Dr Megan Trebilcock
Lecturer in Speech Pathology
Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Allied Health
Areas of expertise: aphasia; implementation science; evidence-based practice; intensive comprehensive aphasia programs
Phone: 97392622
Email: Megan.trebilcock@acu.edu.au
Location: ACU North Sydney Campus
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2303-9288
Megan's 'real-world' academic teaching and research stemmed from her passion for working within the field of neurorehabilitation as a senior clinician. She has adopted novel approaches to translational aphasia research including collaborations with multi-national speech pathologists and the use of online technologies, therefore, reflecting a movement towards the globalisation of healthcare and the potential for far reaching improvements in aphasia services. Her first ever publication attracted a high online attention score (99th percentile) and has been shared across seven countries. Megan is currently co-leading the implementation of aphasia camps in Australia following a successful community grant on behalf of the Australian Aphasia Association. She has engaged in multi-national research and continues to collaborate with the Queensland Aphasia Research Centre and the Centre for Research Excellence in Aphasia Recovery and Rehabilitation. Megan has been invited to present her research and community engagement activities at international conferences, student seminars and clinical forums. She also currently provides supervision to students completing their master's degree and degree with honours at the Australian Catholic University.
Select publications
- Trebilcock M., Shrubsole, K., Rose, M., & Power, E. (2022). "I think it's an amazing invaluable tool": Updating the Australian Aphasia Rehabilitation Pathway (AARP). Oral presentation at the Aphasiology Symposium of Australasia (ASA) 2022, Melbourne, Australia.
- Trebilcock, M., Shrubsole, K., Worrall, L., & Ryan, B. (2022). Aphasia Nexus: Connecting Evidence to Practice. Virtually presented at the International Aphasia Research Conference (IARC) 2022, Philadelphia, United States of America.
- Trebilcock, M., Shrubsole, K., Worrall, L., & Ryan, B. (in press). A survey of speech pathologists' opinions about the prospective acceptability of an online implementation platform for aphasia services. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders.
- Trebilcock, M., Shrubsole, K., Worrall, L., & Ryan, B. (manuscript submitted for publication). Pilot Trial of the Online Implementation Intervention Aphasia Nexus: Connecting Evidence to Practice.
- Trebilcock, M., Shrubsole, K., Worrall, L., & Ryan, B. (2021). Can a website change the routine clinical practices of aphasia therapists? Virtually presented at the British Aphasiology Society (BAS) Conference 2021, Newcastle, United Kingdom.
- Trebilcock, M., Shrubsole, K., Worrall, L., & Ryan, B. (2021). Development of an online implementation intervention for aphasia clinicians to increase the intensity and comprehensiveness of their service. Disability and Rehabilitation. 1-10. doi:10.1080/09638288.2021.1910867
- Trebilcock, M., Worrall, L., Ryan, B., Shrubsole, K., Jagoe, C., Simmons-Mackie, N., . . . Le Dorze, G. (2019). Increasing the intensity and comprehensiveness of aphasia services: identification of key factors influencing implementation across six countries. Aphasiology, 33(7), 865-887. doi:10.1080/02687038.2019.1602860
- Trebilcock, M., Worrall, L., Ryan, B., Shrubsole, K., Jagoe, C., Simmons-Mackie, N., . . . Le Dorze, G. (2019). Intensive and comprehensive aphasia services: what influences successful implementation? Oral presentation at the Speech Pathology Australia and New Zealand Speech-language Therapists' Association 2019 Joint Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
- Wallace, S. J., Baker, C., Brandenburg, C., Bryant, L., Le Dorze, G., Power, E., . . . Trebilcock, M. (2019). A how-to guide to aphasia services: celebrating Professor Linda Worrall's contribution to the field. Aphasiology, 33(7), 888-902. doi:10.1080/02687038.2019.1609774
- Wallace, S. J., Baker, C., Brandenburg, C., Bryant, L., Le Dorze, G., Power, E., . . . Trebilcock, M. (2018). Barriers and facilitators to implementing intensive and comprehensive aphasia services within an international health context. Oral presentation at the Aphasiology Symposium of Australasia, Sunshine Coast, Australia.
- Trebilcock, M., Christie, L., Badge, H., Nemeth, E., Starkey, A. (2023). Be the change: Students provide an evidence-based aphasia program through an Australian first interprofessional placement model. ACU Faculty of Health Sciences Learning and Teaching Grant. $4,500.00.
- Trebilcock, M. and Worrall, L. (on behalf of the Australian Aphasia Association). (2021-2023). Sustaining and disseminating aphasia camps. James Frizelle Charitable Foundation. $78,048.00.
Accolades and Awards
- Trebilcock, M. (2020-2021). Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship. $28, 092 per annum, indexed annually.
Appointments and Affiliations
2022- current
- Collaboration of Aphasia Trialists
- Implementation Science Working Group Member
2021- current
- Australian Aphasia Association Health Professional Member
- British Aphasiology Society (BAS) Practitioner/Researcher Member
2021- current
- Aphasia CRE Community of Practice Member
2013- current
- Speech Pathology Australia (SPA) Certified Practicing Speech Pathologist (CPSP)
International journal review panels
- Journal reviewer, International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders
- Journal reviewer, International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology
Public engagement activities
2022- current
- Mater Allied Health Evidence-Based Practice and Research Working Party representative (ACU)
- ACU Speech Pathology (Early Career Researcher) Research Committee representative
- Australian Aphasia Association Fundraising Coordinator
2020- current
- Gold Coast Aphasia Camp Coordinator
- Griffith University student seminar guest speaker- Gold Coast Aphasia Camp
- Aphasia Access Resource Exchange invited presenter- An international focus on
- innovative treatment approaches and programming