for human dignity, thus contributing to the well-being of the wider community, is at the heart of ethical practice. Policing stands as the gateway to the criminal justice system and the moral landscape of policing in a modern, culturally diverse society is becoming ever-more complex. This unit will help students develop their recognition and understanding of the increasingly nuanced moral significance of modern policing, the better to evaluate whether and how policing delivers what the community needs.
Learning outcomes
To successfully complete this unit you will be able to demonstrate you have achieved the learning outcomes (LO) detailed in the below table.
Each outcome is informed by a number of graduate capabilities (GC) to ensure your work in this, and every unit, is part of a larger goal of graduating from ACU with the attributes of insight, empathy, imagination and impact.
Explore the graduate capabilities.
Identify and explain current morally-significant i...
Learning Outcome 01
Critically appraise responses to ethical policing ...
Learning Outcome 02
Apply relevant ethical principles to a case study
Learning Outcome 03
Topics will include:
• Moral foundations of policing
• Police professionalization & professional ethics
• Police culture & character
• Discretion & policing decision making
• Investigation ethics
• Police use of force
• Police use of deception
• Corruption & Anti-corruption
• Authority & Accountability
Assessment strategy and rationale
Assessment is an integral part of the learning process. The assessment tasks provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge and critical thinking, and to develop effective research skills and written and oral communication skills. Subject to further revision, it is proposed that this unit be assessed by three assignments: a content knowledge quiz (MCQ/short answer), a research essay, and a case study evaluation.
The assessment tasks have been explicitly created to address the identified Learning Outcomes for this unit (assessment of learning) and designed to allow students to learn about and apply the skills required by professionals working in the field of criminology (assessment for learning).
- Online multiple-choice/ short answer exam. Students will be required to complete a short multiple-choice exam consisting of 20 questions covering the first 4 weeks of course content. This assessment will require students to identify key terms and meanings relating to key concepts presented in the unit.
- Research Essay. This assessment requires students to evaluate critically a contemporary challenge in criminal justice ethics. The 1500-word research essay will allow students to engage in the academic and professional literature on ethics in policing more broadly and demonstrate an understanding of ethical considerations in policing.
- Case study. In a 2500-word written analysis, students will apply their knowledge of policing ethics to a case study scenario, demonstrating their critical thinking and problem-solving in analyzing and determining an ethically satisfactory outcome to the circumstances.
Overview of assessments
Assessment Task 1- Weekly written posts: 10 x wee...
Assessment Task 1- Weekly written posts:
10 x weekly Discussion Forum posts in response to specific questions posed relating to weekly topic learning content.
Assessment task 2 – Annotated bibliography: 2000 ...
Assessment task 2 – Annotated bibliography:
2000 word critically annotated bibliography (comprising five sources researched by the student), in preparation for Assessment Task 3. This will demonstrate student engagement with the policing ethics literature.
Assessment Task 3 – Case study: In a 2000 word wr...
Assessment Task 3 – Case study:
In a 2000 word written analysis, students will apply their knowledge of policing ethics to a case study scenario, demonstrating their critical thinking and problem-solving in analyzing and determining an
ethically satisfactory outcome to the circumstances.
Learning and teaching strategy and rationale
This unit comprises 150 hours of study in total. It will be taught over a 12 week semester and includes one 2-hour lecture followed by a 1-hour tutorial each week or ACU Online 10 week asynchronous delivery mode. The balance of the hours committed to this unit comprise private student study and undertaking of assessments. The teaching strategy in this unit involves student's active participation in analysis, evaluation and problem-solving in relation to issues of ethical policing. Through the study topics and the scaffolded assessment strategy, students will develop their analysis, evaluation, problem-solving, communication, and presentation skills.
ACU Online
This unit uses an active learning approach to support students in the exploration of knowledge essential to the discipline. Students are provided with choice and variety in how they learn. Students are encouraged to contribute to asynchronous weekly discussions. Active learning opportunities provide students with opportunities to practice and apply their learning in situations similar to their future professions. Activities encourage students to bring their own examples to demonstrate understanding, application and engage constructively with their peers. Students receive regular and timely feedback on their learning, which includes information on their progress.