Areas of expertise: Sociology; sociology of religion ;social theory; citizenship studies; sociology of Islam
HDR Supervisor accreditation status: Full
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6378-7144
Phone: 02 99465 9056
Location: ACU North Sydney Campus
I have held professorships in a number of universities:CUNY USA;National University of Singapore:Cambridge, Wellesley USA,Max Planck Professor Potsdam Germany; University of Utrecht; and in Australia:Flinders;Deakin;UWS;and ACU
Journal of Classical Sociology; Citizenship Studies
Reviewed a manuscript on Politico-Religious Authority Formations in Japan and China for the Austrian Academy of Sciences Press in March 2022.
In 2022 ranked 9 in Australia and 199 in world; Max Plank Award in Social Science 2015-2022 - 780,000 Euro.
Invited to debate at the Oxford Union on this house proposes to live forever in March 2021.