Dr Isabelle Lys previously worked in research at the Endocrinology and Molecular Biology lab at the Baker Medical Research Institute in Melbourne (1998) under the supervision of Assoc Prof Timothy Cole. During her PhD studies she worked for the Department of Biology and Department of Physiology, University of Melbourne as a sessional tutor and laboratory demonstrator. Dr Lys also lived and taught Biology, Biochemistry and Genetics as a residential tutor at International House, University of Melbourne from 1999-2004. After her PhD studies, she completed a postdoctoral research position at Ottawa Health and Research Institute, Canada by studying hormone interactions during breast cancer development in cells. Then she worked as a postdoctoral research fellow for AgResearch in Hamilton, New Zealand, investigating endocrinology, health, fertility and reproduction in both normal and transgenic cattle.
From 2007 to 2010, Dr Lys commenced her first lectureship in Health and Life Sciences at Massey University in Wellington, New Zealand. From 2010 to 2014, she was a Senior Academic/Lecturer in Exercise and Sport Science at Charles Darwin University, Australia, prior to commencing her academic staff role in Biomedical Sciences at the School of Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, Australian Catholic University since January 2015. She teaches into human Anatomy and Physiology, Pathophysiology, Genetics, Research Design and Ethics, Core Curriculum and Community Engagement. She is passionate about research into learning and teaching practices for students and staff in health and biosciences. She also has a wide range of interests in research into both the sciences, Indigenous Knowings in science and science education. She is a member of STEM Professionals in Schools with CSIRO and volunteers at schools. She is currently an active researcher completing her Masters by Research in Science Education, and is involved in leading and participating in various Community Engagement projects with schools and local communities.
Brown, C., Huber, E., Bone, E., Gribble, L., Lys, I., Dickson-Deane, C., Yu, P., Markauskaite, L., & Campbell, C. (2023). Academic women co-designing education futures in a postdigital world. Postdigital Science and Education, 1-21. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42438-023-00410-y
Students as co-creators of an Aboriginal & Torres Strait heritage garden & interactive maps
Cook-Sather, A., Slates, S., Acai, A., Baxter, J., Bond, R., Lowe, T., Zurcher, H., O&rsquoBrien, J., Tavares, V., Lewe, M.-T., Khan, A., Poole, H., Smith, A. C., Iqbal, M. Z., Arm, K., Escobar Lema, J. E. ., Groening, J., Garg, K., Bello Rinaudo, N. L., Crisp, N., Mukherji, M. ., Addy, T., Lewis, L. M., Vayada, P., Zhang, M., Liang, Y. (Scott) ., Rodgers, H. B., Judd, M.-M. ., Szucs, B., Thompson, D., Schmidt, S. ., Semos, I., Watchman Smith, N., Pfeifer-Luckett, R. ., Bala, N., Chia, M.-D., Kochhar-Lindgren, G. ., Leung, L. ., Lys, I., Matthews, K., Zou, T., & Lewis, R. (2021). Diversifying students-as-partners participants and practices. International Journal for Students As Partners, 5(1), 146&ndash159. https://doi.org/10.15173/ijsap.v5i1.4627
Cobbold, C., Fernandez, F. & Lys, I (2021) ECHO360 Active Learning Platform in Health Sciences Education. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, Vol 9 No 2
Martin, A C., Heazlewood, I T., Lys, I., Kitic, C M and Johnson, L. (2019) Possible hormone predictors of physical performance in adolescent team sport athletes Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000002014
Hayat, I., Lys, I. and Page, R. (2018) Novel network exploration through mRNA changes in skeletal muscle after resistance exercise Pakistan Postgraduate Medical Journal, DOI: https://doi.org/10.51642/ppmj.v28i1.94
Martin, A C., Heazlewood, I T., Lys, I., Kitic, C M and Johnson, L. (2015) Progesterone and estradiol levels are predictors of planned agility, 10m and 20m sprint performance in young male Australian football athletes.Journal of Australian Strength and Conditioning, 23 (6)
Lee, Y P., Gan, M H., Lys, I., Page, R., Dias-Wanigasekera, B. and Austin, C M. (2015) The complete mitogenome of the New Zealand freshwater crayfish Paranephrops planifrons White 1842 (crustacean: Decapoda: Parastacidae) Mitochondrial DNA, in press online
Rowlands, D., Page, R.A., Sukala, W., Giri, M., Ghimbovschi, S., Hayat, I., Cheema, B., Lys, I., Leikis, M., Sheard, P., Wakefield. S J, Breier, B., Hathout, Y., Brown, K., Marathi, R., Orkunoglu-Suer, F., Devaney, J., Leiken, B., Many, G., Krebs, J., Hopkins, J., and Hoffman, E. (2014) "Multi-Omic integrated networks connect DNA methylation and microRNA with skeletal muscle plasticity to chronic exercise in type 2 diabetic obesity" Physiological Genomics. 46(20), 747-765
Somdee, T., Thunders, M., Ruck, J.,Lys, I., Allison, A. & Page, R. (2013) Degradation of [Dha7] MC-LR by microcystin degrading bacterium isolated from Lake Rotoiti, New Zealand. ISRN Microbiology, Article ID 596429
Sukala, W.R., Page, R.A., Lonsdale, C., Rowlands, D.S., Lys, I., Krebs, J., Leikis, M.L., Cheema, B.S. (2013). Exercise improves quality of life in indigenous Polynesian peoples with type 2 diabetes and visceral obesity. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 10 (5), 699-707.
Billany, R., Lys, I., & Royal, B. (paper in press). Learning for the future: Online student evaluation of generic and context-specific library skills tutorials. In Proceedings Ascilite Wellington 2012. Future Challenges: Sustainable Futures.
Clarke, J., McCulley, M., Lys, I., Stewart, T., & Milne, J. (2012). Response to scenario-based resourcesin a First Year Human Bioscience University Course. .. , 1-17 Retrieved from https://akoaotearoa.ac.nz/download/ng/file/group-6/first-year-health-students-using-cd-rom-based-interactive-case-studies-project-report.pdf
Sukala WR, Page RA, Rowlands DS, Lys I, Krebs J, Leikis ML, Cheema BS. (2012) Exercise Intervention in New Zealand Polynesian Peoples with Type 2 Diabetes: Cultural Considerations and Clinical Trial Recommendations. Australasian Medical Journal, 5(8): 429-435.
Hayat, I, Rowlands DS, Lys I, Sukala WR, Cheema B, Cheema BS, Breier, B, Leikis ML, Krebs J, Page RA. (2012) Effect of aerobic exercise on leptin and PGC-1a gene expression in a unique cohort of morbidly obese Polynesians with Type 2 diabetes.Endocrine Reviews, 33(03_meeting abstracts): MON-524.
Intrapanya, M., Jayaraj, J., Scott, C., Baxi, S., Curtin, J., Lys, I., Mileva, M., and Thomas, M.(2012). Human papilloma virus in oropharyngeal cancers (re: ANZ J Surgery. 2011 81: 581-3), ANZ Journal of Surgery, Volume 82, Issue 3, pp 189-190, doi: 10.1111/j.1445-2197.2011.05977.x (p 189-190)
Thomas, M., Singh, J., Lys, I., Car, G., Mileva, M., Baxi, S., and Jayaraj, J. (2011). Identification of molecular and immuno diagnostic cancer markers in Northern Territory Australian indigenous population. Oral Oncology, Volume 47, Supplement 1, ppS1-S156
Sukala, W R., Page, R A., Rowlands, D S., Krebs, J., Lys, I., Leikis, M J., Pearce, J. and Cheema, B S., (2011) South Pacific Islanders resist type 2 diabetes: comparison of aerobic and resistance training. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 112 (1), 317-325.
Milne, J., Heinrich, E. & Lys, I, (2010) Integrating ePortfolios-guiding questions and experiences. Journal of Open, Flexible and Distance Learning, Distance Education Association New Zealand (DEANZ), 14 (1), 47-61.
Moore, X. L., Hoong, I. Y. & Cole, T. J. (2000). Expression of the 11[Beta]-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 gene in the mouse. Kidney International, Vol.57, pp.1307-1312
Cole, T. J., Harris, H. J., Hoong, I. Y., Solomon, N., Smith, R., Krozowski, Z. and Fullerton, M. (1999). The glucocorticoid receptor is essential for maintaining both basal expression and dexamethasone-induced repression of the murine corticosteroid-binding globulin. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 154 p29-36.
"Human Library: Students as Partners Roundtable National Conference 2020, Deakin University."Learning from students: Listening to what biomedical students want and what works" https://www.deakin.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/2210258/2020-National-SaP-Human-Library.pdf
Clarke, J. A., Tielemans, W. & Lys, I. Y. (2009). Do weekly online revision assessments enhance first year student pass rates?. Tertiary Assessment and Higher Education student outcomes: Policy, Practice and Research, pp.117-128
Lys, I. Y. (2008-2010) Role of glucocorticoids in the regulation of adipogenesis.
Hoong, I. Y. (2008). Spirit study: Beneficial health effects for Polynesians with type 2 diabetes?. Wellington Medical Research Foundation, New Zealand
A garden of knowledge: Indigenous garden goes digital
From seed to screen:Indigenous garden goes digital
Hoong, I. Y. (2004). Expression of 11[Beta]-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases in mice and the role of glucocorticoids in adipocyte function.
Uniservitate IV global symposium at De La Salle University, Manila Philippines
Lys, I., Martinac, B., Teoh, J., James, S., Grollo, L., Lister, A., and Denny, P. (2020) "Get Wise with PeerWise in Biomedical Sciences?", ASCILITE online conference.
Lys, I. (2020) "The Graduate Certificate in Higher Education: More than a tick box activity for staff", Scholarship of Tertiary Teachig online conference, Central University Queensland, Australia.
Lys, I. (2019) "Analysis of enterprise bargaining & graduate certificate prep courses, mixed messages for teaching focus staff in biosciences?, Charles Darwin University HDR conference, Darwin, Australia.
Lys, I. (2018) "ECHO360 Active Learning Platform": Inno-Bytes QUICK-FIRE INNOVATIONS USING TECHNOLOGY TO ENHANCE LEARNING, 5th ACU Teaching and Learning conference, Sydney
Lys.I, James S., Ballard F., Hurley, L & Crisp C. (2018) Student led participation in development of all teaching resources and assessments from second year onwards: Fool&rsquos idea or much more? 5th ACU Teaching and Learning conference, Sydney
Lys, I., Hurley, L., Uebergang, Huynh, M. and McMaster, R. (2017). Development of a multi-campus online teaching community to foster collaborative work culture, training and knowledge exchange between casual and permanent teaching staff. 17th International conference on Knowledge, Culture & Change in Organisations & Organisation Research Networks, Darwin, Australia.
Lys, I. Use of the Respondus exam creation tool with Learnline.Faculty of Engineering, Health, Science and the Environment, Charles Darwin University, Faculty Teaching and Learning Seminars, September 2012.
Hayat, I., Bramley, R., Hollings, A., Lys, I., Sukala, W., Cheema, B., Rowlands, D., Breier, B., Krebs, J. and Page, R. A. (2011). Exercise training effects on mitochondrial activity and oxidative capacity in skeletal muscle tissue of Polynesian individuals with type 2 diabetes and grade 3 obesity. Australian Diabetes Society and Australian Diabetes Educators Association conference, Perth, Australia.
Lys, I. Y., Boon, J., Wong, S., Ng, J. & Cole, T. J. (2010).Glucocorticoid regulation of lipolysis genes and the role of mineralocorticoid receptors during adipogenesis. Endocrine Society of Australia & Society for Reproductive Biology conference, Sydney, Australia.
Lys, I. Y., Boon, J., Wong, S., Ng, J. & Cole, T. J. (2009). Glucocorticoids and the regulation of adipogenesis. Wellington Health and Biomedical Research Society 75th scientific meeting, New Zealand.
Lys, I. Y. (2009). Preparing poster presentations for conferences using powerpoint. Postgrad Workshop Series 2nd Semester, Massey University
Hoong, I. Y. (2008). Glucocorticoids, leptin and obesity. College of Sciences Seminar Series, Massey University, New Zealand.
Hoong, I. Y. (2007). Glucocorticoids and adipocyte function. Department of Biochemistry& Molecular Biology, Monash University, Australia.
Hoong, I. Y. (2006). Preparation for life outside the uterus: Adrenal steroid hormones. Reproductive Technologies Seminar Series, AgResearch, New Zealand.
Hoong, I. Y. (2005). Homeostatic responses in the adrenal cortex to the absence of aldosterone in mice. Journal Club Presentation, AgResearch, New Zealand.
Hoong, I. Y. (2005). Improved placental function and fetal health in clones: A progress report. Reproductive Technologies Seminar Series, AgResearch, New Zealand.
Hoong, I. Y. (2003). Expression of 11[Beta]-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1 and 2 genes in mice and the role of glucocorticoids in adipocyte function. Hormones, Growth and Development Group Seminar Series, Ottawa Health and Research Institute, Canada.
Hoong, I. Y. (2003). Smad-dependent recruitment of a Histone Deacetylase/Sin3A complex modulates the Bone Morphogenetic Protein-Dependent transcriptional repressor activity of Nkx3.2.. Hormones, Growth and Development Group: Journal Club, Ottawa Health Research Institute, Canada.
Hoong, I. Y. (2002). Steroid hormones in the regulation of obesity. Rotary Central Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
Hoong, I. Y. (2002). The physiological role of glucocorticoids in the regulation of leptin and 11[Beta]-HSD type 1 genes in mice. Molecular Endocrinology Group,National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, North Carolina, USA.
Lys I. (2018) Get Wise with PeerWise5th ACU Teaching and Learning conference, Sydney
Martin, A C., Heazlewood, I T., Lys, I., Kitic, C M and Johnson, L. (2016) Testosterone levels are predictors of multistage fitness test performance in young and female hockey athletes.Exercise & Sport Science Australia conference, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Martin, A C., Heazlewood, I T., Lys, I., Kitic, C M and Johnson, L. (2016) Progesterone and estradiol levels are predictors of performance in a test of anaerobic capacity in young female netball athletes.Exercise & Sport Science Australia conference, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Martin, A C., Heazlewood, I T., Lys, I., Kitic, C M and Johnson, L. (2016) An exploratory analysis of possible hormone predictors of physical performance in male and female adolescent basketball athletes.Australian Strength and Conditioning Association International conference, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Martin, A C., Heazlewood, I T., Lys, I., Kitic, C M and Johnson, L. (2015) Progesterone and estradiol levels are predictors of planned agility, 10m and 20m sprint performance in young male Australian football athletes.Australian Strength and Conditioning Association International conference, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
Billany, R., Lys, I., & Royal, B. (paper in press). Learning for the future: Online student evaluation of generic and context-specific library skills tutorials. In Proceedings Ascilite Wellington 2012. Future Challenges: Sustainable Futures.
Hayat, I, Rowlands DS, Lys I, Sukala WR, Cheema B, Cheema BS, Breier, B, Leikis ML, Krebs J, Page RA. (2012) Effect of aerobic exercise on leptin and PGC-1a gene expression in a unique cohort of morbidly obese Polynesians with Type 2 diabetes. US Endocrine, Texas, USA.
Hayat, I., Bramley, R., Hollings, A., Lys, I., Sukala, W., Singh, B., Rowlands, D., Breier, B., Krebs, J., and Page, R. (2011). Influence of aerobic and resistance training on mitochondrial activity and density of skeletal muscle tissue of Polynesian individuals with type 2 diabetes and morbid obesity.Queenstown Molecular Biology Meeting, New Zealand.
Hayat, I., Bramley, R., Hollings, A., Lys, I., Sukala, W., Singh, B., Rowlands, D., Breier, B., Leikis, M., Krebs, J., and Page, R. (2011). Influence of aerobic and resistance training on mitochondrial activity and density of skeletal muscle tissue of Polynesian individuals with type 2 diabetes and morbid obesity.Medical Sciences Congress, New Zealand.
Thomas, M., Singh, J., Lys, I., Car, G., Mileva, M., Baxi, S., and Jayaraj, J. (2011). Identification of molecular and immuno diagnostic cancer markers in Northern Territory Australian indigenous population. Third World Congress of the International Academy of Oral Oncology, Singapore.
Hayat, I., Hollings, A., Lys, I., Sukala, W., Cheema, B., Rowlands, D., Breier, B., Krebs, J. and Page, R. A. (2011). Impact of 16 weeks aerobic and resistance exercise training on mitochondrial activity and fat metabolism in skeletal muscle tissue of SPIRIT study cohort. 35th New Zealand Society for the Study of Diabetes Annual Scientific Meeting
Hayat, I., Cheema, B. S., Sukala, W.R., Page, R.A., Rowlands, D. S., Breier, B., Krebs, J.D. & Lys, I.Y. (2010) Exercise training in a Polynesian group with Type 2 diabetes and visceral obesity in New Zealand,: effects on specific obesity markers.Australian Diabetes Society and Australian Diabetes Educators Association conference, Sydney, Australia.
Bramley, R., Hayat, I., Lys, I.Y. and Page, R. A. (2010) Examining the impact of exercise on carbohydrate metabolism in skeletal muscle of Pacific Islands people with type 2 diabetes mellitus and visceral adiposity. 79th Wellington Health and Biomedical Research Society Scientific meeting: Poster meeting, Wellington, New Zealand.
Hayat, I., Hollings, A., Page, R. A., Sukala, W. R., Cheema, B. S., Rowlands, D. S., Breier, B., Leikis, M., Krebs, J. D. and Lys, I.Y. (2010) Impact of 16 weeks progressive resistance training on mitochondrial activity and fat metabolism in skeletal muscle tissue of SPIRIT Study cohort.79th Wellington Health and Biomedical Research Society Scientific meeting: Poster meeting, Wellington, New Zealand.
Lys, I. Y. & Milne, J. D. (2010). Building upon assignment feedback with an eportfolio. Distance Education Association of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand.
Sukala, W. R., Rowlands, D. S., Leikis, M., Lys, I. Y., Page, R. A., Krebs, J. & Cheema, B. S. (2009). Exercise improves quality of life but not glycemic control in Polynesian adults diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and visceral obesity. 33rd New Zealand Society for the Study of Diabetes Annual Scientific Meeting, pp.27-28
Sukala, W. R., Rowlands, D. S., Leikis, M., Lys, I. Y., Page, R. A., Krebs, J. & Cheema, B. S. (2009). Can exercise improve metabolic outcomes in Polynesians with diabesity a randomised trial. 33rd New Zealand Society for the Study of Diabetes Annual Scientific Meeting, pp.28-28
Hayat, I., Cheema, B. S., Sukala, W. R., Page, R. A., Rowlands, D. S., Breier, B. H., Krebs, J. & Lys, I. Y. (2009). Effect of exercise training on specific obesity markers in Polynesians with type 2 diabetes and visceral obesity. New Investigator Presentations 76th Scientific Meeting, pp.8-8
Heinrich, E., Milne, J. D. & Hoong, I. Y. (2009). Eportfolio adoption on single course level - guiding questions and experiences. HERDSA, 2009
Hayat, I., Cheema, B. S., Sukala, W. R., Page, R. A., Rowlands, D. S., Breier, B. H., Krebs, J. & Lys, I. Y. (2009). Exercise training in Polynesians with type 2 diabetes and visceral obesity: Effects on specific obesity markers. New Zealand Postgraduate Conference, Wellington, New Zealand pp.46-46
Lys, I. Y., Boon, J., Wong, S., Ng, J. & Cole, T. J. (2009). Glucocorticoids and the regulation of adipogenesis. 75th Annual Scientific Meeting Wellington Health and Biomedical Research Society, Wellington, New Zealand. pp.2-2
Sukala, W. R., Rowlands, D. S., Leikis, M., Hoong, I. Y., Page, R. A., Krebs, J. & Cheema, B. B. (2009). Randomized trial of aerobic versus resistance training in Polynesian adults diagnosed with T2DM and visceral obesity: Metabolic outcomes. Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology Annual General meeting, Canada pp.98-99
Hoong, I. Y., Boon, J., Wong, S., Ng, J. & Cole, T. (2009). Role of glucocorticoids in the regulation of adipogenesis. 52nd Annual Scientific Meeting Endocrine Society of Australia and Society for Reproductive Biology, Adelaide, Australia pp.360-360
Clarke, J. A., Tielemans, W. & Hoong, I. Y. (2008). Do weekly online revision assessments enhance first year student pass rates?. Symposium on Tertiary Assessment and Higher Education Student Outcomes: Policy, Practice and Research
Hoong, I. Y., Bird, D. A., Wong, S. & Cole, T. J. (2008). Glucocorticoids regulation of adipocyte-specific genes. Endocrine Society of Australia (ESA) and Society for Reproductive Biology (SRB) Annual Scientific Meeting, Adelaide.
Hoong, I. Y. (2008). Isabelle Hoong: Current research profile. 50th Anniversary of the Endocrine Society of Australia (ESA), 1958-2008
Hoong, I. Y. & Lee, R. S. (2007). Molecular cloning and characterization of bovine corticosteroid binding globulin during fetal development. Endocrine Society of Australia (ESA) / Society for Reproductive Biology (SRB) Annual Scientific Meeting, Christchurch, New Zealand p.152
Hoong, I. Y. & Lee, R. (2006). Developmental expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors [alpha] and [gamma] in the bovine placenta. The Endocrine Society of Australia/Society for Reproductive Biology 49th Annual Scientific Meeting: Proceedings, Gold Coast, Australia, p.106
Hoong, I. Y., Li, N. & Lee, R. (2006). Steroidogenic potential of the bovine fetal adrenal at early to mid-gestation. The Endocrine Society of Australia/Society for Reproductive Biology, 49th Annual Scientific Meeting: Proceedings, Gold Coast, Australia. p.106
Hoong, I. Y., Li, N. & Lee, R. (2005). Steroidogenesis in bovine fetal adrenals at different developmental stages. 15th Annual Queenstown Molecular Biology Meeting, New Zealand.
Australian Catholic University, Australia
ACU Stakeholder Engaged Scholarship Unit 2023-2025 project
New research projects to support outreach programs in Australia and overseas (acu.edu.au)
ACU Uniservitate grant 2022 "Development & deepening of sustainable partnerships between Community Engagement (CE) partner organisations and Australian Catholic University (ACU) via collaborative multi-stakeholder and student co-creation approach: Pilot case study in Acacia Ridge"
Faculty of Health Sciences Teaching and Learning project grant 2021 for project entitled "Using online simulations in ACU mission to prepare and engage students for Work Integrated Learning (WIL)".
Australian Catholic University Teaching and Learning Development Project grant 2020: "Co-creating a distinctive Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander online interactive garden trail with students for learning and for community engagement".
Australian Catholic University Taskforce for Student Achievement and Retention Project grant 2018: "Undergraduate first year Health Sciences student online pre-course preparation and warm up"
Australian Catholic University Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Success program project grant, "Celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge & sustainable practices in sciences", 2017
Faculty of Health Sciences Teaching and Learning project grant 2015-2016 for project entitled "Promoting the development of an online, multi-campus teaching community for sessional teaching staff at ACU".
Faculty of Health Sciences Teaching and Learning Blended Learning Development Funding, project entitled "Effective use of Peerwise and Flipped lectures in a first year biomedical science unit" 2016
collaborator on Austraian Catholic University Teaching Development Project Grant entitled "New Echo 360 active learning platform at ACU: building a toolkit for students and staff engagement in first year Health Sciences", 2016
Charles Darwin University, Australia
sessional staff and casualisation effects in Australian universities: making it work?
professional development of academic teaching staff
2022 Vice Chancellor ACU award for Staff Excellence for Mission and Medal of Excellence, Human Library
2021 Faculty of Health Science :Learning and Teaching grant "Using online simulations in ACU mission to prepare and engage students for Work Integrated Learning (WIL)"
2020 Australian Catholic University Learning and Teaching Development grant-"Co-creating a distinctive Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander online interactive garden trail with students for learning and for community engagement".
2019: Australian Catholic University Teaching Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Teaching Award
2019: ECHO360 Australia New Zealand Champion grant
Australian Catholic University, Australia
Co-supervisor for:
Charles Darwin University, Australia
Co-supervisor for:
Anne Evans, Masters graduate, School of Psychological and Clinical Sciences, 2011 to 2018
Alanna Martin, PhD graduate, School of Psychological and Clinical Sciences, 2012 to 2018
Methinee Intrapanya, Honours graduate, Royal Darwin Hospital, 2011 to April 2012
Jagtar Singh, Masters graduate, School of Environmental and Life Sciences, 2010 to April 2012
James Cook University
Brenton Wilson, Honours graduate, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Jan 2012 - April 2012
Massey University, New Zealand
Co-supervisor for:
Dr. Irum Hayat, PhD graduate, Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health, 2008 to 2014
William Sukala, PhD graduate, Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health, 2007-2011
Elizabeth Norman, PhD candidate, Institute of Vet, Animal & Biomedical Science, 2009 to April 2012
Rebecca Bramley, Honours graduate, Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health, 2010
Geevika Arachchi, PhD graduate, Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health, 2009-2010
Stakeholder Engaged Scholarship Unit project (SESU) 2022-2023
Member of International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE)
Member of Carnegie Network of Ausralian Universities and Engagement Australia
Member of Uniservitate
ACU Narratives of Hope 2016-2018
CSIRO STEM Professionals in Schools
Education Community Involvement - To promote science in primary and secondary schools.