Dr Daniel Chalkley
School of Behavioural and Health Sciences
Areas of expertise: perception; skill acquisition; decision making; motor control; technology; cognitive load
Phone: +61 7 3861 6129
Email: Daniel.Chalkley@acu.edu.au
Location: ACU Brisbane Campus
HDR Supervisor accreditation status: Provisional
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5243-0251
Dr Daniel Chalkley is a Lecturer within the School of Behavioural and Health Sciences at the Brisbane campus of the Australian Catholic University. Daniel teaches across both undergraduate and postgraduate courses focussing on units in the disciplines of motor control and learning, skill acquisition, motor development, and physical education. Dr Chalkley is also the Course Coordinator for undergraduate degrees in exercise and sport science on the Brisbane campus.
Prior to joining ACU, Daniel worked as an applied sport scientist specialising in applying the principles of skill acquisition to improve the performance and the daily training environment of elite athletes at both the Australian Institute of Sport and the Queensland Academy of Sport.
Dr Chalkley was awarded his PhD from La Trobe University, investigating intuition in elite athletes. Specifically looking at decision making, he used pupillometry to show that intuitive decisions require less cognitive effort, reflected in less pupil dilation. The findings provide valuable insight into testing and training for decision making in sport as a critical skill to enhance performance.
Dr Chalkley's academic interests and expertise include the measurement and improvement of decision-making skills with particular focus on the underlying mechanism that explain expert decisions. Dr Chalkley also has a passion for and expertise in the use of new and emerging technologies such as sensors, eye tracking, virtual reality, and data analysis.
Dr Chalkley is an accredited sport scientist with ESSA and a member of the executive committee for the Australasian Skill Acquisition Network.
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Select publications
- Horsley, B. J., Tofari, P. J., Halson, S. L., Kemp, J. G., Chalkley, D., Cole, M. H., ... & Cormack, S. J. (2024). Validity and reliability of thoracic-mounted inertial measurement units to derive gait characteristics during running. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 38(2), 274-282. http://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0000000000004612
- Weakley, J., McCosker, C., Chalkley, D., Johnston, R., Munteanu, G., & Morrison, M. (2023). Comparison of Sprint Timing Methods on Performance, and Displacement and Velocity at Timing Initiation. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research., 37(1). http://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0000000000004223
- McMaster, K., Cole, M. H., Chalkley, D., & Creaby, M. W. (2022). Gait biofeedback training in people with Parkinson's disease: a pilot study. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 19(1), 72.
- Cronström A., Cole, M. H., Chalkley, D., Van Andel, S., Pepping, G.-J., & Creaby, M. W. (2022). Acute effect of traditional and adaptive metronomes on gait variability in older individuals with a history of falls. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40520-021-02066-9
- McGuckian, T. B., Beavan, A., Mayer, J., Chalkley, D., & Pepping, G.-J. (2020). The association between visual exploration and passing performance in high-level U13 and U23 football players. Science and Medicine in Football, 4(4), 278-284. https://doi.org/10.1080/24733938.2020.1769174
- Weakley, J., Chalkley, D., Johnston, R., García-Ramos, A., Townshend, A., Dorrell, H., Pearson, M., Morrison, M., & Cole, M. (2020). Criterion Validity, and Interunit and Between-Day Reliability of the FLEX for Measuring Barbell Velocity During Commonly Used Resistance Training Exercises. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 34(6), 1519-1524. https://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0000000000003592
- McGuckian, T. B., Cole, M. H., Chalkley, D., Jordet, G., & Pepping, G.-J. (2020). Constraints on visual exploration of youth football players during 11v11 match-play: The influence of playing role, pitch position and phase of play. Journal of Sports Sciences, 38(6), 658-668. https://doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2020.1723375
- Warman, G. E., Cole, M. H., Johnston, R. D., Chalkley, D., & Pepping, G.-J. (2019). Using Microtechnology to Quantify Torso Angle During Match-Play in Field Hockey. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 33(10), 2648-2654. https://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0000000000003238
- McGuckian, T. B., Cole, M. H., Chalkley, D., Jordet, G., & Pepping, G.-J. (2019). Visual Exploration When Surrounded by Affordances: Frequency of Head Movements Is Predictive of Response Speed. Ecological Psychology, 31(1), 30-48. https://doi.org/10.1080/10407413.2018.1495548
- van Andel, S., McGuckian, T. B., Chalkley, D., Cole, M. H., & Pepping, G.-J. (2019). Principles of the Guidance of Exploration for Orientation and Specification of Action. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 13, 231-231. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnbeh.2019.00231
- Chalkley, D., Shepherd, J. B., McGuckian, T. B., & Pepping, G.-J. (2018). Development and Validation of a Sensor-Based Algorothm for Detecting Visual Exploratory Actions, IEEE Sensors Letters, vol. 2(2), pp. 1-4. https://doi.org/10.1109/LSENS.2018.2839703
- McGuckian, T. B., Cole, M. H., Jordet, G., Chalkley, D., & Pepping, G.-J. (2018). Don't turn blind! The relationship between exploration before ball possession and on-ball performance in association football. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2520-2520. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02520
- McGuckian, T. B., Askew, G., Greenwood, D., Chalkley, D., Cole, M. H., & Pepping, G.-J. (2017). The impact of constraints on visual exploratory behaviour in football. In J. A. Weast-Knapp & G.-J. Pepping (Eds.), Studies in Perception & Action XIV: Nineteenth International Conference on Perception and Action, pp. 85-87.
- Chalkley, D., MacMahon, C., & Ball, K. (2013). Predicting Ball Flight in Cricket from an Umpire's Perspective. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, vol. 8(3), pp. 445-454. https://doi.org/10.1260/1747-9541.8.3.445
- 2024 - present date: Catherine Marsh (Ph.D). Examining the exploration behaviour of elite football referees (Supervisor, Australian Catholic University)
- 2018 - present date: Courtney Porter (Ph.D). Understanding and measuring the transfer of decision-making and related perceptual skills in expert team-sport performers (Co-supervisor, Queensland University of Technology).
- 2017 - present date: Geoff Warman (Ph.D). Investigating the relationship between visual exploratory behaviours, posture, and physiological load in field hockey athletes (Australian Catholic University).
- 2021 - Investigating and developing a virtual-reality-based practicum experience for undergraduate exercise science students. Australian Catholic University, Teaching Development Grant ($11,410)
- 2021 - Ryan Hatfield (Hons.) An investigation of technique-change in elite athletes and well-learned skills (Australian Catholic University, Melbourne)
- 2018 - Understanding and measuring the transfer of decision-making and related perceptual skills in expert team-sport performers. University of Sunshine Coast/Queensland University of Technology & Queensland Academy of Sport Collaborative Research Grant ($62,500)
- 2015 - Improving postural sway control in elite archers using biofeedback training tools. Queensland Academy of Sport & Australian Institute of Sport Research into Action Grant ($18,500)
Accolades and Awards
- ACU Faculty of Health Sciences, Staff Values Award, 2021
Appointments and Affiliations
- Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA). Accredited Exercise Scientist (AES), Level 2 Accredited Sport Scientist (ASpS2)
- Higher Education Academy, Fellow (FHEA)
- Executive Committee Member of the Australasian Skill Acquisition Network (ASAN)
International journal review panels
- International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching
- International Sports Studies
- European Journal of Sport Science
- Journal of Sports Sciences
- Frontiers in Psychology
- Journal of Science and Medicine in Football
Public engagement activities