Associate Professor Niusha Shafiabady

Information Technology
Peter Faber Business School (Sydney)

Niusha Shafiabady

Areas of expertise: computational intelligence; evolutionary optimisation; intelligent systems; artificial intelligence; xai; quantum machine learning


Location: ACU North Sydney Campus

HDR Supervisor accreditation status: HDR Supervisor (Full)

Associate Professor Niusha Shafiabady the Head of Discipline of the Department of Information Technology- Peter Faber Business School at Australian Catholic University, North Sydney Campus, Australia. She is the Director of Women in AI for Social Good Lab

She invites research applications focusing on the Industry and Community Applications of:

  • Machine Learning
  • Data Analytics
  • Intelligent Modelling
  • Expert System Design
  • Computational Optimisation

Associate Professor Shafiabady is an internationally recognised expert in the field of Computational Intelligence with many years of professional experience in both academia and industry. She is the inventor of a computational optimisation algorithm and has developed Ai-Labz which is a simple Computational Intelligence predictive analysis tool. She has published many research articles in high-ranking journals, supervised many HDR candidates and is the recipient of several awards and credentials.

She is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy of the United Kingdom. Her key areas of expertise are design and development of smart algorithms for data analysis and interpretation, prediction of different phenomena, clustering and classification of unorganised data and creating smart decision-making systems for different applications.

The highlight of her work is blending academic knowledge and research findings into industrial applications and creating a bridge between academia and industry. She has developed expert decision-making systems for variety of applications using Artificial Intelligence in solving real-world problems. Her ultimate vision is to utilise her expertise in Computational and Artificial Intelligence for enhancing human life.

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