Ballarat Campus (Aquinas)
1200 Mair Street
Ballarat, Victoria 3350
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100 Carn Brea
101 Callinan Library
102 St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel
103 Learning Spaces
104 Pell Centre
105 Science Centre
106 Forbes Student Centre
107 Visual Arts Centre
108 Occupational Therapy
109 Sisters of Mercy Lecture Theatre
110 St. Brigid Health Sciences Building
111 Catherine of Siena Centre
113 Burke House
114 Loreto House
115 1206 Mair Street
116 1208 Mair Street
117 Maintenance Centre
Ballarat surrounds map

1. ACU Ballarat Campus
2. St. John of God Hospital
3. Ballarat Base Hospital
4. Ballarat Station