Professor Suzanne Kuys
Professor of Physiotherapy
School of Allied Health, Faculty of Health Sciences
Areas of expertise: stroke; ageing; rehabilitation; physical activity; intergenerational activities; outcome measures
Phone: +61 7 38616049
Location: ACU Brisbane Campus
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6263-4223
Suzanne is a Professor of Physiotherapy within the School of Allied Health. Suzanne is an APA Neurological Physiotherapist and an experienced clinician and researcher having received several awards for her outstanding research and clinical achievements. Her research interests include rehabilitation following stroke, gait and balance rehabilitation, healthy ageing, outcome measures and cardiorespiratory fitness and physical activity in chronic disease populations. Suzanne has extensive experience of implementation and translational research, engaging with consumers to optimise participation. Suzanne is also an Associate Editor for Brain Impairment.
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Select publications
- Waller C.P., Sangelaji B., Hargest C., Woodley S.J., Lamb P., Kuys S., Calder A., Hale L.A. (2022). Biomechanics of the paretic knee during overground gait in people with stroke: a systematic review. Physical Therapy Reviews. Accepted 9 June 2022. DOI: 10.1080/10833196.2022.2090088
- McAlinden BM, Hough JL, Kuys S. (2022) Measuring the effects of airway clearance in mechanically ventilated infants and children: A systematic review. Physiotherapy, 117:47-62 DOI: 10.1016/
- Caruana EL, Kuys SS, Clark J, Brauer SG. (2022) Additional Saturday occupational therapy for adults receiving inpatient physiotherapy rehabilitation: a prospective cohort study. BMC Health Services Research 22(1);617 DOI: 10.1186/s12913-022-07727-7
- Trotter M., Sanders P., Lindquist M., Miller E., Hajirasouli A., Blake A., Harrington R., Olsen H., Tyvimaa T., Pepping G.-J., Kuys S., Drogemuller R. (2022). Intergenerational living and learning: The value and risks of co-locating retirement villages on secondary school campuses - Evaluating the GrandSchools vision. Australasian Journal on ageing 41(3):e305-e309. Doi: 10.1111/ajag.13111
- Bicknell E.D., Said C.M., Haines K.J., Kuys S. (2022). "I Give It Everything for an Hour Then I Sleep for Four." The Experience of Post-stroke Fatigue During Outpatient Rehabilitation Including the Perspectives of Carers: A Qualitative Study. Frontiers in Neurology. DOI: 13:900198
- Hall, N., Constantinou, M., Brown, M., Beck, B., & Kuys, S. (2022). Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Injuries in New Zealand Army Recruits as Defined by Physical Therapy Service Presentations. Military Medicine. 187(1-2):174-181.
- Paim T., Low-Choy N., Dorsch S., Kuys S. (2022). An audit of physiotherapists' documentation on physical activity assessment, promotion and prescription to older adults attending out-patient rehabilitation. Disability and Rehabilitation, 44(8):1537-1543. DOI:10.1080/09638288.2020.1805644
- Flynn N, Froude E, Cooke D, Dennis J, Kuys S. (2022). Repetitions, duration and intensity of upper limb practice following the implementation of robot assisted therapy with sub-acute stroke survivors: an observational study. Disability and Rehabilitation Assistive Technology, 17(6):675-680. DOI:10.1080/17483107.2020.1807621
- Hall K, Maxwell L, Cobb R, Chambers R, Roll M, Bell SC, Kuys S. (2022) Benchmarking service provision, scope of practice, and skill mix for physiotherapists in adult cystic fibrosis care delivery. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. 38(4):572-578. DOI: 10.1080/09593985.2020.1777606
- Stoikov S, Maxwell L, Butler J, Shardlow K, Gooding M, Kuys S. (2022) The transition from physiotherapy student to new graduate: are they prepared? Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 38(1):101-111. Epub: 28 March 2020. DOI: 10.1080/09593985.2020.1744206
- Brauer SG, Kuys SS, Paratz JD, Ada L. (2021). High-intensity treadmill training and self-management for stroke patients undergoing rehabilitation: a feasibility study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 7:215 Doi: 10.1186/240814-021-00941-w
- Hendrickx W, Riveros C, Askim T, Bussman JBJ, Callisaya ML, Chastin SFM, Dean C, Ezeugwa V, Jones TM, Kuys SS, Mahendran N, Manns PJ, Mead G, Moore SA., Paul L, Pisters MF, Saunders DH, Simpson DB, Tieges Z, Verschuren O, English E. (2021). An exploration of sedentary behavior patterns in community dwelling people with stroke. A cluster-based analysis. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, 45:221-27. DOI: 10.1097/NPT.0000000000000357
- Flynn N, Froude E, Cooke D, Dennis J, Kuys S. (2021) The sustainability of upper limb robotic therapy for stroke survivors in an inpatient rehabilitation setting, Disability and Rehabilitation, DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2021.1998664
- Mackay CP, Brauer SG, Kuys SS, Schaumberg MA, Leow, L. (2021). The Acute Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Sensorimotor Adaptation in Chronic Stroke. 39:367 - 377. DOI: 10.3233/RNN-211175
- Stoikov S, Gooding M, Shardlow K, Maxwell L, Butler J, Kuys S. (2021). A collaborative clinical placement model for physiotherapy students results in equivalent (or greater) direct patient care activity than that delivered by physiotherapists alone: an observational study. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice Published online 1 November 2021. DOI: 10.1080/09593985.2021.1999357
- Hall, K., Maxwell, L., Cobb, R., Steele, M., Chambers, R., Roll, M., Bell, S.C., Kuys, S. (2021). Physiotherapy service provision in a specialist adult cystic fibrosis service: A pre-post design study with the inclusion of an allied health assistant. Chronic Respiratory Disease, 18:14799731211017895. First Published June 18, 2021
- Stoikov S, Gooding M, Shardlow K, Maxwell L, Butler J, Kuys S. (2021). Changes in direct patient care from physiotherapy student to new graduate. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 37(2): 323-330. DOI: 10.1080/09593985.2019.1628138
- McAlinden B, Kuys S, Schibler A, Jough JL. (2020). Chest physiotherapy improves regional lung volume in ventilated children. Critical Care 24(1): 440. DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-03156-2
- Mahendran N, Kuys SS, Brauer SG. (2020) Which impairments, activity limitations and personal factors at hospital discharge predict walking activity across the first six months post stroke? Disability and Rehabilitation 42(6):763-769. DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2018.1508513
- Stewart C, Power E, McCluskey A, Kuys S, Lovarini M. (2020). Evaluation of a staff behaviour change intervention to increase the use of ward-based practice books and active practice during inpatient stroke rehabilitation: a phase-1 pre-post observational study. Clinical Rehabilitation 34(5): 607-616. DOI: 10.1177/0269215520911420
- Grimley RS, Rosenbergen ICM, Gustaffson L, Horton E, Green T, Cadigan G, Kuys S, Andrew NE, Cadilhac DA. (2020). Dose and setting of rehabilitation received after stroke in Queensland, Australia: a prospective cohort study. Clinical Rehabilitation 34(6): 812-823. DOI: 10.1177/0269215520916899
- Thompson-Butel, Ashcroft A, Johnson L, Shinier C, Kuys S. Post-stroke exercise prescription for priming and prevention. 2021-2023. FHS Research Grant 2021. $8834.34
- Batten H. Teevan S, Salih S, Kuys S. Lower limb prosthetic utilisation following inpatient rehabilitation. Metro South Health Research Support Scheme. 2021-2022 $24,991
- Drogemuller R, Kuys S, Pepping GJ, Sanders P, Harrington R, Tyvimaa T, Lindquist M, Trotter M. An Inter-generational Learning and Living Campus: A New Model for Healthy Senior Living and Integrated School Communities across Urban and Regional Australia. NHMRC Ideas Grant 2020-2024. $1156153
- Bicknell E, Haines K, Said C, Kuys S. PoST Fatigue: What is the experience of fatigue post stroke in a culturally diverse population? Western Health Research Grant. 2019-2020 $22,000
Appointments and Affiliations
- Campus Dean, Brisbane, Australian Catholic University. 2022 -
- Professor of Physiotherapy, School of Allied Health, Australian Catholic University. 2015-
- Credentialed Physiotherapist, The Prince Charles Hospital. Brisbane. 2015-
- National Head, School of Allied Health, Australian Catholic University. 2019-2022
- National Head, School of Physiotherapy, Australian Catholic University. 2015-2018
Editorial roles
- Brain Impairment, Associate Editor, 2021 to current
- Brain Impairment Editorial Board, 2017 to 2020
- Brain Impairment Journal Special Issue; Physical Activity in Neurological Populations 2016
Grant agency review panels
- Physiotherapy Research Foundation Grant Review Committee 2020 to current
- NHMRC Project Grant Independent Assessor