Unit rationale, description and aim
This unit provides students with the opportunity to develop an understanding of mental health and mental illness in pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period. The impact of mental health disorders on attachment, early parenting, the baby and family will be explored. The unit is required by students to extend their midwifery knowledge on assessment and care planning, specifically in relation to childbearing women with mental illness.
The aim of this unit is to extend students' knowledge of contemporary midwifery practice to enable them to support women and families challenged by mental health issues.
We recognise that people who access maternity care may have diverse gender identities, that those who do can experience marginalisation and oppression, and that using appropriate terminology can help with these community members’ recognition and visibility, acknowledge the variety of pregnancy and birth experiences people may have, and respect individuals’ preferences. To reflect this, terms such as ‘pregnant person’, ‘birthing person’, ‘childbearing people’, ‘parent’ and ‘chestfeeding’ may be used in the midwifery courses at ACU in addition to ‘woman’, ‘mother’, ‘maternity’, ‘maternal’ and ‘breastfeeding’, which are used not to exclude those who do not identify as a woman, but in recognition that women continue to be marginalised and oppressed in many places around the world and to respect their own individual preferences.
Learning outcomes
To successfully complete this unit you will be able to demonstrate you have achieved the learning outcomes (LO) detailed in the below table.
Each outcome is informed by a number of graduate capabilities (GC) to ensure your work in this, and every unit, is part of a larger goal of graduating from ACU with the attributes of insight, empathy, imagination and impact.
Explore the graduate capabilities.
Describe effective therapeutic approaches to commu...
Learning Outcome 01
Understand the theoretical and social constructs o...
Learning Outcome 02
Apply the principles of teamwork and self-manageme...
Learning Outcome 03
Explore how stigma and other personal beliefs crea...
Learning Outcome 04
Apply theories of maternal infant attachment to pr...
Learning Outcome 05
Apply ethico-legal and professional frameworks to ...
Learning Outcome 06
Topics will include:
Legal and professional practice
- Legal frameworks and obligations
- Mental health
- Child protection
- Family violence
- Consultation and referral
- Medication knowledge and administration
- Assertive communication skills
Midwifery knowledge and practice
- Introduction to the theories underpinning mental health and illness
- Behaviourist
- Psychoanalytic
- Cognitive
- Humanistic
- Biopsychosocial
- Application to midwifery practice
- Mental health and childbearing:
- Perinatal anxiety and depression;
- Bipolar and psychotic disorders,
- Posttraumatic stress disorder,
- Body image disturbance,
- Personality disorders
- Childhood sexual abuse
- Screening, assessment and diagnosis of women with perinatal mental health issues
- Edinburgh Post Natal Depression Scale,
- Comprehensive mental health assessment
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
- Collaborative management of women with perinatal mental health issues
- Therapeutic interventions and communication
- Infant Mental Health
- Attachment theory application
- Women at risk
- Social and economic disadvantage
- Substance use
- Family violence
Midwifery as primary health care
- Societal constructs
- Motherhood/fatherhood
- Mental health and illness
- Impact on child bearing women and families
Reflective and ethical practice
- Ethical issues
- Disclosure
- Confidentiality
- Personal beliefs
- Evidence-based practice
Assessment strategy and rationale
A range of assessment procedures consistent with University assessment requirements will be used to meet the unit learning outcomes and develop graduate attributes.
Students will work in groups within the online learning platform to explore discipline specific knowledge and skills in relation to mental illness in childbearing women and their family. The group work enables students to experience and reflect on team and leadership skills relevant to their professional practice within midwifery and wider multidisciplinary teams. The written assignment provides students with the opportunity to explore the evidence base regarding assessment and care planning for women challenged by mental illness. The examination enables students to demonstrate a sound knowledge base in addressing content and process questions related to unit content.
These assessments are required to build student knowledge and skills which, by the conclusion of this programme, will enable the student to graduate as a safe and effective midwife.
Overview of assessments
Group work Enables students to achieve sound com...
Group work
Enables students to achieve sound communication and team skills and demonstrate understanding of key concepts in relation to mental illness in childbearing women and their family.
Written assignment 1500 words (+/- 10%) Enables ...
Written assignment 1500 words (+/- 10%)
Enables students to achieve skills in academic writing and referencing and to articulate the evidence base for assessment and care planning in relation to mental illness in childbearing women and their family.
Written Examination (2hours) (Central Examination...
Written Examination (2hours) (Central Examination Period)
Enables students to demonstrate overall knowledge and understanding of content in the unit.
Learning and teaching strategy and rationale
Modes of delivery in this unit include online learning complemented by learner-centred tutorials and therapeutic communication practice. Consistent with adult learning principles, the teaching and learning strategies used within these modes of delivery will provide students with foundational knowledge and skills relevant to professional midwifery practice. These strategies will also support students in meeting the aim, learning outcomes and graduate attributes of the unit and the broader course learning outcomes. Learning and teaching strategies will reflect respect for the individual as an independent learner. Students will be expected to take responsibility for their learning and to participate actively with peers. Scenario-based learning, case-based learning, problem-based learning and inquiry-based learning are all used to support the development of students' independent learning ability.
Students at university need to operate effectively as self-sufficient learners who drive their own learning and access the learning supports they require. To guide students in their learning, feedback is required to identify what is being done well, what requires additional work and to identify progress toward required learning outcomes. Located in the second year of the programme, this theory unit includes moderate face-to-face teaching hours and an increasing online component of learning to build life-long learning skills. Online modules are utilised to convey content and its central principles while tutorials deliver interactive and student-driven learning sessions including in a Yarning Circle format which require an increasing reliance on students to extend their community of learners and increase self-reliance. Online materials provide students with the opportunity to undertake directed, self-motivated study and continue to transition to independent study and life-long learning.
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia Midwife Standards for Practice
In connection to the learning outcomes, these Midwife standards for practice provide a framework for midwifery practice in all contexts. They also inform women, and others including consumers, those who regulate, educate, collaborate with and manage midwives on what to expect from a midwife’s practice.
Relating to
Promotes health and wellbeing through evidence-based midwifery practice
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO4, LO5
Relating to
Identifies what is important to women as the foundation for using evidence to promote informed decision-making, participation in care, and self-determination
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO4, LO5
Relating to
Uses health assessment and health education to support birth and reproductive health, and minimise the potential for complications
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO4, LO5
Relating to
Undertakes ongoing processes of reflection to ensure professional judgements acknowledge how personal culture impacts on practice
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO4, LO5
Relating to
Supports access to maternity care for the woman
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO4, LO5
Relating to
Identifies and promotes the role of midwifery practice and the midwifery profession in influencing better health outcomes for women.
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO4, LO5
Relating to
Engages in professional relationships and respectful partnerships
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO4
Relating to
Supports the choices of the woman, with respect for families and communities in relation to maternity care
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO4
Relating to
Partners with women to strengthen women’s capabilities and confidence to care for themselves and their families
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO4
Relating to
Practises ethically, with respect for dignity, privacy, confidentiality, equity and justice
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO4
Relating to
Practises without the discrimination that may be associated with race, age, disability, sexuality, gender identity, relationship status, power relations and/or social disadvantage
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO4
Relating to
Practises cultural safety that is holistic, free of bias and exposes racism
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO4
Relating to
Practises in a way that respects that family and community underpin the health of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO4
Relating to
Participates in and/or leads collaborative practice.
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO2, LO4
Relating to
Demonstrates the capability and accountability for midwifery practice
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO3, LO4, LO5, LO6
Relating to
Understands their scope of practice
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO3, LO4, LO5, LO6
Relating to
Practises within relevant legal parameters and professional standards, codes and guidelines
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO3, LO4, LO5, LO6
Relating to
Participates in own continuing professional development to maintain the required knowledge and skill base for safe and effective practice
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO3, LO4, LO5, LO6
Relating to
Contributes to a culture that supports learning, teaching, knowledge transfer and critical reflection
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO3, LO4, LO5, LO6
Relating to
Engages in timely consultation, referral and documentation
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO3, LO4, LO5, LO6
Relating to
Uses relevant processes to identify, document and manage complexity and risk
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO3, LO4, LO5, LO6
Relating to
Recognises and responds appropriately where safe and quality practice may be compromised, and
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO3, LO4, LO5, LO6
Relating to
Considers and responds in a timely manner to the health and wellbeing of self and others in relation to the capability for practice.
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO3, LO4, LO5, LO6
Relating to
Undertakes comprehensive assessments
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO3, LO5
Relating to
Works in partnership to determine factors that affect, or potentially affect, the health and wellbeing of women, communities and populations
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO3, LO5
Relating to
Analyses information and data and communicates assessments and anticipated outcomes as the basis for midwifery practice, and
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO3, LO5
Relating to
Assesses the resources that are available to inform planning.
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO3, LO5
Relating to
Develops a plan for midwifery practice
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO3, LO6
Relating to
Interprets assessment data and best available evidence to develop a plan for practice
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO3, LO6
Relating to
Collaboratively develops plans until options, priorities, goals, actions, anticipated outcomes and timeframes are agreed with the woman, and/or relevant others
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO3, LO6
Relating to
Co-ordinates resources effectively and efficiently for planned actions, and
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO3, LO6
Relating to
Documents, evaluates and modifies plans to facilitate the anticipated outcomes.
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO3, LO6
Relating to
Provides safety and quality in midwifery practice
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO3, LO5, LO6
Relating to
Practises to achieve the agreed goals and anticipated outcomes that meet the needs of the woman
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO3, LO5, LO6
Relating to
Is responsible for consultation and referral and/or escalation in situations that are outside the individual’s scope of practice, and
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO3, LO5, LO6
Relating to
Provides and accepts effective and timely direction, allocation, delegation, teaching and supervision
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO3, LO5, LO6
Relating to
Evaluates outcomes to improve midwifery practice
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO3
Relating to
Evaluates and monitors progress towards planned goals and anticipated outcomes
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO3
Relating to
Revises plan and actions based on evidence and what is learned from evaluation
Relevant Learning OutcomeLO3