Dr Raul Landeo

School of Behavioural and Exercise Science

Raul Landeo

Areas of expertise: biomechanics

Phone: 02 9701 4295

Email: raul.landeo@acu.edu.au

Location: ACU Strathfield Campus

BEdPhysical Education

PGDipScience- Major in Biomechancis, The University of Queensland

PhD, The University of New South Wales

Dr Landeo's special interest areas are in biomechanics and performance analysis, particularly in relation to combat sports. He has a wealth of international experience in elite sport, spending five years as the Technical Director of the Taekwondo Peruvian Federation. Dr Landeo currently consults in the Emerging Athlete Program in Taekwondo at the Australian Institute of Sport and has worked closely with preparing the Australian team at both the 2012 and 2016 Olympic Games.

Dr Landeo regularly presents at the Symposia for Taekwondo studies with the World Taekwondo Federation and has an interest in all areas of elite performance.

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Select publications

  • Bradshow, E. Rice, V.J., Landeo R. (2018). Impact Monitoring Using Inertial Measurements Units on Different Viscoelastic Sports Surfaces: A Technical Report. Proceedings of the 36th Conference of International Society of Biomechanics in Sports. Auckland, New Zealand, September 10-14, 2018.
  • Taylor, P.G., Kwee-Yum Lee, Landeo, R., O'Meara, D.M., Millet, E.L., Moresi, M.P. and Greene, D.A. (2018). Investigating the Relationship Between Movement Variability, Skill Acquisition and Adaptability. Proceedings of the 36th Conference of International Society of Biomechanics in Sports. Auckland, New Zealand, September 10-14, 2018.
  • Landeo, R. (2017). Non-Contact Injuries in Taekwondo. Journal of International Association for Taekwondo Research 4(1), 11
  • Taylor, P.G., Kwee-Yum Lee, Landeo, R., O'Meara, D. M. and Millett, E. (2015). Determining optimal trial size using sequential analysis. Journal of Sports Sciences,33(9), 300-308.
  • Taylor, P.G., Kwee-Yum Lee, Landeo, R., O'Meara, D. M. and Millett, E. (2015). A Surrogate Technique for Investigating Deterministic Dynamics in Discrete Human Movement. Motor Control,20(4), 459-470.
  • Taylor, P.G., Landeo, R. and Coogan, J. (2014). Intraindividual Movement Variability Within the 5m Water Polo Shot. Journal of Applied Biomechanics 30(3), 477-482.
  • Falco, C. Landeo, R., Menescardi, C., Bermejo, J.L. and Estevan, I. (2012). Match Analysis in a University Taekwondo Championship. Advances in Physical Education 2(1), 28-31.
  • Landeo, R. (2011). Foot Placing in Taekwondo Kicking. Proceedings of the III International Symposium for Taekwondo Studies. Gyeongju, Korea. April 29-30, 2011.
  • Landeo, R. (2011). The Role of Pivot Leg Stiffness in Taekwondo Kicking (In press). Proceedings of the III International Symposium for Taekwondo Studies. Gyeongju, Korea. April 29-30, 2011.
  • Landeo, R. and Kwee Yum Lee (2011). Reaction Time in Taekwondo Athletes (In press). Proceedings of the III International Symposium for Taekwondo Studies. Gyeongju, Korea. April 29-30, 2011.
  • Landeo, R. and McIntosh A.S. (2011). The influence of Athletes Body Segment Parameters to Kicking Performance in Taekwondo (Under review). The International Journal of Sports Biomechanics.
  • R. Landeo and A.S. McIntosh (2008). Kinetic And Kinematic Differences Between Target And Free Kicking In Taekwondo (In press). Proceedings of the XXVI Biomechanics Symposia of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports. Seoul, Korea. July 14-18.
  • Landeo Raul (2008). Timing in a Taekwondo Fast Front Kick and a Dance Layout. Proceedings of the 3rd Australasian Association for Exercise and Sports Science Conference and the 5th Sports Dietitians Australia Update: From Research to Practice (Burnett, A. Eds). AAESS 2008 (pp 180). Melbourne, Victoria. March 27-30.
  • Landeo Raul, Sparks Matthew, Langley Michael and Rigney Michael (2008). Muscle activation evaluated by EMG signals: Target vs. free kicking. Proceedings of the 3rd Australasian Association for Exercise and Sports Science Conference and the 5th Sports Dietitians Australia Update: From Research to Practice (Burnett, A. Eds). AAESS 2008 (pp 100). Melbourne, Victoria. March 27-30.
  • Landeo Raul, Taylor Paul, Coogan Jennifer, Greenwood Trevor, Fox Ben (2008). Short versus Long stretch and shortening cycle characteristics of trained dancers. Proceedings of the 3rd Australasian Association for Exercise and Sports Science Conference and the 5th Sports Dietitians Australia Update: From Research to Practice (Burnett, A. Eds). AAESS 2008 (pp 181). Melbourne, Victoria. March 27-30.
  • Millar Kylie, Simpson Meagan, McLarn and Landeo Raul (2008). The effects of alternative treatments on muscle activation and ROM. Proceedings of the 3rd Australasian Association for Exercise and Sports Science Conference and the 5th Sports Dietitians Australia Update: From Research to Practice (Burnett, A. Eds). AAESS 2008 (pp 203). Melbourne, Victoria. March 27-30.
  • R. Landeo and A.S. (2007). Fast front kick: Gaining insights beyond the data. A.S. McIntosh (Eds.) Proceedings of the XXVth Biomechanics Symposia of the International Society of Biomechanics of Sports (Chagas Eds.). Ouro Pretto, Brazil. August, 23-27.
  • R. Landeo (2004). Movement signature: The coordination of thigh and leg movement during a fast kicking action. A.S. McIntosh (Eds.) Proceedings of the 2004 Australasian Biomechanics Conference ABC5 Congress (pp. 94-95). Sydney, New South Wales. December 9-10.
  • R. Landeo (2002). The Role of the Rectus Femoris Bi-Articular Muscle in Modulating Explosive Forms of Knee Extension: A Pilot Study. T.M. Bach, D. Orr, R. Baker, W.A. Sparrow (Eds.) Proceedings of the 2002 Australasian Biomechanics Conference ABC4 Congress (pp. 130-131). Melbourne, Victoria. November 28-30.
  • R. Landeo, A.S. McIntosh, J. Orchard, D. Rath, T. Savage (2002). The Kinetics and Kinematics of AFL Kicking. T.M. Bach, D. Orr, R. Baker, W.A. Sparrow (Eds.) Proceedings of the 2002 Australasian Biomechanics Conference ABC4 Congress (pp. 132-133). Melbourne, Victoria. November 28-30.
  • Neal, R.J., Burko, D., Sprigings, E., & Landeo, R. (1999). Segment interactions during the golf swing: 3 segments in 3-D. W. Herzog & A. Jinha, (Eds.). Proceedings of the 1999 ISB Congress (p. 690). Calgary, Alberta. August 8-13.
  • R. Neal, and R. Landeo (1998). Expert-Novice differences in fast kicking. Sports Medicine Australia Conference. Sunshine Coast.
  • R. Neal, and R. Landeo (1998). Segmental Interaction in Taekwondo's Bandal Chagi. North American Congress of Biomechanics (NACOB). Waterloo. Canada.

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