Dr Kim Rowston
Faculty of Education and Arts
Areas of expertise: design technologies; digital technologies; education psychology; educational studies; professional experience
Phone: 9707 4747
Email: Kim.rowston@acu.edu.au
Location: ACU Strathfield Campus
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4414-0895
Dr Kim Rowston is a lecturer in teacher education, specialising in Design and Digital Technologies at Australian Catholic University. She has extensive experience as a secondary teacher for over 20 years in government and independent schools, integrating exponential technologies within digital and design technologies curricula. Kim has been involved in the recent revision and development of Stage 4 and 5 Technology and Applied Studies Curricula and has been an HSC marker of Design and Technology since 1996.
View academia profile
Select publications
- Rowston, K., Bower, M., & Woodcock, S. (In press). Career-change teachers' technology integration beliefs and practice in initial teacher education: a summative cross-case analysis. International Journal of Educational Research, 1-39
- Rowston, K., Bower, M., & Woodcock, S. (2021) The impact of prior occupations and initial teacher education on post-graduate pre-service teachers' conceptualization and realization of technology integration. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 1-39 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10798-021-09710-5
- Rowston, K., Bower, M., & Woodcock, S. (2021). Reciprocal causation and the effect of environmental determinants upon the technology beliefs and practice of career-change pre-service teachers. Technology Pedagogy and Education, 323-344 https://doi.org/10.1080/1475939X.2021.1879925
- Rowston, K., Bower, M., & Woodcock, S. (2020). The lived experiences of career-change pre-service teachers and the promise of meaningful technology pedagogy beliefs and practice. Education and Information Technologies, 681-https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-019-10064-8
2022 to present - Chief Investigator
- Indigenous Game Changers
- Deadly Teaching: Enhancing Indigenous School Attendance and Wellbeing
- ACU Institute for Positive Psychology & Education.
- Linkage Projects 2022 Round 2.
- Proposal ID: LP220200772
- The Teachers' Guild of NSW's Early Career Teacher Award 1995
- 2012 - Present Lecturer (Design & Digital Technologies) Faculty of Education and Arts, Australian Catholic University
- 2019 - Present NSW Course Coordinator Master of Teaching (Primary), Australia Catholic University
- 2015-2016 Teacher (Secondary) Design & Technology, Technology, STEM, Loreto College Kirribilli
- 2005-2011 Teacher (Secondary) Design & Technology, Technology, Visual Arts, Barker College
- 1995-2004 Teacher (Secondary) Computer Studies, Textiles & Design, Design & Technology, Pymble Ladies' College
- Member - Australian Association of Research in Education
- Member - Australian College of Educators
- Member - Australian Technology Teacher Educators Network
- Member - Design and Technologies Teachers' Association of Australia
International journal review panels
- 2022 - Computers & Education
- Journal Reviewer