Unit rationale, description and aim
Central to an undergraduate degree in psychology is the ability to understand biological basis of behaviour. As such this unit will develop an understanding of the core aspects of behavioural neuroscience with a particular emphasis on the implications of this knowledge for understanding the nervous system, sensation processes, brain disorders and psychoactive drugs. The aim of this unit is to introduce these foundational principles of behavioural neuroscience and how they can be applied to understanding human behaviour.
Learning outcomes
To successfully complete this unit you will be able to demonstrate you have achieved the learning outcomes (LO) detailed in the below table.
Each outcome is informed by a number of graduate capabilities (GC) to ensure your work in this, and every unit, is part of a larger goal of graduating from ACU with the attributes of insight, empathy, imagination and impact.
Explore the graduate capabilities.
Differentiate structures of the nervous system and...
Learning Outcome 01
Contrast how behavioural neuroscience methods can ...
Learning Outcome 02
Describe the visual and auditory system and how th...
Learning Outcome 03
Describe and explain the mechanisms and symptoms o...
Learning Outcome 04
Explain patterns of sleep, dreams, and sleep disor...
Learning Outcome 05
Explain the effects and mechanisms of action of a ...
Learning Outcome 06
Topics will include:
- What is behavioural neuroscience?
- Brain development and the neurobiology of experience
- Neuroanatomy
- Neural conduction and synaptic transmission
- Learning, memory, and amnesia
- Research and imaging methods in behavioural neuroscience
- Mechanisms of Perception: The visual and auditory systems
- Brain disorders and impact on functioning
- Sleep, dreaming and circadian rhythms
- Drug addiction, Psychopharmacology and brain reward circuits
Assessment strategy and rationale
In order to successfully complete this unit, students must:
- complete and submit all of the assessment tasks listed in the table below
- obtain an aggregate mark of at least 50%
- demonstrate achievement of each learning outcome
The assessment strategy for this unit allows students to demonstrate their acquisition of knowledge, as well as the application of that knowledge. In order to best enable students to demonstrate Learning Outcomes and develop Graduate Attributes, standards-based assessment is utilised, consistent with University assessment requirements. The recall of key knowledge concepts is assessed via multiple-choice questions in the during semester quizzes and in the final exam. Short answer questions in the quizzes and exam provide students with an opportunity to demonstrate their grasp of key concepts and the ability to synthesise information learnt throughout the course in meaningful ways. The Group Presentation will allow students to demonstrate their ability to work collaboratively and communicate through oral language descriptions and explanations of the content addressed in the unit.
Overview of assessments
Assessment Task 1 - During Semester Quizzes Allow...
Assessment Task 1 - During Semester Quizzes
Allows students to demonstrate their knowledge and ability to apply knowledge to practical examples.
Assessment Task 2 - Group Presentation and Writte...
Assessment Task 2 - Group Presentation and Written Report
Allows students to demonstrate oral communication skills and the ability to work collaboratively.
Assessment Task 3 - Final Exam Allows studen...
Assessment Task 3 - Final Exam
Allows students to demonstrate their knowledge and the ability to apply knowledge to practical examples.
Learning and teaching strategy and rationale
Learning and teaching strategies include active learning, case-based learning, individual and group activities, and cooperative learning. Students have the equivalent of 3 contact hours per week over a 12 week period which involves lectures and tutorials. This mode of delivery is designed to enhance discussion and engagement in the content covered in the unit. The lectures are to aid students with the acquisition and understanding of knowledge while the tutorials are designed to enhance application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation of that knowledge.