Associate Professor Adam Burston

Head of Discipline (Nursing) / Research Fellow
Nursing, Midwifery & Paramedicine

Adam Burston

Areas of expertise: bioethics; moral distress; nursing education; nursing workforce; pressure injury

Phone: 07 3623 7556


Location: ACU Brisbane Campus

HDR Supervisor accreditation status: HDR Supervisor (Full)

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1135-3413

ORCID link:

Adam Burston is Associate Professor/Head of Discipline (Nursing), School of Nursing, Midwifery & Paramedicine, and Research Fellow (Nursing Research and Practice Development Centre). Completing a PhD in 2017 exploring the incidence of moral distress in the aged care workforce, Adam continues to research in areas including nursing workforce, education, moral distress, bioethics, and pressure injury care.

Adam has an extensive and varied background in healthcare, in various acute care nursing specialties. He has authored book chapters on ethical practice, safety, peri-operative nursing, cardiac nursing, respiratory nursing, and nursing management of pain.

As an academic he has particular interest in undergraduate nursing education, specifically transition to university (commencing students), healthcare ethics, and inter-professional practice, gaining peer recognition for this work when awarded a Senior Fellow of Advance Higher Education (AHE). He has led multiple scholarship projects designing, implementing, and evaluating the use of technologies in education. Adam Burston has presented his work internationally, demonstrated emerging success securing competitive funding, and is an active HDR supervisor.

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Select publications

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles (last 5 years)

  • Humphrey, E., Burston, A., McInnes, E., Cheng, H., Musgrave-Takeda, M & Wan, C.S. (in press 2024). Clinicians' and patients' experiences and preferences for the prevention and management of surgical site infections in acute care: a mixed-methods systematic review. Journal of Clinical Nursing
  • Kurup, C., Burston, A., Betihavas, V. & Jacobs, E. (2024). Internationally qualified nurses' perspectives on transitioning specialty skills within Australia: A content analysis. Nursing Open, 11(9), 1-17
  • Kurup, C., Burston, A., Betihavas, V. & Jacob, E. (2024). The transfer of internationally qualified nurses' specialty skills to developed countries after Immigration: A multicentre policy review. International Nursing Review, 1-10 https://doi:10.1111/inr.13029
  • Mehicic, A., Burston, A. & Fulbrook, P. (2024). Psychometric properties of the Braden scale to assess pressure injury risk in intensive care: A systematic review Intensive & Critical Care Nursing, 83, 103686
  • Weismantell, I., Zhang, N. & Burston, A. (2024). Exploring intensive care nurses' perceptions of simulation-based learning: a systematic review and meta-synthesis. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 33(3), 1195-1208
  • Kurup, C., Jacob, E., Burston, A. & Betihavas, V. (2024) The perspectives of internationally qualified nurses regarding their specialty skill transition to Australia: A cross-sectional survey. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 80(5), 1868-1881
  • Owens, A., Sridhan, B., Burston, A. & Hurley, L. (2023). "Four restless narratives: convener reflections on social learning communities at an Australian university". Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 34(4), 29-45.
  • Grota, T. Betihavas, V., Burston, A. & Jacobs, E. (2023). Role of nurse-surgeons in global surgical care: A scoping review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 80(8), 3006-3036.
  • Kurup, C., Jacob, E., Burston, A. & Betihavas, V. (2023). Strategies Employed by Developed Countries to Facilitate the Transition of Internationally Qualified Nurses' Specialty Skills into Clinical Practice: An Integrative Review. Nursing Open,10(12), 7528-7543.
  • Grota, T. Betihavas, V., Burston, A. & Jacobs, E. (2022). Impact of nurse-surgeons on patient-centred outcomes: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances,
  • Burston, A., Miles, S. & Fulbrook, P. (2022). Patient and carer experience of living with a pressure injury: A meta-synthesis of qualitative studies. Journal of Clinical Nursing
  • Grota, T. Betihavas, V., Burston, A. & Jacobs, E. (2021). Current methods of nurse surgeon training: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances,

Conference Presentations (selected, last 5 years)

  • Burston, A., Humphrey, E., McInnes, E., Cheng, H., Musgrave-Takeda, M. & Wan, C-S. (2024). Experiences and perceptions in prevention and management of surgical site infections: a mixed-methods systematic review. Wounds Australia 2024 Conference, 14th-16th October, Gold Coast, Australia.
  • Burston, A. (2024). Finding the right path when faced with uncertainty: Ethics in practice. Connect4U Professional Development Workshop, 9th September, Brisbane Australia. Invited Speaker.
  • Burston, A. (2024). Transitioning from teaching-focussed to research as an academic: an individual journey. Australian Catholic University Higher Education Learning & Teaching Academy, 25th July. Invited Speaker.
  • Burston, A., Le Rossignol, P, Fulbrook, P. (2024). Physical activity, sleep patterns and stress in nursing students on clinical placement. Higher Education Research Development Society Australasia (HERDSA) Annual Conference 2024, 8th-11th July, Adelaide, Australia.
  • Burston, A., Guriba, G., Gupta, M. & Bayes, S. (2024). Healthcare academics' experience of moral distress: A systematic review. Higher Education Research Development Society Australasia (HERDSA) Annual Conference 2024, 8th-11th July, Adelaide, Australia. Roundtable Session.
  • Burston, A., Guriba, G., Gupta, M. & Bayes, S. (2024). Healthcare academics' experience of moral distress: Systematic review. ACU HERDSA in a Hurry, 26th June, Australia. Invited Speaker.
  • Burston, A., Mahoney, J., Gibson, A-M. & Blakey, N. (2023). What works in clinical supervision: Piloting an evidence centre for professional practice supervisors. Higher Education & Research Development Society Australasia 2023 Annual Conference, 4-7 July 2023, Brisbane, Australia.
  • Burston A., Geale, S., Dickie, R., Penny, J. & Betihavas, V. (2022). Facilitating the development of clinical decision-making skills for prioritisation of care in undergraduate nursing students. ACU Faculty of Health Sciences Learning & Teaching Snapshots, 25th October 2022. Invited speaker.
  • Burston, A., Miles, S. & Fulbrook, P. (2022). Understanding the patient and carer experience of living with a pressure injury: A meta-synthesis. Wounds Australia 2022 Conference, 14th - 17th September, Sydney, Australia
  • Burston, A. (2022). Living with pressure injury: Evolving care through inclusion of the patient and carers experience, Canberra Health Annual Research Meeting (CHARM) 2022, 26th - 28th July, Canberra, Australia (virtual). Invited speaker.
  • Burston A. & Corfee, F. (2021). Transforming digital learning spaces: the online/classroom nexus. Higher Education Research and Development Society Australasia, July 2020, Brisbane, Australia.
  • Burston, A. (2020). Speak up for patient safety. Ausmed Education Enrolled Nurses' Conference, 27th - 28th Feb, Brisbane, Australia. Invited speaker.

Book Chapters (last 5 years)

  • Burston, A. & Corfee, F. (in press 2025). Chapter 38 Peri-operative nursing. In: Berman, A, Frandsen, G., Snyder, S.,…Stanley, D.(Eds.). Kozier & Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing (5th Aust. Ed.). Pearson: Frenchs Forest.
  • Corfee, F. & Burston, A. (in press 2025). Chapter 33 Safety. In: Berman, A, Frandsen, G., Snyder, S.,…Stanley, D.(Eds.). Kozier & Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing (5th Aust. Ed.). Pearson: Frenchs Forest.
  • Burston, A. (2023). Nursing care of people with cardiac disorders. In: LeMone, P., Burke, K.M., Dwyer, T.,…,Raymond, D.(Eds.). Medical-Surgical Nursing: Critical Thinking in Client Care (4th Aust. Ed.). Pearson: Frenchs Forest.
  • Burston, A. (2023). Nursing care of people with coronary heart disease. In: LeMone, P., Burke, K.M., Dwyer, T.,…,Raymond, D.(Eds.). Medical-Surgical Nursing: Critical Thinking in Client Care (4th Aust. Ed.). Pearson: Frenchs Forest.
  • Burston, A. (2023). Nursing care of people experiencing pain. In: LeMone, P., Burke, K.M., Dwyer, T.,…,Raymond, D.(Eds.). Medical-Surgical Nursing: Critical Thinking in Client Care (4th Aust. Ed.). Pearson: Frenchs Forest.
  • Burston, A. & Corfee, F. (2021). Chapter 38 Peri-operative nursing. In: Berman, A, Snyder, S.,…Stanley, D.(Eds.). Kozier & Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing (5th Aust. Ed.). Pearson: Frenchs Forest.
  • Corfee, F. & Burston, A. (2021). Chapter 33 Safety. In: Berman, A, Snyder, S.,…Stanley, D.(Eds.). Kozier & Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing (5th Aust. Ed.). Pearson: Frenchs Forest.
  • Burston, A., Estefan, A. & Tuckett, A. (2020). Practicing ethical decision-making. In: M. McAllister & D. L. Brien (Eds.). Empowerment strategies for nurses: Developing resilience in practice (2nd ed.), New York, NY: Springer.
  • Burston, A., Corfee, F. & Hales, M. (2020). Nursing care of people with cardiac disorders. In: LeMone, P., Burke, K.M., Dwyer, T.,…,Raymond, D.(Eds.). Medical-Surgical Nursing: Critical Thinking in Client Care (3rd Aust. Ed.). Pearson: Frenchs Forest.
  • Corfee, F., Burston, A. & Hales, M. (2020). Nursing care of people with coronary heart disease. In: LeMone, P., Burke, K.M., Dwyer, T.,…,Raymond, D.(Eds.). Medical-Surgical Nursing: Critical Thinking in Client Care (3rd Aust. Ed.). Pearson: Frenchs Forest.

Projects (last 5 years) 

  • Ng, L., Eley, R., Burston, A., Walker, J. & Bruce, T. (2024-current). Moral distress in academics: What do we know and what we need to know- A scoping review.
  • Bendle, L., Jacob, E. & Burston A. (2024-current). Understanding how student nurses approach clinical reasoning in deteriorating patients. (Principal Supervisor, PhD candidate - L. Bendle).
  • He, F., Zhang, N., Morris, G., Geale, S., Ke, T. & Burston, A. (2024 -current). Investigating nursing students' moral character and their perceptions of academic and clinical dishonesty at an Australian university. Funded. ACU Faculty of Health Sciences Research Program Grant Scheme. $7158.37
  • Harrington, C., Arbuckle, B., Archay, D., Boric, T. Burston, A. (2024-current). The "Belongingness" of undergraduate students undertaking clinical experience placements in a unique clinical school model.
  • Burston, A. Mehicic, A., & Fulbrook, P. (2024- current). A systematic review of the psychometric properties of the Braden scale for assessing risk of pressure injury in the acute care setting.
  • Stoneman, L., O'Reilly, R. & Burston, A. (2024- current). The Experience of Sessional Academic Nursing Staff who work Remotely. A Largely Untapped Resource. (Principal Supervisor, PhD candidate - L. Stoneman).
  • Burston, A., Ven, S., Butterworth, J. & Fulbrook, P. (2024 - current). A systematic review of the psychometric properties of the Waterlow Scale in the acute hospital setting.
  • Burston, A., Butterworth, J. & Fulbrook, P. (2024 - current). A systematic review of the psychometric properties of 'bespoke' pressure injury risk assessment tools used by nurses in the intensive care setting.
  • Challinor, K., Burston, A. & Noyce, J-M. (2023- current). Brenna: Facilitating communication between nurses and families with digital technology. Funded. Aged Care Research & Industry Innovation Australia (ARIIA), $159, 922.
  • Burston, A., Guriba, G., Gupta, M. & Bayes, S. (2023- current). Healthcare academics' experience of moral and ethical distress: A systematic review.
  • Burston, A., Ven, S., Steele, M. & Fulbrook, P. (2023-current). Interrater reliability and concurrent validity of two pressure injury risk assessment tools (Waterlow score and Braden scale) in an acute hospital setting.
  • Phillips, D., Wong, M., Burston, A. & Owens, A. (2023- current). Fostering and building positive work-place coping strategies: Bringing professionals' experiences to teaching and nursing students. Funded. ACU Teaching Development Grant, $13, 000.
  • Ven, S., Steele, M., Miles, S., Lovegrove, J., Burston, A. & Fulbrook, P. (2023- current) Development of a pressure injury risk assessment tool for palliative care patients in the acute hospital setting. (Co-Supervisor, PhD confirmed- S. Ven)
  • Fulbrook, P., Burston, A. & Lovegrove, J. (2023- current) Incidence and characteristics of perioperative pressure injury in adult cardiac surgical patients. Funded. ACU Faculty Health Sciences Research Project Grant Scheme 2023, $7,000.
  • Humphrey, E., Burston, A., McInnes, E., Cheng, H., Musgrave-Takeda, M & Wan, C.S. (2023). Clinician and patients' experiences and preferences for the prevention and management of hospital-acquired wounds in acute care: a mixed-methods systematic review. (Co-Supervisor, Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) - E. Humphrey).
  • Mehicic, A., Burston, A. & Fulbrook, P. (2023) A systematic review of the psychometric properties of the Braden scale for assessing risk of pressure injury in intensive care. (Co-Supervisor, Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) - A. Mehicic).
  • Weismantell.I, Zhang, N. & Burston, A. (2023). Exploring intensive care nurses' perceptions of simulation-based learning: a systematic review and meta-synthesis. (Principal Supervisor, Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) - I. Weismantell).
  • Kendrick, K., Gray, L., Burston, A. & Devenish, S. (2022 - current). The impact of ramping on the paramedic student learning experience. Funded. School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine Seeding Grant, $1978.80.
  • Burston, A. & Fulbrook, P. (2022 - current). The in-patient experience of hospitalisation with a severe pressure injury.
  • Burston, A., Geale, S., Penny, J., Betihavas, V. & Dickie, R. (2022). Facilitating the development of clinical decision-making skills for prioritisation of care in undergraduate nursing students. Funded. Faculty of Health Sciences Learning & Teaching Grant, $4,472.
  • Grota, T., Jacob, B., Betihavas, V. & Burston, A. (2022 - 2024). A mixed methods study of nurses who perform surgeries in the Australian public health system. (Co-Supervisor, Doctor of Philosophy - Mr Tenber Grota).
  • Kurup, C., Jacob, B., Betihavas, V. & Burston, A. (2022-2025). The use of specialty skills among internationally qualified nurses in Australia: A mixed methods research. (Co-Supervisor, Doctor of Philosophy - Ms Chanchal Kurup).
  • Basarkod, G., Griffith, S., ….Burston, A….Noetel, M. (2022-2025). How do we best teach ethical reasoning? A systematic review and meta-analysis.
  • Mahoney, J., Gibson, A-M., Burston, A. & Blakey, N. (2022). What works in clinical supervision: Piloting an evidence centre for professional practice supervisors. Funded. Faculty of Health Sciences Learning & Teaching Grant, $4,272.
  • Butterworth, J., Fulbrook, P., Lovegrove, J. & Burston, A. (2022). A descriptive, exploratory study of mucosal pressure injury 5-year reported incidence and characteristics using a retrospective quality audit. (Co-Supervisor, Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) - J. Butterworth).
  • LeRossignol, P., Burston, A., Miles, S., Lord, R., Lewis, G., Schulz, P. & Fulbrook, P. (2021-2023). Developing clinical activities to improve physical activity and reduce stress by improving sleep patterns in student and new graduate nurses.
  • Kurup, C., Miles, S. & Burston, A. (2020). The perspective of the Internationally Qualified Nurse (IQN) on the completion of a bridging/transition course assisting adaptation to Australian nursing practice. (Co-Supervisor, Master of Clinical Education - C. Kurup)


  • Australian College of Nursing (2020) Leaders Mindset Masterclass - value $1,100
  • Australian College of Nursing (2020) Nurse Refresher Program - value $1,100
  • The University of Queensland (2012) PREST Scholarship - approximate value $18,500


  • Griffith University (2008) - Griffith Award for Academic Excellence
  • Griffith University (2006) - Griffith Award for Academic Excellence

Appointments and Affiliations


  • Head of Discipline (Nursing). School of Nursing, Midwifery & Paramedicine, Australian Catholic University. 2024 -
  • Coordinator Education & Innovation - School of Nursing, Midwifery & Paramedicine, ACU. 2021 - 2024.
  • Research Fellow - Nursing Research & Practice Development Centre, The Prince Charles Hospital / ACU 2022 -


  • Senior Fellow Advance Higher Education (Advance HE)
  • Member Australasian Nursing & Midwifery Clinical trials Network (ANMCTN)
  • Member Australian College of Nursing (ACN) (#109940)
  • Member International Philosophy of Nursing Society
  • Member Wounds Australia (#19835)
  • Registered Nurse Ahpra (# NMW0001449606)

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