Unit rationale, description and aim
In order to adequately interpret the Christian Bible, it is necessary to engage with the literature of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. This literature reflects numerous genres (such as narrative, poetry, and law codes), each with its own life setting or Sitz im Leben. THBS601 is intended to introduce the canonical literature of the Hebrew Bible within its ancient Near Eastern context, paying particular attention to the way literary forms and genre contribute to the theological and religious messages of the biblical texts.
Learning outcomes
To successfully complete this unit you will be able to demonstrate you have achieved the learning outcomes (LO) detailed in the below table.
Each outcome is informed by a number of graduate capabilities (GC) to ensure your work in this, and every unit, is part of a larger goal of graduating from ACU with the attributes of insight, empathy, imagination and impact.
Explore the graduate capabilities.
Identify and describe different genres of literatu...
Learning Outcome 01
Situate the genres of the Hebrew Bible within thei...
Learning Outcome 02
Analyse representative examples of genres from acr...
Learning Outcome 03
Assess of the implications of genre for biblical i...
Learning Outcome 04
Topics will include:
- Narratives
- Law codes
- Poetry
- Wisdom literature
- Proverbs
- Prophetic literature
- Apocalyptic literature
Assessment strategy and rationale
In order to pass this unit, students are required to attempt all assessment tasks and achieve an overall mark of 50% or higher.
The assessment tasks for this unit are designed for students to progressively demonstrate their achievement of each learning outcome.
Task 1 asks students to situate the genres of the Hebrew Bible within their wider ancient Near Eastern context and to reflect on what is similar or distinctive about the biblical tradition. It requires students to compare and contrast examples of one or more genres from the Hebrew Bible (e.g. narrative, genealogy, law code, annals, poetry, wisdom literature, proverbs, apocalypse, etc.) with examples of corresponding genres from other Ancient Near Eastern cultures (e.g. Ugaritic, Sumerian, Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Hittite). The task allows students a relatively low-risk piece of assessment to test their interpretative skills as well as academic writing techniques. The principal focus of this task is to allow students to demonstrate achievement of Learning Outcomes 1 and 2.
Task 2 asks students to select and critically analyse examples of a biblical genre (e.g. narrative, poem, etc.), noting and evaluating the ways in which they conform to, or depart from, the expected conventions of the genre. Students should also evaluate how this knowledge contributes to an informed contemporary interpretation of the Hebrew Bible. The principal focus of this task is to allow students to demonstrate achievement of Learning Outcomes 3 and 4.
Overview of assessments
Comparative research task which will allow studen...
Comparative research task which will allow students to demonstrate achievement of LO1 and LO2.
Exegetical task which will allow students to demo...
Exegetical task which will allow students to demonstrate achievement of LO3 and LO4.
Learning and teaching strategy and rationale
This unit involves 150 hours of focused learning, or the equivalent of 10 hours per week for 15 weeks. The total includes formally structured learning activities such as lectures, tutorials and online learning. The remaining hours typically involve reading, research, and the preparation and submission of tasks for assessment.
The unit is normally offered in online mode. Students learn through formally structured and sequenced learning activities that support the achievement of the learning outcomes. Students are asked to critically reflect, analyse, and integrate new information with existing knowledge, draw meaningful new connections, and then apply what they have learned. Collaborative and peer learning are also emphasised.
The learning activities enable students to acquire and assimilate knowledge of biblical literature through application of, and critical reflection on, modern interpretative approaches. The learning activities are supported by the presence and articulation of the lecturer and tutors. Building on the foundations laid in THBS501, students will be guided to develop the academic skills needed for biblical study.
THBS601 emphasises students as active, adult learners. Students are recognised as adult learners who engage best when what they’re learning is relevant to them and gives them the opportunity to be responsible for their own learning. In many ways, the student is the one who drives the learning forward. Active participation in this unit is essential. Learning is designed to be an engaging and supportive experience, which helps students to develop critical thinking and reflection skills