Associate Professor Joseph Zajda
Associate Professor in Education
School of Education
Areas of expertise: cultural diversity; education reforms; globalisation; history education; human rights; social justice; values education
Phone: 9953 3268
Location: ACU Melbourne Campus
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4422-9782
Joseph Zajda, BA (Hons.), MA, M.Ed. Ph.D. (Monash University), FACE, is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education and Arts at the Australian Catholic University (Melbourne Campus). He specializes in globalisation and education reforms, history education, human rights education and curriculum reforms. He has written and edited 54 books (mainly for Springer, the Netherlands) and over 170 book chapters and articles in the areas of globalization and education reforms, history education, and social justice and human rights education . Recent publications include: Zajda, J. (2022). Globalisation and education reforms: Overcoming discrimination. Springer; Zajda, J. (2022). Discourses of globalisation, and the politics of history school textbooks. Springer; Zajda, J. & Majhanovich, S. (2022). Discourses of globalisation, ideology, education and policy reforms Springer; Zajda, J. & Vissing, Y. (2022). Discourses of globalisation, ideology, and human rights Springer; Zajda, J. & Jacob, J. (2022). Discourses of globalisation and higher education reforms. Springer; Zajda, J., Vissing, Y. & Majhanovich, S. (2022). Discourses of globalisation, ideology and social justice. Springer; Zajda, J. (2021). Globalisation and education reforms: Creating effective learning. Springer; Zajda, J. & Rust, V. (2021). Globalisation and comparative education. Springer Zajda, J. (Ed). (2021). 3rd International handbook of globalisation, education and policy research. Dordrecht: Springer; Zajda, J. & Majhanovich, S. (Eds.) (2021); Globalisation, cultural identity and nation-building: The changing paradigms. Springer Zajda, J (Ed). (2020a). Globalisation, ideology and neo-liberal higher education reform. Dordrecht: Springer; Zajda, J. (Ed). (2020b). Human rights education globally. Dordrecht: Springer; Zajda, J. (Ed). (2020c). Globalisation, ideology and education reforms: Emerging paradigms. Springer; Zajda, J. & Majhanovich, S. (Eds.) (2020). Globalisation, cultural identity and nation-building: The changing paradigms. Dordrecht: Springer; Zajda, J. (2019) (Ed.). Globalisation, ideology and politics of education reforms. Dordrecht: Springer; Zajda, J. (2017). Globalisation and national identity in history textbooks: The Russian Federation. Dordrecht: Springer.
Select publications
- Zajda, J. (2022). Discourses of globalisation, and the politics of history school textbooks. Springer.
- Zajda, J. & Davidovich, N. (2022). Discourses of globalisation and cultural identity. Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2022). Discourses of race, ethnicity and gender in education: Emerging paradigms. Book Springer
- Zajda, J., Hallan, P. & Whitehouse, J. (2022). Globalisation, values education and teaching democracy. Springer.
- Zajda, J. & Majhanovich, S. (2022). Discourses of globalisation, ideology, education and policy reforms. Springer. Book Springer.
- Zajda, J. & Vissing, Y. (2022). Discourses of globalisation, ideology, and human rights. Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2022). Globalisation and education reforms: Overcoming discrimination. Springer.
- Zajda, J. & Jacob, J. (2022). Discourses of globalisation and higher education reforms. Springer.
- Zajda, J., Vissing, Y. & Majhanovich, S. (2022). Discourses of globalisation, ideology and social justice. Springer. [sent to Springer, 07/03/22; published 31 May 2022]
- Zajda, J. (2021). Globalisation and education reforms: Creating effective learning. Springer. ISBN 978-3-030-71574-8
- Zajda, J. & Majhanovich, S. (Eds.) (2021). Globalisation, cultural identity and nation-building: The changing paradigms. Springer. ISBN: 978-94-024-2014-2
- Zajda, J. & Rust, V. (2021). Globalisation and comparative education. Springer.
- Zajda, J. (Ed). (2021a). 3rd International handbook of globalisation, education and policy research. Springer. ISBN 978-3-030-66002-4
- Zajda, J (Ed). (2020a). Globalisation, ideology and neo-liberal higher education reform. Springer. ISBN: 978-94-024-2054-8
- Dervin, F. & Zajda, J. (2022). Governance in education: Diversity and effectiveness. Paris: UNESCO.
- Zajda, J. (Ed). (2020b). Human rights education globally. Springer. ISBN 978-94-024-1913-9
- Zajda, J. (Ed). (2020c). Globalisation, ideology and education reforms: Emerging paradigms.
- Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2019) (Ed.). Globalisation, ideology and politics of education reforms. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2018). Globalisation and education reforms: Paradigms and ideologies. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2017). Globalisation and national identity in history textbooks: The Russian Federation. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. Tsyrlina-Spady, T. & Lovorn, M. (2017) (Eds.). Globalisation and Historiography of National Leaders: Symbolic Representations in School Textbooks. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. & Ozdowski, S. (2017). (Eds.), Globalisation, Human Rights Education and Reforms Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. & Rust, V. (Ed.) (2016). Globalisation and Higher Education Reforms. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2015). (Ed.). Second International Handbook of Globalisation, Education and Policy Research. Dordrecht: Springer. (135,986-chapter downloads as at March 2020)
- Zajda, J. (2015) (Ed.). Nation-building and history education in a global culture. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2014). Education in the USSR. London: Elsevier.
- Zajda, J. (2014). Understanding the quality debate in education. In M. Collins (ed.), What counts as quality in education? Canberra: Australian College of Education.
- Zajda, J. (Ed.) (2010). Global Pedagogies. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. & Geo-JaJa, M. (Eds.). (2010). The Politics of Education Reforms. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (Ed.) (2010). Globalisation, Ideology and Education Policy Reforms. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. & Gamage, D. (Eds.). (2009). Decentralisation, School-Based Management, and Quality. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. & Daun, H. (Eds.) (2009). Global Values Education: Teaching Democracy and Peace. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J & Rust, V. (Eds.) (2009). Globalisation, Policy and Comparative Research: Discourses of Globalisation. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. & Freeman, K. (Eds.) (2009). Race, Ethnicity and Gender in Education: Cross-Cultural Understandings. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J.& Gibbs, D. (Eds.) (2009). Comparative Information Technology: Languages, Societies and the Internet. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. Daun, H. & Saha, L. (Eds.) (2009). Nation-Building, Identity and Citizenship Education: Cross-Cultural Perspectives. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2008). Schooling the New Russians:. Melbourne: James Nicholas Publishers.
- Zajda, J., Biraimah, B. & Gaudelli, W. (Eds.) (2008). Education and Social Inequality in the Global Culture. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. Davies, L., & Majhanovich, S. (Eds.) (2008). Comparative and Global Pedagogies: Equity, Access and Democracy in Education. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2008) (Ed.). Society and the Environment: Teaching SOSE. Melbourne: James Nicholas Publishers.
- Zajda, J. (2008) (Ed.). Learning and Teaching (2nd edition). Melbourne: James Nicholas Publishers.
- Gamage, D. & Zajda, J. (2007). Secrets of Scholarly Publishing in International Journals. San Francisco & Melbourne: James Nicholas Publishers
- Zajda, J. (2006) (Ed.) Decentralisation and Privatisation in Education: The Role of the State. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2006) (Ed.). Education and Society (4th edition). Melbourne: James Nicholas Publishers.
- Zajda, J. Majhanovich, S. & Rust, V. (Eds.) (2006). Education and Social Justice. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2005) (Ed.). The International Handbook of Globalisation and Education Policy Research. Dordrecht: Springer. (99,415-chapter downloads so far)
- Zajda, J. (2001) (Ed.). Curriculum, Culture and Teaching. Melbourne: James Nicholas Publishers.
- Secombe, M. & Zajda, J. (Eds.) (1999). Education and Culture. Melbourne: James Nicholas Publishers.
- Tulasiewicz, W. & Zajda, J. (Eds.) (1998). Language Awareness in the Curriculum. Melbourne: James Nicholas Publishers.
- Zajda, J. (2001). (Ed.). Education and Society (3rd edition). James Nicholas Publishers.
- Zajda, J. (1998). (Ed.). Learning and Teaching. Melbourne: James Nicholas Publishers.
- Zajda, J. (1998). (Ed.). Education and Society (2nd edition). Melbourne: James Nicholas Publishers
- Zajda, J.(1995). Excellence and Quality in Education (co-eds K. Bacchus & N. Kach, University of Alberta).
- Zajda, J. (1992a). New Independent States of the Former Soviet Union (NIS). Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service.
- Zajda, J. (1992b). Education in the USSR, London: Collets.
- Zajda, J. (1984). Education and Society in the 1980s, (Ed.), Melbourne: ACIES.
- Zajda, J. (1980). Education in the USSR. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
- Selected book chapters (2021-1994)
- Zajda, J. (2022). Changing paradigms of globalisation: What do they mean for lifelong learning. In K. Evans, W. Lee, J. Markowitsch & M. Zukas (Ed..), Third International Handbook of Lifelong Learning. Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2021a). Organizational and pedagogical leadership in the 21st century: Standards-driven and outcomes-defined imperatives. In A. Nir (Ed.), School Leadership in the 21st century: Challenges and strategies. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
- Zajda, J. (2021b). Curriculum Design and Evaluation in the Global Culture. In P. Trifonas (Ed.), The International Handbook of Curriculum Theory, Research and Practice. Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2020a). Globalization, Education and Reforms. In George Ritzer & Chris Rojek (Eds.), Wiley-Blackwell's Encyclopedia of Sociology.
- Zajda, J. (2020b). Globalisation and the Impact of Social Change and Economic Transformation in Lifelong Learning in Russia. In M. London (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Lifelong Learning. Oxford: OUP.
- Zajda, J. (2020c) Globalization, education and policy reforms. In G. Fan & T. Popkewitz (Eds.), Handbook of policy studies: Values, governance, globalization and methodology. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2020d). Current Research Trends in Globalisation and Neo-Liberalism in Higher Education. In J. Zajda, J (Ed). (2020), Globalisation, ideology and neo-liberal higher education reform. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2020e). Research Priorities and Developments in Education Reforms Globally. In J. Zajda, J (Ed). (2020), Globalisation, ideology and neo-liberal higher education reform. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2020f). Globalisation and Education Reforms: Paradigms and Ideologies. In J.Zajda (Ed). (2020). Globalisation, ideology and education reforms: Emerging paradigms. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2020g). Evaluating Globalisation and Education Reforms: Paradigms and Ideologies.
- In J. Zajda (Ed). (2020). Globalisation, ideology and education reforms: Emerging paradigms. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2020h). Evaluating research on Human Rights Education Globally. In Zajda, J. (Ed). (2020). Human rights education globally. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2020i). Current Research on Human Rights Education Globally. In Zajda, J. (Ed). (2020). Human rights education globally. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. & Majhanovich, S. (2020). Cultural identity in the global era. In J. Zajda & S. Majhanovich (Eds.). Globalisation, cultural identity and nation-building: The changing paradigms. Book Dordrecht: Springer.
- Dervin, F. & Zajda, J. (2022). Governance in education: Diversity and effectiveness. Paris: UNESCO.
- Zajda, J. (2018a). Globalisation and Education Reforms Research: Paradigms and Ideologies. In J. Zajda (Ed.), Globalisation and education reforms: Paradigms and ideologies. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2018b). Evaluating Globalisation and Education Reforms Research: Paradigms and Ideologies. In J. Zajda (Ed.), Globalisation and education reforms: Paradigms and ideologies. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. Henderson, D. & Whitehouse, J. (2017). The portrayal of John Curtin as Australia's wartime Labour Prime Minister. In J. Zajda, T. Tsyrlina-Spady & M. Lovorn (Eds.), Globalisation and Historiography of National Leaders: Symbolic Representations in School Textbooks. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. Tsyrlina-Spady, T. & Lovorn, M. (2017a). Research Trends in Globalisation and Historiography of National Leaders: Symbolic Representations in School Textbooks. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. Tsyrlina-Spady, T. & Lovorn, M. (2017b). Globalisation and Historiography of National Leaders. In J. Zajda, T. Tsyrlina-Spady & M. Lovorn (Eds.), Globalisation and Historiography of National Leaders: Symbolic Representations in School Textbooks. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. & Ozdowski, S. (2017a). Globalisation and Human Rights Education: Emerging Issues (pp. 1-11). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. & Ozdowski, S. (2017b). Globalisation and Research in Human Rights Education (pp. 265-272). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2016a). Globalisation, Ideology and Education Reforms. In J. Zajda (Ed.), Globalisation, ideology and politics of education reforms (pp. 1-10). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2016b). Globalisation, Ideology and Politics of Education Reforms. In J. Zajda (Ed.), Globalisation, ideology and politics of education reforms (pp. 153-162). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Henderson, D. & Zajda, J. (2016c). The National Curriculum and History School Textbooks in Australia and the Russian Federation. In J. Zajda (Ed.), Globalisation, ideology and politics of education reforms (pp. 21-40). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2016d). Reforms in Higher Education in the Russian Federation: Implications for Equity and Social Justice. In J. Zajda & V. Rust (Eds.), Globalisation and Higher Education Reforms (pp. 149-160). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. & Rust, V. (2016e). Current Research Trends in Globalisation and Neo-liberalism in Higher Education. In J. Zajda & V. Rust (Eds.), Globalisation and Higher Education Reforms (pp. 1-22). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. & Rust, V. (2016f). Research in Globalisation and Higher Education Reforms. In J. Zajda & V. Rust (Eds.), Globalisation and Higher Education Reforms (pp. 179-188). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2015a). Globalisation and its impact on education and policy. In J. Zajda (Ed.), Second International Handbook of Globalisation, Education and Policy Research (pp. 1-13). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2015b). Global trends in education and academic achievement. In J. Zajda (Ed.), Second International Handbook of Globalisation, Education and Policy Research. (pp. 105-125). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2015c). Minorities and education policies reform in Central Asia. In J. Zajda (Ed.), Second International Handbook of Globalisation, Education and Policy Research (pp. 441-451). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Banya, K. & Zajda, J. (2015). Globalisation, the brain drain and poverty reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa. In J. Zajda (Ed.), Second International Handbook of Globalisation, Education and Policy Research (pp. 263-285). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Geo-JaJa, M. & Zajda, J. (2015). Globalisation and the future of education in Africa. In J. Zajda (Ed.), Second International Handbook of Globalisation, Education and Policy Research (pp. 287-307). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2015a). Globalisation, Ideology and History School Textbooks: The Russian Federation. In Zajda, J. (Ed.), Nation-building and history education in a global culture (pp. 29-50). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2015b). Globalisation and the Politics of Education Reforms: History Education. In J. Zajda (Ed.), Nation-building and history education in a global culture (pp. 1-14). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2015c). Nation-Building and History Education in a Global Culture. In J. Zajda (Ed.), Nation-building and history education in a global culture (pp. 183-190). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Aleksashkina, L. & Zajda, J. (2015). National History Curriculum and Standards for secondary schools in the Russian Federation. In Zajda, J. (Ed.), Nation-building and history education in a global culture (pp. 169-181). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2015). Globalisation and internationalisation: The influence of race, ethnicity and gender on education policy reforms. In A. Ata & A. Kostogriz (2015). International Education and Cultural-Linguistic Experiences of International Students in Australia (pp. 215-232). Samford Valley: Australian Academic Press.
- Zajda, J. (2014). Ideology. In D. Phillips (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy. (pp. 399-402). Thousand Oaks: Sage.
- Zajda, J. (2014). The Russian Revolution. In G. Ritzer & J. M. Ryan (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization Online. (pp. 1-6).
- Zajda, J. (2014). Values Education. In D. Phillips (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy. (pp. 835-838). Thousand Oaks: Sage.
- Zajda, J (2014). Globalisation and Neo-liberalism as Educational Policy in Australia. In H. Yolcu & D. Turner (Eds.), Neoliberal Education Reforms: A Global Analysis (pp. 164-183). New York: Taylor & Francis/Routledge.
- Zajda, J. (2012). Current Trends in Lifelong Learning in the Russian Federation. In D. Aspin, J. Chapman, K. Evans & R. Bagnall (Eds.), International Handbook of Lifelong Learning (2nd edition) (pp. 441-454). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2012). Adult Education and Lifelong Learning: Skills Training and Social Rehabilitation in the Russian Federation. In K. Kunzel (Ed.), Second International Yearbook of Adult Education (pp. 47-70). Koln: Bohlau Verlag.
- Zajda, J. (2012). Transforming images of nation-building, ideology and nationalism in history school textbooks in Putin's Russia: 2001-In R. Guyver and T. Taylor (Eds.), History Wars in the Classroom-Global Perspectives (pp. 125-142). New York: Information Age Publishing.
- Zajda, J. (2011). Trends in education policy and pedagogy for students with disabilities in Australia. In Mazurek, M. And Winzer, M. (Eds.), Special education in an international perspective. Boston: Pearson Alyn & Bacon.
- Zajda, J. (2011). Globalisation and the Impact of Social Change and Economic Transformation in Lifelong Learning in Russia. In London, M. (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Lifelong Learning. Oxford: OUP.
- Zajda, J. (2010). Décentralisation et privatisation dans l'éducation : le rôle de l'État. In Abdeljalil Akkari, Jean-Paul Payet (Éds.), Tansformations des systèmes éducatifs dans les pays du Sud, (pp. 37-62). Bruxelles: Groupe De Boeck. (in French).
- Zajda, J. (2010a). Globalisation and Global Pedagogy. In J. Zajda (Ed.), Global Pedagogies. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2010b). Globalisation, Ideology and Education Reforms. In J. Zajda (Ed.), Globalisation, Ideology and Education Policy Reforms. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2010c). The Politics of the New History Textbooks. In J. Zajda (Ed.), Globalisation, Ideology and Education Policy Reforms. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2010d). The Politics of Education Reforms and Policy Shifts. In J. Zajda (Ed.), Globalisation, Ideology and Education Policy Reforms. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2010e). Globalisation, Education and Social Justice: Introduction. In J. Zajda (Ed.), Globalization, Education and Social Justice Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2010f). The Politics of education Reforms. In J. Zajda (Ed), The Politics of Education Reforms. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2010). Decentralisation et privatisation dans l'education: the role de l'Etat (Decentralization and Privatization in Education: The Role of the State) (in French). In A. Akkari and J-P. Payet (Eds.), Transformations des systems educatifs dans les pays du Sud (pp. 37-61). Bruxelles: De Boeck.
- Zajda, J. (2009a). Globalisation, and Comparative Research: Implications for Education. In J. Zajda & V. Rust (Ed.), Globalisation, Policy and Comparative Research (pp. 1-12). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2009b). Teachers and the Politics of History Textbooks. In L. Saha and A. Dworkin (Eds.), The New International Handbook of Research on Teachers and Teaching. (pp. 373-387). New York: Springer Science+Business Media.
- Zajda, J. (2009c). Nation-Building, Identity and Citizenship Education. In J. Zajda, H. Daun & L. Saha, L. (Eds.), Nation-Building, Identity and Citizenship Education: Cross-Cultural Perspectives (pp. 1-11). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2009d). Globalisation, Nation-Building, and Cultural Identity: The Role of Intercultural Dialogue. In J. Zajda, H. Daun & L. Saha, L. (Eds.), Nation-Building, Identity and Citizenship Education: Cross-Cultural Perspectives (pp. 15-24). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2009e). Current Issues in Race, Ethnicity and Gender in Education. In J. Zajda & K. Freeman (2009). Race, Ethnicity and Gender in Education: Cross-Cultural Understandings. (pp. xiii-xxii). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2009f). Values Education in the Global Culture. In J. Zajda & H. Daun (Eds.) (2009). Global Values Education: Teaching Democracy and Peace. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. & Gibbs, D. (2009). Comparative Information Technology: Languages, Societies and the Internet. In J. Zajda & D. Gibbs (Eds.), Comparative Information Technology: Languages, Societies and the Internet (pp. 1-12). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2009h). Global Pedagogies for Democracy, Tolerance and Peace. In H. Daun, Y. Iram & J. Zajda (Eds.), Global Values Education: Teaching Democracy and Peace. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2009i). Models of Decentralisation in Education. In J. Zajda & D. Gamage (Eds.), Decentralisation, School-Based Management, and Quality. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. and Whitehouse, J. A. (2009). Teaching History. In L. Saha and A. Dworkin (Eds.), The New International Handbook of Research on Teachers and Teaching (pp. 953-965). New York: Springer Science+Business Media.
- Zajda, J., Biraimah, B. & Gaudelli, W. (2008). Introduction: Education and Social Inequality in the Global Culture. In & Zajda, J., Biraimah, B. & Gaudelli, W. (Eds.), Education and Social Inequality in the Global Culture (pp. xvii-xxvii). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2008). Globalisation and Implications for Equity and Democracy in Education. In Zajda, J. Davies, L., & Majhanovich, S. (Eds.), Globalization, Comparative and Policy Research: Equity, Access and Democracy in Education (pp. 3-13). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2006). Schooling, education reforms and policy shifts in the Russian Federation (1991-2004). In Kas Masurek and Maggie Winzer (Eds.), Schooling around the World (pp. 246-263). Boston: Pearson Alyn & Bacon.
- Zajda, J. Majhanovich, S. and Rust, V. (2006) Education and Social Justice: Issues of Liberty and Equality in the Global Culture. In Zajda, J. Majhanovich, S. and Rust, V. (Eds.), Education and Social Justice (pp. 1-12). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2006). Decentralization and Privatization in Education. In J. Zajda Decentralization and Privatization in Education: The Role of the State (pp. 3-27). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2005). Global Trends in Education and Academic Achievement. In J. Zajda (Ed.), The International Handbook of Globalisation and Education Policy Research. Introductory Chapter. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2005). Globalisation, Education and Policy Research. In J. Zajda (Ed.), The International Handbook of Globalisation and Education Policy Research. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. and Geo-JaJa, M. (2005). Rethinking Globalisation and the Future Role of Education in Africa. In J. Zajda (Ed.), The International Handbook of Globalisation and Education Policy Research. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2005). Minorities and Education Policies Reform in Central Asia. In J. Zajda (Ed.), The International Handbook of Globalisation and Education Policy Research. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2005). The Politics of Education Reforms: A Global Perspective. In J. Zajda (Ed.), The International Handbook of Globalisation and Education Policy Research. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2005). The Politics of Rewriting History. In J. Zajda (Ed.), The International Handbook of Globalisation and Education Policy Research. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Zajda, J. (2003). Ethnicities, Minorities and Indigenous Groups in Educational Research: The Central Asian Republics. In J. Keeves (Ed.), The International Handbook on Educational Research in the Asia-Pacific Region (pp. 241-256). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Zajda, J. (2003). Lifelong Learning and Adult Education: Russia Meets the West. In M. Bray (Ed.), Comparative Education: Continuing Traditions, New Paradigms and New Challenges (pp. 111-132). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Zajda, J. (2002). Reinventing the past to create the future: the rewriting of school history textbooks in post-communist Russia. In M. Schweisfurth, C. Harber and L. Davies (Eds.), Learning Democracy and Citizenship: International Experience (pp. 211-224). Oxford: Symposium Books.
- Zajda, J. (2002). Rewriting the History Curriculum. In J. Zajda (Ed.), Society and the Environment: Teaching SOSE (pp. 199-222). Melbourne: James Nicholas Publishers.
- Zajda, J. (2001). Recent Trends in the Practice of Lifelong Learning and Adult Education and Adult Education in Russia. In D. Aspin, J. Chapman & M. Hatton (Eds.), International Handbook on Lifelong Learning (pp. 695-711). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Zajda, J. (2001). Marketing School Quality and Effectiveness in a Global Culture. In J. Zajda (Ed.), Education and Society. Melbourne: James Nicholas Publishers.
- Zajda, J. (2000). The Politics of the Re-Writing of History in Russia: School Textbooks and Curriculum Material. In J. Zajda (Ed.), Curriculum, Culture and Teaching. Melbourne: James Nicholas Publishers.
- Zajda, J. (2000). The Politics of Curriculum Reforms. In J. Zajda (Ed.), Curriculum, Culture and Teaching. Melbourne: James Nicholas Publishers.
- Zajda, J. (2000). 'I Would Like to be a Caring Mother: Family Values in Russia'. In J. Zajda (Ed.), Education and Society (pp.203-219). Melbourne: James Nicholas Publishers.
- Zajda, J (1998). Excellence and Quality in Education. In J. Zajda (Ed.), Learning and Teaching (pp.145-156). Melbourne: James Nicholas Publishers. (The work was selected by DETYA in their Current Awareness Bulletin on their website, issue no. 9509)
- Zajda, J. (1995). Defining excellence and quality in education. In J. Zajda, K. Bacchus & N. Kach (Eds.), Excellence and Quality in Education (pp.i-xiii). Melbourne: James Nicholas Publishers.
- Zajda, J. (1994). Discourse of Glasnost and Perestroika in Russia. In A.Yogev and V. Rust (Eds.), Educational Reforms in International Perspective (pp.165-203). New York: JAI Press.
- Shorter Chapters in The International Encyclopedia of Education (2008/2014). London: Routledge.
- Zajda, J. (2013). Technocrat/Technocratic/Technocracy. In G. McCulloch & D. Crook (Eds), The International Encyclopedia of Education. London: Routledge.
- Zajda, J. (2013). Aptitude. In G. McCulloch & D. Crook (Eds), The International Encyclopedia of Education. London: Routledge.
- Zajda, J. (2013). Attainment. In G. McCulloch & D. Crook (Eds), The International Encyclopedia of Education. London: Routledge.
- Zajda, J. (2013). Centralisation/Decentralisation in Education. In G. McCulloch & D. Crook (Eds), The International Encyclopedia of Education. London: Routledge.
- Zajda, J. (2013). Didactics/Didacticism. In G. McCulloch & D. Crook (Eds), The International Encyclopedia of Education. London: Routledge.
- Zajda, J. (2013). Education in Russia. In G. McCulloch & D. Crook (Eds), The International Encyclopedia of Education. London: Routledge.
- Zajda, J. (2013). Experiential Learning. In G. McCulloch & D. Crook (Eds), The International Encyclopedia of Education. London: Routledge (paperback edition 2013).
- Selected refereed journal articles (2020-1994)
- Zajda, J. (2020). Representing the Russian Revolution in prescribed Russian school history textbooks. Political Crossroads, 24(20, 47-71.
- Zajda, J. (2020). Discourse analysis as a qualitative methodology. Educational Practice and Theory, 42(2), 5-21.
- Zajda, J. (2019). Current research of theories and models of intelligence. Curriculum and Teaching, 34(1), 85-
- Zajda, J. (2019). Research on discrimination and self-fulfilling prophecy in schools globally. Education & Society, 37(1), 59-
- Zajda, J. (2018). Effective constructivist pedagogy for quality learning in schools. Educational Practice & Theory, 40(1), 67-https://acu-edu-
- Zajda, J. (2018). Motivation in the classroom: Creating effective learning environments. Educational Practice & Theory, 40(2), 85-
- Zajda, J. (2018). Researching values education in the classroom: A global perspective. Education & Society, 36(2), 29-;jsessionid=122c1dd71g0ak.x-ic-live-03
- Zajda, J. & Whitehouse, J. (2017). The Russian revolution in school history textbooks. World Studies in Education, 18(2), 61-88..
- Zajda, J. & Henderson, D. (2015). What does the review of the Australian Curriculum mean for Senior Modern History? Curriculum Perspectives, 35(1), 64-file:///H:/PointCounterpoint%20(1).pdf.
- Zajda, J (2015). History School Textbooks and Key Events: A Survey of Russian Teachers. Educational Practice & Theory, 37(2), 59-78.
- Zajda, J. (2014). Understanding the quality debate in education. In What counts as quality in education. Melbourne: ACE.
- Zajda, J. (2014). The politics of Russian history education in the Russian media. Educational Practice and Theory, 36(2), 53-77.
- Zajda, J. (2013). Russian History Textbooks: An analysis of historical narratives depicting key events. Curriculum and Teaching, 28(2), 73-100.
- Zajda, J. (2013). Secondary history teachers' responses to historical narratives in school history textbooks: The Russian Federation. Educational Practice & Theory, 35(2), 27-61.
- Zajda, J. (2012). Globalisation and Values Education in the History/Social Studies Classroom. Educational Practice and Theory, 34(1), 25-39.
- Zajda, J. (2012). Representing the October 1917 Russian Revolution in Russian School History
- Textbooks. Political Crossroads, 19(1), 49-63.
- Zajda, J. & Zajda, R. (2012). Globalisation, Ideology and the Politics of History School Textbooks: Russia. Education and Society, 30(3), 67-78.
- Zajda, J. (2012). Globalisation, Credentialism and Human Capital. Educational Practice and Theory, 34(2), 45-60.
- Johannessen, G., Unterreiner, A., Sitienei, I. & Zajda, J. (2012). Global and cross-cultural perspectives on mentoring in higher education. Education and Society, 30(2), 27-48.
- Zajda, J. (2011). Globalisation and schooling: equity and access issues. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 6(1), 143-152.
- Zajda, J. (2011). Constructivist Pedagogy: Learning and Teaching. Curriculum and Teaching, 30(2), 77-91.
- Zajda, J. (2010). Globalization and Schooling: Equity and Access Issues (in French). Journal Raisons Educatives (University of Geneva).
- Zajda, J. (2010). Credentialism and Skills in the 21st Century. Educational Practice and Theory, 32(2), 99-114.
- Zajda, J. (2009). Centralisation and Decentralisation in Education: Implications for Standards and Quality (in Chinese). Taipei: National Taiwan Normal University.
- Zajda, J. (2008a). Education for Work in the USSR. Political Crossroads, 15(1), 85-106.
- Zajda, J. (2008c). Learning, teaching and discrimination in the classroom. Learning and Teaching 1(2), 87-100.
- Zajda, J. (2008d). Education and Social Stratification in the Soviet Union and Post-Soviet Russia. Political Crossroads, 15(2), 53-75.
- Zajda, J. (2007). The new history school textbooks in the Russian Federation: 1992-Compare, 37(3) 291-306.
- Zajda, J. (2007). Living Together: Globalisation, Education and Intercultural Dialogue. Political Crossroads, 14(1), 37-49.
- Zajda, J. (2007). Recent Trends and Policy Issues in Higher Education: 1991-European Education, 39(2), 3-19.
- Zajda, J. (2007). Reforms in Higher Education. European Education, 39(2), 20-36.
- Zajda, J. (2007). Credentialism in the 21st Century: The Importance of Qualifications. Educational Practice and Theory, 29(2), 61-79.
- Zajda, J. (2007). Higher Education in the Russian Federation Part 2: Standards, Quality, and Recognition (1991-2007). European Education, 39(3), 3-21.
- Zajda, J. (2007). Policy Shifts in Higher Education in the Russian Federation: Autonomy, Standards and Quality. European Education, 39(3), 23-38.
- Zajda, J. (2006). Education and Social Justice. International Review of Education, 52(1-2), 9-(UNESCO).
- Gamage, D. & Zajda, J. (2005). Decentralisation and School-Based Management: A Study of Self-Governing Schools Models. Educational Practice and Theory, 27(2), 35-58.
- Gamage, D. & Zajda, J. (2005). Decentralisation, Delegation and Devolution: Towards Self-Governing Schools. Political Crossroads, 13(2), 3-26.
- Zajda, J. (2004). Decentralization and Privatization in Education: The Role of the State. International Review of Education, 50(3-4), 1-23 (UNESCO).
- Zajda, J. (2004). Cultural Transferability and Cross-cultural Textbook Development. Education and Society, 22(1), 98-112.
- Zajda, J. (2004). Globalisation, Education Reforms and the Institutions of Education. International Sociology, 19(4).
- Zajda, J. (2004). Critiquing Literature in the School Curriculum. Educational Practice and Theory, 26(2), 59-68.
- Zajda, J. (2004). Learning a Multiple Perspectives in SOSE: A Curriculum Model. Curriculum & Teaching, 25(2), 41-59.
- Zajda, J. (2003). Why Education Reforms Fail? European Education, 35(1), 58-88
- Zajda, J. (2003). The Politics of Rewriting History. International Review of Education, 49(3-4), 363-(UNESCO)
- Zajda, J. (2003). Lifelong Learning and Adult Education: Russia Meets the West. International Review of Education, 49(1-2), 111-(UNESCO)
- Zajda, J. (2003). Globalisation and Discourses in Comparative Education. Education and Society, 21(1), 99-113.
- Zajda, J. (2002). Education and Policy: Changing Paradigms and Issues. International Review of Education, (UNESCO), 48(1-2), 67-91.
- Zajda, J. (2002). Cross-Cultural Textbook Development: Problems of Cultural Transferability. Der Uberblinck, 4 (December issue), 73-[published in German in Germany].
- Zajda, J. (2002). The Ideology of Excellence, Quality and School Effectiveness. Educational Practice and Theory, 24(1).
- Zajda, J. (2000). The Politics of Education Reform in Russia. Political Crossroads, 8(1-2).
- Zajda, J. (2000). The Politics of the Re-Writing History Textbooks: the Russian Federation. Education and Society, 18(3).
- Zajda, J. (1999). Lifelong Learning and Adult Education: New Developments in Russia. Comparative Education, (Oxford), 35(2), 151-161.
- Zajda, J. (1998). Global Education: Designing a Renewed Agenda for Teacher Education. Education and Society, 16(1), 87-98.
- Zajda, J. (1998). Globalizing Teacher Education. Interlogue, 9(1).
- Zajda, J. (1998). Curriculum reforms and educational policy change in post-communist Russian schools. Curriculum and Teaching, 13(1), 77-92.
- Zajda, J. & Zajda, R. (1996). History Teaching in Russian Schools Today. Education and Society, 14(2).
- Zajda, J. & Zajda, R. (1995). Marketing School Quality. Magister, (Moscow) No.1, 14-22.
- Zajda, J. (1994). Curriculum Reforms in Post-Communist Russia: 1991-Curriculum and Teaching, 9 (2),73-91.
- Zajda, J. (1994). Shkolnye Reformy v Post-Kommunisticheskoi Rossii i Vospitanie Novykh Tsennostei' (in Russian) (School Reforms in the Post-Communist Russia and the Teaching of New Values). Magister, (Moscow) 3, 44-54.
- Zajda, J. (1994). Defining Excellence and Quality in Education. New Education, 16(2).
- Zajda, J. (1988). The Moral Curriculum in the Soviet School. Comparative Education, 24(3), 389-404.
- ARC Grant: Zajda, J. (CI) (with Monash) (2011-2015). Globalising studies of the politics of history education: a comparative analysis of history national curriculum implementation in Russia and Australia. Australian Research Council Discovery Project. DP110101320 AUD $332,421
- The 2012 Peter Sheehan Excellence in Research Award. The award recognises the high quality of research activities, and particularly celebrates sustained research that has had a substantive impact nationally and internationally (Faculty of Education, Australian Catholic University)
- Australian Awards for University Teaching - July 2011
- Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning - Associate Professor Joseph Zajda
- Australian Catholic University, National. Citation Wording: For an innovative, influential and sustained contribution to teacher education through scholarship and publication. Synopsis: The applicant has pioneered an innovative approach in teacher education, where he uses global pedagogy and "teacher as a researcher" model.
- Vice-Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching, Australian Catholic University. The award was presented at the April 2005 Graduation Ceremony, the Melbourne Town Hall. It was the sole award for the whole 6-campus university.
- Chair of World Education Research Association International Research Network (WERA-IRN) 'The Impact of Globalization on Higher Education' (2013-2015).
- Completed the UNESCO report (with Prof. Dervin, University of Helsinki) Governance in education: Diversity and effectiveness. BRICS countries. Paris: UNESCO (2022)
- Elected as Fellow of the Australian College of Educators (June 2013). FACE Citation: Associate Professor Joseph Zajda has made an outstanding contribution to research in education with particular emphasis on globalisation, gender and equity and to the enhancement of teacher education.
- Joseph has made an impressive contribution to educational scholarship at a national and international level for over 30 years. The breadth and volume of his scholarly achievements far exceed beyond the normal expectation of an academic. His research is innovative, engaging and influential. His publication record is most impressive: 119 works in 665 publications in 4 languages and 11,861 library holdings, adding immense research expertise to his work in the classroom. He has provided outstanding service to the profession through his editorial work.
- Associate Professor, Teacher Education, Australian Catholic University (2005-present)
Editorial roles
- Editor, Educational Practice & Theory (2020 onwards), James Nicholas Publishers
- Editor, Curriculum & Teaching (1990 onwards) James Nicholas Publishers
- Editor, Education & Society (1992 onwards) James Nicholas Publishers
- Series Editor of 36 volumes (Springer) of Globalisation, Comparative Education & Policy Review (2010 and on-going)
International journal review panels
- International Review of Education (2010, and on-going)
Grant agency review panels
- ARC Grants reviewer 2015; 2016-2022
Public engagement activities
- Public Officer, Australian Council of Human Rights Education (2010 and continuing)