Dr Kylie Kerr (Dr Kylie Trask-Kerr)
Senior Lecturer
St Patrick's campus, Melbourne
Areas of expertise: philosophy of education; purposes of schooling; education for flourishing; humanities education; wellbeing; flourishing; philosophy; philosophy for children; qualitative research.
Phone: +613 9953 3272
Email: kylie.kerr@acu.edu.au
Location: ACU Melbourne Campus
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8198-0164
Kylie is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Education at Australian Catholic University, Melbourne. Her research interests include the aims of education, Humanities education, and the role of education in human flourishing. Having taught Philosophy, English and the Humanities from the early 2000s, Kylie began her research career with an exploration of a Deweyan contribution to positive education. Kylie's PhD work at the University of Melbourne used qualitative methods to critically examine the philosophical underpinnings of positive education practices, including adolescent beliefs about success, the good life, and the purposes of schooling. She has subsequently explored the value of Humanities education and its contribution to flourishing, the nature of resilience, the teaching of controversial issues in schools, and the transformative role of education in nurturing global flourishing.
Select publications
Select journal articles
- Trask-Kerr, K., Chin, TC. & Vella-Brodrick, D.A. (2023) Positive education, Aristotelian eudaimonia, and adolescent notions of the ‘good’ life. Australian Educational Researcher. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13384-023-00674-0
- Gill, A., Trask-Kerr, K., & Vella-Brodrick, D. (2021). Systematic Review of Adolescent Conceptions of Success: Implications for Wellbeing and Positive Education. Educational Psychology Review. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10648-021-09605-w
- Trask-Kerr, K., Quay, J., & Slemp, G. R. (2019) A Deweyan Positive Education: Psychology with Philosophy. Oxford Review of Education. 45(6). https://doi.org/10.1080/03054985.2019.1625761
- Trask-Kerr, K., Vella-Brodrick, D., Chin, T. C. (2019) Positive Education and the new prosperity: Exploring young people's conceptions of prosperity and success. The Australian Journal of Education. 63(2). https://doi.org/10.1177/0004944119860600
Select conference presentations
- Kerr, K. (2022, November 27-December 1). Education for Flourishing: A Transformative Activist perspective. Accepted symposium paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. AARE 2022 Conference - AARE
- Trask-Kerr, K., Vella-Brodrick, D., Chin, T. C. (2019, July 15-18) Positive Education and the new prosperity: Analysing young people's conceptions of prosperity and success. Paper presented at the 6th World Congress for Positive Psychology. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. International Positive Psychology Association - 6th World Congress on Positive Psychology (ippanetwork.org)
- Trask-Kerr, K. (2017) Positive learning communities: A framework for supporting well-being and achievement in schools. Poster presented at the International Society of Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS) Annual Conference. Innsbruck, Tyrol, Austria. ISQOLS - Past Conferences