Unit rationale, description and aim
This advanced unit covers the topics related to occupational health and wellbeing in organisations, emphasizing the principles of good work design and the practical means to integrate occupational health and safety, health promotion, wellness, work design, and productivity. Topics cover common occupational health hazards such as manual tasks and the interaction of risk factors (environmental health exposures), office-based work environments and sedentary work behaviours, and psychosocial hazards (occupational stress, workplace bullying, occupational violence, and shift-work and fatigue), as well as basic but integrated principles for human factors; ergonomics; workplace wellness, health, and wellbeing programs; and return to work.
Learning outcomes
To successfully complete this unit you will be able to demonstrate you have achieved the learning outcomes (LO) detailed in the below table.
Each outcome is informed by a number of graduate capabilities (GC) to ensure your work in this, and every unit, is part of a larger goal of graduating from ACU with the attributes of insight, empathy, imagination and impact.
Explore the graduate capabilities.
Apply occupational health hazards knowledge during...
Learning Outcome 01
Examine the inter-relationships of the workplace, ...
Learning Outcome 02
Assess the risk of injury/illness and examine fact...
Learning Outcome 03
Evaluate and recommend appropriate changes in work...
Learning Outcome 04
Topics will include:
- Significance of occupational health and wellbeing, human factors and ergonomics
- Organise, analyse, and synthesis information arising from product and task analysis: physical & environmental, cognitive/human factors, organisational
- Human, organisation, performance and systems analysis
- Manual tasks: calculate risks for musculoskeletal disorders (acute and cumulative), risk management, participatory ergonomics and design strategies
- Office workstation ergonomics issues
- Human information processing, shift-work and fatigue and OHSE
- Psychosocial hazards, occupational stress and the wellbeing of employees
- Psychosocial hazards resulting in workplace bullying & occupational violence and healthy workplaces
- Technology, work design principles, tools & methods and human diversity
- Integration of occupational health & safety with good work design and other business unit activity
- Planning workplace wellness strategies for diverse individual needs
- Fundamentals of return to work considerations and its impact on employees and business sustainability
Assessment strategy and rationale
Three primary assessment items are required in this Unit. The first, based on online activities and discussion of selected topics, requires students to provide and synthesise their views and experiences with weekly learnings from lectures and research from the academic literature. It also requires students to evaluate and respond to views expressed or questions posed by other students. The second is a workplace report that requires students to demonstrate their ability to research, reflect and apply OHSE knowledge and skills using a human factors/ergonomics approach, to assess risk and determine design concepts and features that lead to recommendations to improve work or job design, . This assessment will help students demonstrate their written communication skills in a business context. ) The third assessment is a toolbox talk presentation via video that allows students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills as an OHSE practitioner to a non-academic audience for workers and maintainers. The content will arise from selected topics within the unit.
To pass this unit, students are required to achieve an overall mark of at least 50% and must make an attempt at all three assessment items. The assessment tasks for this unit are designed for students to demonstrate their achievement of each learning outcome.
Overview of assessments
Assessment Task 1: Discussion Forum Activities: S...
Assessment Task 1: Discussion Forum Activities: Select extracts from topics 1 - 3
This assessment task consists of a 1000-word submission entailing selected extracts from the Discussions for topics 1-3 (for example, two of the student’s initial posts and two responses to other students’ posts). This assessment task requires students to engage in discussions and critically analyse, translate, or extend ideas about topical issues related to occupational health and wellbeing, human factors and ergonomics, and work and job design.
Submission Type: Individual
Assessment Method: Discussion Forum Activity
Artefact: Written discussion forum posts
Assessment Task 2: Workplace Risk Analysis Repor...
Assessment Task 2: Workplace Risk Analysis Report:
This assessment task consists of a 1500 word written report This task requires students to demonstrate their knowledge of an occupational health hazard(s), work, job design opportunities within an organisational system. It requires students to use specialist tools to measure and analyse the risk of injury from exposure to workplace hazards specific to the topics discussed in this unit. Students are also required to identify work and/or job design concepts, features, and strategies that might optimise a work system, translating the ideas in a business report.
Submission Type: Individual
Assessment Method: Report
Artefact: Written report
Assessment Task 3: Video Toolbox Talk submission ...
Assessment Task 3: Video Toolbox Talk submission
This assessment task requires students to record their simulated presentation of a toolbox talk to frontline workers about a topic affecting occupational health well-being and safety – 10 minute video presentation and a presentation video and slides. The presentation should present immediate, short-term, and mid-term strategies for job or work design within the agency of the frontline worker. This assessment task helps student demonstrate their ability to explain topical issues relating to occupational health and wellbeing and formulate practical work strategies while considering respect for human dignity and diversity.
Submission Type: Individual
Assessment Method: Video Presentation
Artefact: Video Presentation/Slides
Learning and teaching strategy and rationale
This Unit employs a learning and teaching strategy that combines active learning (engaging with online lecture videos, reading, writing and case studies to analyse, synthesise and problem solve) and peer learning methods (engaging with peers and the lecturer via online tools to collaborate, query and elaborate). Live online workshops will be offered at regular intervals throughout the teaching period to allow students synchronous access to their lecturer and peers at defined times or ACU Online 10 week asynchronous delivery mode. Use of applied case studies and scenarios, with reference to legislation and standards as well as national and international contexts, are used to facilitate applied action learning. The provision of timely student feedback is also a key aspect of the learning and teaching strategy as this allows students to direct future learning behaviours and performance in a meaningful way. The online learning environment can be challenging in terms of encouraging student interaction and participation, and the Unit’s teaching methods have been chosen because they are most likely to support the achievement of learning outcomes and participation by a geographically diverse cohort of students.
ACU Online
This unit uses an active learning approach to support students in the exploration of knowledge essential to the discipline. Students are provided with choice and variety in how they learn. Students are encouraged to contribute to asynchronous weekly discussions. Active learning opportunities provide students with opportunities to practice and apply their learning in situations similar to their future professions. Activities encourage students to bring their own examples to demonstrate understanding, application and engage constructively with their peers. Students receive regular and timely feedback on their learning, which includes information on their progress.