Dr Josephine Ryan

Faculty of Education and Arts, National School of Education

Areas of expertise: English curriculum; partnerships, technology and reflective practice in teacher education
HDR Supervisor accreditation status:
Phone: +61 3 9953 3250
Email: Jo.Ryan@acu.edu.au
Location: ACU Melbourne Campus

Josephine Ryan is senior lecturer in English/literacy Education at Australian Catholic University Melbourne campus. Her teaching and research have focused on English curriculum as well as in understanding and implementing effective approaches to teacher education. Key interests are the significance of partnerships, technology and reflective practice in teacher education.

Select publications

  • Schutt, S. & Ryan, J. (2022). Inside the black box: Schools, universities and the precarious placement machine. In T. Seddon, A. Kostogriz & J. Barbousas (Eds.). Teacher Education Through Uncertainty and Crisis. Towards Sustainable Futures. (pp. 97-115). DOI 10.4324/9781003170716-6. Routledge
  • Nailer, S., & Ryan, J. (2021). School-university partnerships and enhancing pre-service teachers’ connections to school communities. Ch. 49. In Zajda, J. (Ed.) Third International Handbook of Globalisation, Education and Policy Research. (pp. 879-894). DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-66003-1. Singapore: Springer International Publishing
  • Nailer, S & Ryan, J. (2018). Using the STEPS framework to analyse a school-university partnership In L. Hobbs, C. Campbell & M. Jones, M. (Eds.). School-based Partnerships in Teacher Education: A research informed model for universities, schools and beyond. (pp. 219-229). Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Albright, S., Breidenstein, A. & Ryan, J. (2018). Teacher education at Trinity University meets the STEPS framework. In L. Hobbs, C. Campbell & M. Jones, M. (Eds.). School-based Partnerships in Teacher Education: A research informed model for universities, schools and beyond. (pp. 197-203). Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Brandenburg, R., Glasswell, K., Jones, M. & Ryan, J. (Eds.) (2017). Reflective theory and practice in teacher education. Singapore: Springer
  • Glasswell, K. & Ryan J. (2017). Reflective practice in teacher professional standards: Reflection as mandatory practice. In R. Brandenburg, K. Glasswell, M. Jones & J. Ryan (Eds.), Reflective theory and practice in teacher education. (pp.3-26). Singapore: Springer.
  • Jones, M & Ryan J. (2017). The Online Space: Developing strong pedagogy for online reflective practice. In R. Brandenburg, K. Glasswell, M. Jones & J. Ryan (Eds.), Reflective theory and practice in teacher education. (pp. 205-222). Singapore: Springer.
  • Ryan, J., Butler, H., Kostogriz, A. & Nailer, S. (2016). Advancing partnership research: A spatial analysis of a jointly planned teacher education partnership. In R. Brandenburg, S. McDonough, J. Burke, S. White (Eds.), Teacher education: Innovation, intervention and impact. (pp. 175-191). Singapore: Springer
  • Ryan, J. & Jones, M. (Eds.). (2014). Linking rural and regional communities into teacher education. In M. Jones & J. Ryan, (Eds.), (2014). Successful teacher education: Partnerships, reflective practice and the place of technology (pp. 49-64). The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
  • Ryan, J., & Jones, M. (2014). Communication in the practicum: Fostering relationships between universities and schools. In M. Jones & J. Ryan, (Eds.), Successful teacher education: Partnerships, reflective practice and the place of technology (pp. pp. 103-120). The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
  • Jones, M. & Ryan, J. (2014). Successful and ‘transferrable’ practice. In M. Jones & J. Ryan, (Eds.), Successful teacher education: Partnerships, reflective practice and the place of technology (pp. 177-194). The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
  • Jones, M., & Ryan, J. (2014). Learning in the practicum: Engaging pre-service teachers in reflective practice in the online space. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education 42(2), 132-146.
  • Ryan, J., Jones, M. & Walta, C. (2012). Creating a sustainable and supportive practicum for rural and regional areas. Australian & International Journal of Rural Education, 22 (1), 57-72.
  • Ryan, J., Scott, A. (2008). Integrating technology into teacher education: How online discussion can be used to develop informed and critical literacy teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 24 (6) pp. 1635 – 1644
  • Scott, A. & Ryan, J. (2007). Using online discussions: Reflections from teaching large cohorts in teacher education, Information Technology, Education and Society, 8(1), 67-88.
  • Ryan J. (2005). Young people choose: Adolescents’ text pleasures. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 28(1), 38-47.
  • Ryan, J. (2001). Dropping Beatie Bow: How useful are the set novels for teaching English literacy to students? English in Australia, 131, 101-110.


Australian Learning and Teaching Council 2009-2012. ALTC Priority Projects Grant. Preservice Teacher Education Partnerships: Creating an effective practicum model for rural and regional preservice teachers. $135,000.

Public engagement

The Conversation. (Dec. 6, 2021). We’re short of teachers, and the struggles to find training placements in schools add to the problem

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