Unit rationale, description and aim
This unit is the first part of the implementation of the capstone research project component of the Post-graduate Physiotherapy Masters programs and requires students to implement a research project planned and developed in consultation with an approved ACU supervisor whilst undertaking prerequisite units. The ACU supervisor ensures capstone projects are meaningful and contribute new knowledge to the discipline and field. In addition, supervisors will ensure projects have been designed to "demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills to plan and execute a substantial research-based project" (AQF 9). This unit is the first of two research units which aim to extend the body of knowledge for Physiotherapists and provide students with the foundation for future self-directed learning and research.
Learning outcomes
To successfully complete this unit you will be able to demonstrate you have achieved the learning outcomes (LO) detailed in the below table.
Each outcome is informed by a number of graduate capabilities (GC) to ensure your work in this, and every unit, is part of a larger goal of graduating from ACU with the attributes of insight, empathy, imagination and impact.
Explore the graduate capabilities.
Implement a supervised research project adhering t...
Learning Outcome 01
Manage a research project as scheduled, making cri...
Learning Outcome 02
Critically appraise and discuss the background lit...
Learning Outcome 03
Critically evaluate the research process, identify...
Learning Outcome 04
Students will commence a research project chosen in consultation with their supervisor. Students will be required to collect and collate research data in preparation for analyses in relation to the research question/s.
Assessment strategy and rationale
Assessments have been developed to guide the students in their preparation and implementation of the first stage of a capstone project aimed at reflecting the advanced level of professional knowledge and skills, enhanced critical analysis and professional writing style. Assessments for the unit incorporate a constructivist approach providing for a broad range of tasks aligned to andragogic principles of adult learning facilitating choice and self-direction for the post graduate student. The progress report provides students with the opportunity to provide an initial report regarding their research project. In the oral presentation, students will demonstrate their learning and reflections regarding the decision-making pertaining to implementing their research project. The project report provides students the opportunity to present a scholarly academic work outlining the evidence, rationale and methodology underpinning their research project. Scheduling of assessments will be equitable for both modes of delivery. Assessment tasks may be delivered and assessed locally with moderated according to University Policies and Procedures. All assessments will be submitted electronically.
Overview of assessments
Written project progress report Enables studen...
Written project progress report
Enables students to report on research scope, progress and plan for completion
Oral presentation Enables students to present a...
Oral presentation
Enables students to present a critical reflection of the process of implementing and undertaking their project demonstrating advanced critical thinking
Project Report Enables students to prepare a...
Project Report
Enables students to prepare a comprehensive, well-documented and appropriately referenced written research report according to specified guidelines
Learning and teaching strategy and rationale
ACU Online
This unit uses an active learning approach to support students in the exploration of knowledge essential to the discipline. Students are provided with choice and variety in how they learn.
In this unit, students will work both independently and in collaboration with their supervisor(s). Students will be mentored and supported in their learning by their supervisor(s) who will provide regular guidance and maintain contact with the student.
Mentorship and supervision is facilitated through face-to-face on-campus meetings, or by telephone or electronic communication between student and ACU staff mentor. A range of student-centred learning and teaching strategies will be adopted such as:
- regular meetings between mentor and student
- guidance regarding conduct of project, data entry to prepare for analyses and report presentation
Online and Multimode:
This unit is offered in multi-mode and online delivery for specific on and off shore cohorts. Both modes aim to facilitate enquiry based learning. In this unit, students will work both independently and in collaboration with their supervisor(s). Students will be mentored and supported in their learning by their supervisor(s) who will provide regular guidance and maintain contact with the student.
Mentorship and supervision is facilitated through face-to-face on-campus meetings, or by telephone or electronic communication between student and ACU staff mentor. A range of student-centred learning and teaching strategies will be adopted such as:
- regular meetings between mentor and student
- guidance regarding conduct of project, data entry to prepare for analyses and report presentation